I am currently eager to get online today in hopes that the Foundry has returned.
After I fix the minor issues with my current missions, I have my next KDF level 31+ mission planned out in Open Office. So it should be up and running in just days.
The title is "The Empty Box" and I hope will be a welcomed addition to your list of favorites.
Meanwhile, below in my siggy is "The Rights of the Many" which is a simple "any level" mission. I have some mixed reviews on that one. If you don't like it, as a few have rated it 1 star, please express what aspects you didn't like. Don't just give me one word reviews such as "Rubbish" because THAT is a poorly written review and nobody can take it serious.
In all my missions, I try to link them to the series with something from the canonized episodes. Once again I am not a follower of Star Trek or much Sci-Fi at all. I am more into horror fantasies, but as of now there aren't any MMORPGs with the Foundry. So I eagerly await the "D&D Neverwinter" MMO as well.
Three more hours to wait, but I won't be on until later since I have a doctor's appt. today.
Well I just finished my second KDF mission. If you want to play it you need to be 31+ and the title is "The Empty Box" which is a two part story. I will hammer out part 2, hopefully before the next Foundry outage. Easy to find it -- as long as you know how the search engine works.
There are plenty of ways to comment or contact me if I did something wrong. :P
I never claim to be an expert on Klingons so don't get irate, I basically think of Vikings, Samurai, and Orcs. Also I don't like the level restricted missions, I believe if someone wanted to try to beat a mission meant for level 30 they should be allowed. It isn't like you actually die and don't respawn you know.
Something changed with the update. All your makers on the ship and the space station are either hard to see or they are not visible at all. So you will need to repair that or people won't know where to go. The space battle is tough enough but when I die I have to travel back and then they get all healed up. So you might want to add respawns near each enemy.
Dialog..... well you know me, I don't read anything, I just start pushing buttons!
I've always defined Klingons as "Shakespeare in the original Viking."
Many players need the neon sign. Didn't they use something like this in that one game you worked on? But they were red circles on the ground.
What has me real bugged now is how to move my alpine rocks without people seeing them. Maybe I can find another replacement for the rocks?
@drogyn1701: I just didn't want someone saying that I made the Klingons too soft or act out of character. There was a woman (Karen Traviss) who wrote a book based on "Star Wars" and she got a lot of flack because she claimed the bounty hunter Boba Fett killed many Jedi. But as you know most of the Jedi are dead before he was a teen. There were numerous other technical errors in her work that didn't go over well with the fans. So she failed to do her research.
My character Tsin'xing
Since it is Saturday, I will stop over for lunch. We can work on it together. :P
Geez... you've been nerding up here more than Facebook.
Talk at you later.