Red Squad Rangers (RSR), formerly The Galactic Guard, is a Federation fleet founded in July 2012. We are a small fleet currently, with a handful of members, but wanting to grow our numbers.
RSR is a fleet for more laid back, casual, easy going players who are looking for a relaxed environment to enjoy the game. Our goal is to build a fleet with a diverse membership. Male, female, straight, LGBT, all are welcome. We have an international membership base, with presently most of our members in North America. We are online at various times throughout the day, with the most members on during evenings and weekends, relative to the member's time zone.
We are seeking honest players who are enthusiastic about playing STO and want to contribute to the community that a fleet can offer.
Please see our website for more information and to apply for membership if you are interested. Questions can be directed to any of our online membership, or emailed to me in game
Thank you, and see you around the galaxy.
Just wanted to take a moment and let anyone interested know that our recruitment is currently open.
Have a great day.
Kind regards,
We have a fancy new lounge area in our starbase for your enjoyment
Thank you for your consideration.
Thank you,
Please see the first post on page 1 for recruitment and fleet information.
Thank you for your consideration.
We are recruiting. Casual fleet, currently unlocking Tier 2 on the Starbase. If you are looking for an easy going, helpful, and friendly fleet, we'd be happy to have you.
See the main post on page one of this thread for more information.
Kind Regards,
Members will be online throughout the weekend to field any questions you might have.
Thank you,
The new name sets us apart, but doesn't change who we are. We remain a casual fleet and hope you will join us.
Thank you,
Would it be possible to rename this thread to "Red Squad Rangers"? I edited the first post and was able to rename it there, but the old name still appears on the Starbase One thread index.
Thank you,