I won the lottery, but now the shiney new ring I got can only be worn on my left hand, because that hand touched it first. You are going off on an irrelevent tangent about buying something. This isn't a matter of alternate identities or that TRIBBLE. This is a matter of weather or not I get to wear a ring I ust bought.
Except it isn't a lottery ticket and it isn't a ring. It is in game plutonium.
And you didn't buy EDC's. You recovered them in an in-game military operation.
Except it isn't a lottery ticket and it isn't a ring. It is in game plutonium.
And you didn't buy EDC's. You recovered them in an in-game military operation.
And I said 'BRought' not 'Bought.'
Emphasis on YOU recovered. Keep in mind, no matter the identity of the CHARACTER, it's the account holder earning it. It's EXACTLY like winning the lottery, buying a ring, and not being able to wear it on any finger except the one that touched it first. That makes NO sense.
Emphasis on YOU recovered. Keep in mind, no matter the identity of the CHARACTER, it's the account holder earning it. It's EXACTLY like winning the lottery, buying a ring, and not being able to wear it on any finger except the one that touched it first. That makes NO sense.
In game, it is the character who earned it.
And part of 'earning' it even out of character is earning it with the character who is going to use it. It is a standard concept in most MMO's.
You want to 'earn' it with your main because that way it will take you less effort. If it takes you less effort, are you really earning it?
And part of 'earning' it even out of character is earning it with the character who is going to use it. It is a standard concept in most MMO's.
You want to 'earn' it with your main because that way it will take you less effort. If it takes you less effort, are you really earning it?
i still had to blow those cubes. like it or not buddy, I earned it, NOT dood98998. and i want agent lynch to be able to use them. also, plutonium is much more dangerous than an engine. im not giving the enemy something they dont have, im giveing myself the ability to use something i earned.
When in doubt, (hehe) c4!
This sig dedicated to the many random objects the Mythbusters crew has blow to smitherines
i still had to blow those cubes. like it or not buddy, I earned it, NOT dood98998. and i want agent lynch to be able to use them. also, plutonium is much more dangerous than an engine. im not giving the enemy something they dont have, im giveing myself the ability to use something i earned.
For Cryptic, I don't think the issue is about "earning":
Loot Tables, Drop Rates, Currencies, Etc - created by MMO's to reward people for playing. So whether you call it "earned" or not, this is the system in place for obtaining the loot.
It's about "Re-Earning":
Bind on Equip, Bind on Pickup - created by MMO's to make sure these rewards can only be used on ONE character. Why? So you will play longer trying to obtain that reward again on alternate characters.
This is why Cryptic is virtually silent on Bind on Account. They don't want to potentially sacrifice how long we are playing to re-obtain Bound Items.
i still had to blow those cubes. like it or not buddy, I earned it, NOT dood98998. and i want agent lynch to be able to use them. also, plutonium is much more dangerous than an engine. im not giving the enemy something they dont have, im giveing myself the ability to use something i earned.
Sigh..... You had to blow those cubes but you had to do so with a character. You didn't get to wave your hand in RL and have them magically vanish. If it was you earning them unaided, you wouldn't be having an issue, since you would have equal ability to do so on each an every alt.
It isn't 'just an engine' or you wouldn't care about having it.
And the characters in game are dealing with your character in game, not with *you*, even though you are playing the character who obtained the EDC's. They are giving your character something your character earned. They don't even know *you* exist.
Sigh..... You had to blow those cubes but you had to do so with a character. You didn't get to wave your hand in RL and have them magically vanish. If it was you earning them unaided, you wouldn't be having an issue, since you would have equal ability to do so on each an every alt.
It isn't 'just an engine' or you wouldn't care about having it.
And the characters in game are dealing with your character in game, not with *you*, even though you are playing the character who obtained the EDC's. They are giving your character something your character earned. They don't even know *you* exist.
your point? this is a case of right hand/left hand.
When in doubt, (hehe) c4!
This sig dedicated to the many random objects the Mythbusters crew has blow to smitherines
Irregardless of earning or circumventing game play, it's going to come down to the $$$ for Cryptic.
When we play longer to (re)obtain Bound Items we are making money for them. At the most, you are around longer to grab the latest sale and open the next lockbox. At the least, you are contributing to a happier game environment by chatting and grouping with others. Happier players buy more than unhappy ones.
So if Cryptic was to allow BoA for sought after items, how much less would we all play? How does that translate into lost money? And would selling something like a Token to move any Bound Item to our Account Bank compensate for that lost money? Would that token be even more profitable?
Irregardless of earning or circumventing game play, it's going to come down to the $$$ for Cryptic.
When we play longer to (re)obtain Bound Items we are making money for them. At the most, you are around longer to grab the latest sale and open the next lockbox. At the least, you are contributing to a happier game environment by chatting and grouping with others. Happier players buy more than unhappy ones.
So if Cryptic was to allow BoA for sought after items, how much less would we all play? How does that translate into lost money? And would selling something like a Token to move any Bound Item to our Account Bank compensate for that lost money? Would that token be even more profitable?
This is what it comes down to.
Except that the game is Free-to-Play now. Nowadays, it's either Silver or Lifer from what I've seen. If this was, say, WoW (with no F2P and no Lifetime sub), you'd be right, because we'd be paying subs. But this isn't the case. The fact of the matter is, it's the popular idea among thr players, it makes MORE sense, and it's a quality of life improvement that I personally think might actually bring SOME life back into this game.
Except that the game is Free-to-Play now. Nowadays, it's either Silver or Lifer from what I've seen. If this was, say, WoW (with no F2P and no Lifetime sub), you'd be right, because we'd be paying subs. But this isn't the case. The fact of the matter is, it's the popular idea among thr players, it makes MORE sense, and it's a quality of life improvement that I personally think might actually bring SOME life back into this game.
Above I'm talking about Micro-Transactions not Subs. MT's is how F2P makes it's cash. When you play longer you are around to see the next sale and grab the next item. If you play free you still are contributing to what I call a happier game environment. Your social interaction with others increase happiness and that happiness always translates into more sales for MMO's - maybe not from you but from someone else. This is irregardless of subscriptions.
Above I'm talking about Micro-Transactions not Subs. MT's is how F2P makes it's cash. When you play longer you are around to see the next sale and grab the next item. If you play free you still are contributing to what I call a happier game environment. Your social interaction with others increase happiness and that happiness always translates into more sales for MMO's - maybe not from you but from someone else. This is irregardless of subscriptions.
I will buy the account bank the minute stf stuff becomes account bound. I am sure they would have impressive sales as such when they make it useful.
When in doubt, (hehe) c4!
This sig dedicated to the many random objects the Mythbusters crew has blow to smitherines
I will buy the account bank the minute stf stuff becomes account bound. I am sure they would have impressive sales as such when they make it useful.
Yep, it will come down to how they can monetize Account Bound Items. If they see revenue in letting us move STF Gear to our Account Bank vs. Switching to other characters and re-playing STFs for the Gear.
If there is profit in it I believe they will allow it eventually.
Yep, it will come down to how they can monetize Account Bound Items. If they see revenue in letting us move STF Gear to our Account Bank vs. Switching to other characters and re-playing STFs for the Gear.
If there is profit in it I believe they will allow it eventually.
My point exactly. The only problem is that the guys at cryptic are either extreamly lazy, or extreanly stupid. They, for whatever reason, will not do something even if plauers want it and its a good thing and it would make them money unless people scream in ttheir ears about it.
When in doubt, (hehe) c4!
This sig dedicated to the many random objects the Mythbusters crew has blow to smitherines
I would like to see a retroactive patch to make all items pre-patch that qualify now for being account bound would get patched and become account bound and/or bind to account, depending on current bound status.
So, granted that the items in question now qualify for being account bound: If the pre-patch items are currently "Bound to Character," I would like to see them become "Bound to Account." If the pre-patch items are still unbound and "Binds to Character," I would like to see them "Binds to Account."
Thank you for your time.
This has my vote and would make me very happy indeed.
Agreed. Cryptic isnt making more money by making people have to play longer. They are losing people.
FINALY after 6 months i got my first XII set... (has 7 more characters)OMFG /rage IM DONE WITH THIS S*** /ragequit STO
opposed to. Yay i got my XII set! Now all i need is 4 more techs (because i gotlike 7 techs from IGE but only 1 from KAGE)
AND the more people play the less money cryptic makes, if im grinding 10 STFs on 4 characters every day. Im making 8k x 4 dil every day. Which i convert to Zen, Free stuff for added grind! Opposed to do ALL my grinding on 1 character, dilithium cap BOOM now im making 40k Unrefined dil and only 8k refined even tho im grinding for 4 characters. See the logic?
The LESS we grind the more they make because we will make less Dilith -> Zen and have to Money -> Zen
Cryptic This is an actual Projection that alot of players will end up doing. Players dont wanna have to use a character they dont like to get gear. I hate using my sci on ground. I would rather use my main tact for all my scis grinding. I cant do that ATM so now im making 2x more dilithium because im using BOTH characters to grind so im getting 2 dilithium refinement caps opposed to 1. Id use my space tact to grind the gear for my space Eng/Sci and Ground chars thru space STFs (because Tact does pve fastest) only 8k Dil opposed to 8k dil on 3 chars.
Overexplaining beyond this point:
SOOO you make more money! YES MORE MONEY! By allowing us to share all our stuff BOOM by removing possibly 3 hours of play/day you make conciderably more money because less dilithium is entering the system. In turn balancing the dilithium system. Less dilith: slower fleet projects compleation. More time spent on projects, less cheaper alternitives to spend ingame stuff on zen equvilients.
Another vote for this idea. Right now I have six characters on my account. One does STFs and has loads of STF loot that I was sure I was going to be able to account share. The other characters are never going to do STF's, even if account sharing is never turned on for borg stuff. So either those accounts get the freebie STF gear, and I spend real money to buy C-store stuff for them. Or all that gear gets converted to dilithium, dilithium gets exchanged and I buy c-store stuff for free. Really makes no difference to me.
Another vote for this idea. Right now I have six characters on my account. One does STFs and has loads of STF loot that I was sure I was going to be able to account share. The other characters are never going to do STF's, even if account sharing is never turned on for borg stuff. So either those accounts get the freebie STF gear, and I spend real money to buy C-store stuff for them. Or all that gear gets converted to dilithium, dilithium gets exchanged and I buy c-store stuff for free. Really makes no difference to me.
That's actually one of the main reasons I want Account binding. My KDF Tac, for one reason or another, isn't all that good at STFs. But, he still needs the Retro Deflector for my build in him. On the OTHER hand, my Fed Eng rocks the STFs day and night (I have a tank build that survived a Normal Infected Space Tac cube for 5 minutes solo) and has over 20 EDCs that he's not doing much with. I'd love to slip my Tac a few EDCs for the Deflector. I also wouldn't mind redoing my Fed Sci's equipment (He uses AP because I bought AP way back when, thinking it was the BEST energy type, since that char was my first. Now, I know what I want, and it's not AP), and my Fed Tac... AND get gear for my KDF Sci (and my KDF Engineer that's still waiting in the wings).
I agree with some account binds to a point... letting everything be account bound is not good... that just allows players to max one toon and use it to twink the others to max which means they don't have to play as much on said second toon... keep in mind these games are carrot on stick ordeals they aim to force you to play as long as they can which include artificially inflating things like not letting you transfer endgame items so you are forced to run even more STFs...
I'm new, but I have an opinion, though it's a disagreement(sorry!). I think the system in place is a perfect for business. Sorry left hand, you're gonna have to roll the dice again, because the right hand got that ring first. Annoying? Perhaps it is. Money maker? You bet. I for one am all for making STO more money to keep it alive.
You know if they wont allow us to do that, then why not allow us to break it down into other items or elements in order to create or craft other items?
Commander Shran - You tell Archer, that is three the pink skin owes me!
Sorry, borg tech and such should remain character bound. The whole point of gear progression in an MMO is that each toon does the grind. Most mmo's that I play requires this, and STO is no different. Account bound items should only be crafting items, gold (EC,) or non stat costume pieces.
Sorry, borg tech and such should remain character bound. The whole point of gear progression in an MMO is that each toon does the grind. Most mmo's that I play requires this, and STO is no different. Account bound items should only be crafting items, gold (EC,) or non stat costume pieces.
I understand that and share that same position, however something should be created as all it does it build up into nothing or not being used.
Commander Shran - You tell Archer, that is three the pink skin owes me!
How about then, as they want to make money and we want to use gear on anyone we want...
Your items bind on pick up (as they do now for end game gear) BUT you can pay, say 50 zen per item to rebind it to bind on equip. You pop it in your account bank, and over to whom you wish to use it with....
Say, a week later you think that actually that bit of gear is not right for that character, so you pay another 50 zen to change it back to bind on equip and send it to whom you think it is better on.
So basicly, every time you wish to move a set from one character to another, your looking at 150 zen (50 per item) each move.
(numbers are random, for example purposes - this does not reflect any final system and this idea is open to being tweaked / ajusted or out right ignored by Cryptic)
I hope you get the idea
EDIT: This post has been closed due to being a "necro" thread. Remember, if a thread has not been posted to in over 30 days, please start a new thread to discuss a topic Thanks! ~BranFlakes
Except it isn't a lottery ticket and it isn't a ring. It is in game plutonium.
And you didn't buy EDC's. You recovered them in an in-game military operation.
And I said 'BRought' not 'Bought.'
Emphasis on YOU recovered. Keep in mind, no matter the identity of the CHARACTER, it's the account holder earning it. It's EXACTLY like winning the lottery, buying a ring, and not being able to wear it on any finger except the one that touched it first. That makes NO sense.
In game, it is the character who earned it.
And part of 'earning' it even out of character is earning it with the character who is going to use it. It is a standard concept in most MMO's.
You want to 'earn' it with your main because that way it will take you less effort. If it takes you less effort, are you really earning it?
i still had to blow those cubes. like it or not buddy, I earned it, NOT dood98998. and i want agent lynch to be able to use them. also, plutonium is much more dangerous than an engine. im not giving the enemy something they dont have, im giveing myself the ability to use something i earned.
This sig dedicated to the many random objects the Mythbusters crew has blow to smitherines
For Cryptic, I don't think the issue is about "earning":
Loot Tables, Drop Rates, Currencies, Etc - created by MMO's to reward people for playing. So whether you call it "earned" or not, this is the system in place for obtaining the loot.
It's about "Re-Earning":
Bind on Equip, Bind on Pickup - created by MMO's to make sure these rewards can only be used on ONE character. Why? So you will play longer trying to obtain that reward again on alternate characters.
This is why Cryptic is virtually silent on Bind on Account. They don't want to potentially sacrifice how long we are playing to re-obtain Bound Items.
Sigh..... You had to blow those cubes but you had to do so with a character. You didn't get to wave your hand in RL and have them magically vanish. If it was you earning them unaided, you wouldn't be having an issue, since you would have equal ability to do so on each an every alt.
It isn't 'just an engine' or you wouldn't care about having it.
And the characters in game are dealing with your character in game, not with *you*, even though you are playing the character who obtained the EDC's. They are giving your character something your character earned. They don't even know *you* exist.
your point? this is a case of right hand/left hand.
This sig dedicated to the many random objects the Mythbusters crew has blow to smitherines
When we play longer to (re)obtain Bound Items we are making money for them. At the most, you are around longer to grab the latest sale and open the next lockbox. At the least, you are contributing to a happier game environment by chatting and grouping with others. Happier players buy more than unhappy ones.
So if Cryptic was to allow BoA for sought after items, how much less would we all play? How does that translate into lost money? And would selling something like a Token to move any Bound Item to our Account Bank compensate for that lost money? Would that token be even more profitable?
This is what it comes down to.
Except that the game is Free-to-Play now. Nowadays, it's either Silver or Lifer from what I've seen. If this was, say, WoW (with no F2P and no Lifetime sub), you'd be right, because we'd be paying subs. But this isn't the case. The fact of the matter is, it's the popular idea among thr players, it makes MORE sense, and it's a quality of life improvement that I personally think might actually bring SOME life back into this game.
Above I'm talking about Micro-Transactions not Subs. MT's is how F2P makes it's cash. When you play longer you are around to see the next sale and grab the next item. If you play free you still are contributing to what I call a happier game environment. Your social interaction with others increase happiness and that happiness always translates into more sales for MMO's - maybe not from you but from someone else. This is irregardless of subscriptions.
