We worked hard myself and my few good friends in a pvp hardy fleet. Although our numbers are greatly limited in comparison to some of the other fleets out there, we still were enthusiastic to what our rewards would be. However, once achieved the 2nd level tier of engineering we were shocked to see flavorless weapons be unlocked after all the hard work.
DMGx3 is not a flavor with any kind of special effect when fired it increases damage values, and that's it. ACC however is perhaps the most valuable of all in this game. