I don't know exactly what happened, but I noticed I picked up a couple ship injuries from what I suspect was from fighting the borg in sector space.
I was playing my lvl 38 engineer and noticed that after getting killed, I suddenly had a minor EPS relay injury. I never play on elite difficulty and didn't group with anyone during the invasions.
What is even wierder, is one of my bridge officers sustained a minor muscle tear injury, and I didn't even play through any ground missions that involved combat.
"My frozen dairy-based confectionery attracts all the males of the species to the facilities. They all agree on it's superiority. Indeed, it is superior to yours. I could teach you the finer details but that would require monetary recompense on your part." -The Milkshake Song: Vulcan Edition
I think the injury system is messed up right now. I've seen other threads where people on 'normal' have been getting injuries. As well, I have noticed on STFs that I have seemingly been bypassing mild injuries now and going right to major injuries.
NBD since I always repair and have plenty of components, but just unexpected.
500 years in the future and we still look like schmucks when getting our ID photos taken...
its happened to me a lot since season 6.. under normal difficulty, there are times you get injured when you die.. just keep a few minor and major components in the bank and you should be fine.
I think the injury system is messed up right now. I've seen other threads where people on 'normal' have been getting injuries. As well, I have noticed on STFs that I have seemingly been bypassing mild injuries now and going right to major injuries.
NBD since I always repair and have plenty of components, but just unexpected.
I was wondering about that myself. Picked up a few injuries recently just doing the Delta Volanis Cluster away team missions... fighting Orion pirates on an abandoned station... on Normal! First time I've ever seen injuries...
*STO*Its mission: To destroy strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations... and then kill them, to boldly annihilate what no one has annihilated before!
No, Borg DSEs (or any other public queue event that isn't specifically marked "Elite") will not give you any injuries.
NBD since I always repair and have plenty of components, but just unexpected.
500 years in the future and we still look like schmucks when getting our ID photos taken...
"There is no problem in the universe that can't be solved with a bribe, a paid assassin, or an overpowered fighter." - Chubain from Jumpgate Evolution
I was wondering about that myself. Picked up a few injuries recently just doing the Delta Volanis Cluster away team missions... fighting Orion pirates on an abandoned station... on Normal! First time I've ever seen injuries...