I will buy the account bank the minute stf stuff becomes account bound. I am sure they would have impressive sales as such when they make it useful.
This sig dedicated to the many random objects the Mythbusters crew has blow to smitherines
Yep, it will come down to how they can monetize Account Bound Items. If they see revenue in letting us move STF Gear to our Account Bank vs. Switching to other characters and re-playing STFs for the Gear.
If there is profit in it I believe they will allow it eventually.
My point exactly. The only problem is that the guys at cryptic are either extreamly lazy, or extreanly stupid. They, for whatever reason, will not do something even if plauers want it and its a good thing and it would make them money unless people scream in ttheir ears about it.
This sig dedicated to the many random objects the Mythbusters crew has blow to smitherines
/ agreed they need to listen to us.....asap
Tweeted the link to Brandon a couple days ago, he said he'd pass it along.
This has my vote and would make me very happy indeed.
FINALY after 6 months i got my first XII set... (has 7 more characters)OMFG /rage IM DONE WITH THIS S*** /ragequit STO
opposed to. Yay i got my XII set! Now all i need is 4 more techs (because i gotlike 7 techs from IGE but only 1 from KAGE)
AND the more people play the less money cryptic makes, if im grinding 10 STFs on 4 characters every day. Im making 8k x 4 dil every day. Which i convert to Zen, Free stuff for added grind! Opposed to do ALL my grinding on 1 character, dilithium cap BOOM now im making 40k Unrefined dil and only 8k refined even tho im grinding for 4 characters. See the logic?
The LESS we grind the more they make because we will make less Dilith -> Zen and have to Money -> Zen
Cryptic This is an actual Projection that alot of players will end up doing. Players dont wanna have to use a character they dont like to get gear. I hate using my sci on ground. I would rather use my main tact for all my scis grinding. I cant do that ATM so now im making 2x more dilithium because im using BOTH characters to grind so im getting 2 dilithium refinement caps opposed to 1. Id use my space tact to grind the gear for my space Eng/Sci and Ground chars thru space STFs (because Tact does pve fastest) only 8k Dil opposed to 8k dil on 3 chars.
Overexplaining beyond this point:
SOOO you make more money! YES MORE MONEY! By allowing us to share all our stuff BOOM by removing possibly 3 hours of play/day you make conciderably more money because less dilithium is entering the system. In turn balancing the dilithium system. Less dilith: slower fleet projects compleation. More time spent on projects, less cheaper alternitives to spend ingame stuff on zen equvilients.
You know this makes sense
That's actually one of the main reasons I want Account binding. My KDF Tac, for one reason or another, isn't all that good at STFs. But, he still needs the Retro Deflector for my build in him. On the OTHER hand, my Fed Eng rocks the STFs day and night (I have a tank build that survived a Normal Infected Space Tac cube for 5 minutes solo) and has over 20 EDCs that he's not doing much with. I'd love to slip my Tac a few EDCs for the Deflector. I also wouldn't mind redoing my Fed Sci's equipment (He uses AP because I bought AP way back when, thinking it was the BEST energy type, since that char was my first. Now, I know what I want, and it's not AP), and my Fed Tac... AND get gear for my KDF Sci (and my KDF Engineer that's still waiting in the wings).
Centurion maximus92
12th Legion, Romulan Republic
12th Fleet
=\/= ================================ =\/=
I understand that and share that same position, however something should be created as all it does it build up into nothing or not being used.
Your items bind on pick up (as they do now for end game gear) BUT you can pay, say 50 zen per item to rebind it to bind on equip. You pop it in your account bank, and over to whom you wish to use it with....
Say, a week later you think that actually that bit of gear is not right for that character, so you pay another 50 zen to change it back to bind on equip and send it to whom you think it is better on.
So basicly, every time you wish to move a set from one character to another, your looking at 150 zen (50 per item) each move.
(numbers are random, for example purposes - this does not reflect any final system and this idea is open to being tweaked / ajusted or out right ignored by Cryptic)
I hope you get the idea
EDIT: This post has been closed due to being a "necro" thread. Remember, if a thread has not been posted to in over 30 days, please start a new thread to discuss a topic