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PVE Queue rewards

russell1997russell1997 Member Posts: 34 Arc User
I feel like anything in the PVE Queues (group content) should now reward fleet credits and Dilithium.

After all isn't dilithium still considered an end game currency?
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  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    yeah rewards should be a no brainer in an MMO. atleast a reward system similar to the fleet actions (gorn minefield, romulan temple) should have been there from start.

    they feel very dull, because there is no motivating moment, that finding something valuable is.
    Even with the stupid drop chance of stf's one got a happy feeling when finding something valuable.
    Go pro or go home
  • matteo716maikaimatteo716maikai Member Posts: 823
    edited August 2012
    if everything you could would reward you all the different types of rewards.... you''d have no need to do anything else but 1-2 missions over and over and over.

    it makes sense that stfs only give dilithium and that the fleet stuff give fleet marks.

    pvp could be the same.

    -arena gives dilithium
    -cap and hold gives fleet marks.

    i dont think they'll do this but it would solve a lot of problems.
  • majesticmsfcmajesticmsfc Member Posts: 1,401 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I feel the old fleet events like the Minefield one should be updated to give Fleet Marks and Dilithium to become useful again. Most people only play them for leveling, most experienced gamers don't even do that anymore thanks to events like the Mirror Universe and Empire Defence, Patrol Missions etc.

    SO updating them would be good, I also think standard missions should give like 5 fleets marks per mission (only given daily to stop replaying quick missions for fleet marks). It would increase the replay value and also helps the fleet when you're levelling a character. Kind of like killing two birds with one stone if going by the old saying.

    There just needs to be more ways to gain fleet marks than the few endless poorly designed bam bam missions that came with season 6 that are as exciting as listening to your kids fight. :rolleyes:
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  • srspellssrspells Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I believe the stf rewards are the chance for proto tech and salvage.
    fleet missions could give dil and people would still play both.
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  • ggg247ggg247 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I agree that all the Fleet events (Starbase 24, Big Dig, etc.) should give FMs just like the 6 new missions do. Sure, we're grinding, but at least this will give us more variety in grinding, and make older, under-played content useful again (with little to no DEV work required).

    In terms of regular, leveling-up content, I can see where giving players some FMs when finishing a full storyarc (Klingon, Romulan, Cardassian, Breen, etc.) would make sense, but giving FMs for each mission may be excessive.

    P.S.- I LOVE the Colony Invasion mission. It's really fun. I kill that monkey every time!*

    *-not a euphemism :)
  • russell1997russell1997 Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    No "Official" response?

    Dilithium is a time based currency, a reward for playing the game and spending time in the game, at least that's what we were told when the new currency was introduced.

    Fleet stuff, introduced in S6 but no dilithium reward was tied to any of the new content? Why?
    My dilithium earning has dried up because I'm working on fleet stuff now. I'm not getting a time based reward for playing the game.

    Seems like I heard from a dev interview or maybe from STLV that they are happy with the amount of dilithium in the system and are not planning to adjust the rewards so you can gain more dilithium.

    So, is dilithium being redefined? Is it not a time based currency? Between STF currency and Fleet marks what relevancy as far as purchase power of in game items does it have?

    From the Ausgust Ask Cryptic:
    While we don?t have plans to add Dilithium rewards to Defera, we will be introducing a new way to earn raw Dilithium within the next two months. These updates may also include Fleet Marks for PvP.

    Maybe this will answer my question or maybe my feedback will be included in the decision?

    Let's discuss....
  • jnohdjnohd Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I honestly would like to see a multi-reward at the end of EVERY PvE Queue mission, selecting a Dilithium box, Fleet Marks, Expertise, or level-appropriate-item box.

    I would especially think all Fleet Actions should be given Fleet Marks as part of the base reward.

    To answer your question, Dilithium = Zen. The primary purpose for it after you are geared with it or past it is to hoard it and convert it to Zen. It is the tool the team has chosen to use for giving us the highly demanded "way to unlock cash items in-game." In fact, Borg STF reward = Dilithium once you have what you want from that system, and UGC dalies are also rewarding Dilithium.

    Now that Dilithium has become much higher valued on the Dilithium exchange, thanks to Fleet Featured Projects, the team can control the Dilithium exchange rate by timing their Featured Projects off a Dilithium:Zen threshold, releasing each new Featured Project when the Dilithium value drops below a specific point.

    I have reached the point that I would suggest we eliminate the middle-currency, and have all rewards be in straight Zen, with Zen rewards for all missions -OR- change the C-store to Dilithium (that wont happen). this has the added advantage of being cross-character, which ultimately makes the game more rewarding to me, allowing me to play what I want because I have fun doing so, not what I need to because I must gear up that specific toon.
    Wampaq@Jnoh, Fleet Leader: ..Bloodbath and Beyond [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 'Iw HaH je Hoch!
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  • cmdrskyfallercmdrskyfaller Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I feel like anything in the PVE Queues (group content) should now reward fleet credits and Dilithium.

    After all isn't dilithium still considered an end game currency?

    I think the PVE Queues should reward tokens upon completion as well as drop loot.

    The tokens can be:

    Green, Blue, Purple or Gold.

    Each win will earn the player 2 low end tokens (green or blue) and a chance of one or more high end (purple/gold).

    Losing optional removes the chance of 'gold' tokens.

    Winning optional gains the chance to win 'gold' tokens.

    The tokens can then be turned in to Roxy for either EC, Dilithium or Lobi or Latinum or Fleet Marks or whatever new items or currency type may be brought in the future.

    Removing the 'tech' items and replacing the purchase of STF gear with an appropiate number of tokens would then be possible.

    Mk x = 2 green tokens
    Mk XI = 2 blue or 1 purple token
    Mk XII = 2 gold tokens

    That way the player gets a choice of what reward currency to be paid in depending on their needs.

    I think this would greatly simplify their database load.
  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    the only really time-based currency in this game is "expertise" a worthless currency, but it's value perfectly reflects the value of time spend playing this game.
    Go pro or go home
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