Thanks for addressing the bugs from our tiny community. ;\
Getting the UI fixed on the KDF has made frapping much better. Thanks!
Clearly AFK is a issue! I almost have enough video frapped to make a montage of just that one idiot sitting there. Funny thing is, and it's perfect, he actually FIRED back after we singled him out. He didn't do anything really, he just tried to run. But funny no less.
AFKer that flies into a fight and AFKs. (Shows that he's not actually AFK, just trying to get himself killed)
And how to deal with them at 4:22
REPOST: I don't even care about the fleet marks, outside, maybe a couple per match. It's the lack of repeat in kerrat that is pushing these idiots here. I guess killing that repeat was to counter the EC farming from gold farmer, but all it's done is alienate the minority in this game that plays to actually play each other. Pew pew!!!! Damnit. Don't make us lose hope, kthx.
Change kerrat back from a daily, that will get rid of a lot of unwanted afkers in the queues.
Add marks as a reward for PVP (arenas and C&H,) but (maybe) give double rewards to the victor. I've heard people complain they didn't get marks in the starbase missions, but they didn't do anything, so one must ask... Was/is that a bug.
Even a starbase PVP map for the queues may work??? Just remove all the unauditable dribble from the background.
While not an ideal solution, perhaps it's a good middle ground since PVP isn't the easiest of game play. However, by providing a reward win or lose, while giving double marks for victory, that could increase the attention new players/old players, that are new to PVP, take in the game. End result, more skilled players, more active queues? More importantly, it brings pvpers back to the queues instead of grinding fleet marks in PVE missions. We all hate killing helpless NPCs. I'm sure a lot of the smaller fleets would fair a lot better (I know mine would,) if PVP provided marks. When I get on I queue up (with the exception of grinding a character on the mirror event hour,) I don't waste hours doing the fleet mark missions. That's not fun.
Let's be honest, one PVP escort is better than an entire group of a NPCs in the starbase missions.
Just an idea.
Good Job J-Man and good luck with all the future issues!
Think about this:
American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
A couple of different scenerios, map doesn't matter-
KOTH- King of the hill, every PvP'r from different games knows this one, basically kill everyone else (a TEAM option would be awesome) winner gets X dilith, X marks, or level appropriate loot.
Team Defend- one or more objects placed around map, 1 team attacks, the other defends. SIMPLE- starbase defense PvE but without AI. Increased difficulty could be centered around freighters instead of base object- freighers die: defenders lose. Perhaps a little of both.
C'mon, this is standard PvP stuff found in numerous other games, ideas arent really needed here, implementation IS !
Perhaps the devs should allow foundry missions to award currency (dilith/FM's) after 'official' review, my old Starfleet command buddies used to write entire campaigns every couple months, and 100's of peeps would battle online for weeks to win the campaign. I'm sure some of those 'user created' missions would appeal to ST:O players.
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
My idea of improvement is this amazing post, perfectly redacted and explained.
sorry no appreciation.
actually, not even sorry.
fix the weapons. then i may give some appreciation for them doing something that shouldnt even be an issue.
starting a appreciation thread while the game is so borked?
With the current PVP numbers, i'd settle for as much of both as possible, frankly.
But yes, let us see results and then praise will be delivered.
Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
i cant support the devs.
that is all.
i do really appreciate borticus and jheinig stopping by this forum and consulting with the people that know this stuff best, making our experience and knowledge part of the solution. there are some that are gonna always hate on you guys and be extreamly harsh and disappointed, but i know you guys are trying and its always gonna be a work in progress, keep up the good work.
No appreciation until something happens in the game, check some of my older threads. I made one specifically thanking the devs for directing their attention at PVP, but 6 months later nothing had changed.
Aytanhi of TSI, TSI fleet founder and leader OrganizedPVP channel Admin
Feel free to ask me about PVP or starship strategies. "No, I am not Borg!"
/channel_join OrganizedPVP If you are interested in learning PVP, looking for a team, or a private match
What happened?
vids and guides and stuff
[9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
One step forward with all these fixes. 2 steps back with giving mines needlessly powerful abilities that will have a major impact in pvp.
seriously. for BO as well. they have been dodging and ignoring it every single time i bring it up in an active dev thread. not once was it at least acknowledged. if its working as intended because you don't think those abilities should be especially accurate, just tell us!
So I would say be nice to those who help us and direct your hate at those who truly TRIBBLE up the game.
My stomach is clear and my mind is full of bacon!
so much this ^^^^
a history of sto pvp: 2010 - 2011
a history of sto pvp: 2012 - 2013
They just need to do for BO what they do for Target Sub... if you miss the buff stays loaded.
While I appreciate someone trying to DO something about PvP, it would be nice if these guys worked together AND played the game. The mine update is crazy OP for PvP IMHO.
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
i mean, are we really appreciating the guy who destroyed Sci Powers?
please tell me I am being trolled...
I'm in shock myself.
"Oh you don't like the way that weapon works? Well to bad so sad."
Atleast this game has Devs that show that they want to do something about it. I show appreciation 100%.
Mines get a buff, some people think that is a horrible idea, but you have to realize something, they where worthless before, no one used them, now they are on par with every other weapon. they have a use. Most people shrugged em of and kept going, now you see one and it's like HOLY!!!
*Note you can still activate FAW or CRF to get rid of em. Not hard.
Good job Bort, continue the good work man I support you 100%
1) Teamwork and timing is #1
2) You cannot "Kirk It" in every ship
3) You are going to die, just get back up
Yeah and most games Blow. Big Boy titles, don't push things past public testing (if they have the option for public testing) without proper feedback being taken into account.
Mines are actually incredibly common in pvp, particularly chroniton due to the devastatingly powerful proc chroniton mines have. Now they made the proc even better. Something it didn't need in the first place.
Yes.. FAW, can kill mines, that being said is it going to kill the mines, and various pets on the field? No. not only this, but you can out spam their loss rate on a full team quite easily, even against heavy AOE teams. Also, the skill you are thinking of is CSV not CRF. And CSV only has a 30 degree cone it can operate in. Generally that cone is infront of your ship. Not exactly productive for clearing spam.
The mine buff is a stupid TRIBBLE idea that I'm amazed they pushed to live. Thank god good games are coming down the pipe, here soon. I'm just about ready for another 4+ month hiatus from STO. With any luck, my absence will become permanent this time.
PvP is almost dead thanks to this guys, specially Borticus...
Keeping on the brown-nosing won't help this game to live longer, but will destroy it faster...
Nice trolling OP, you got me there for a second
Division Hispana
Looks to me it's not as bad as you think
Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.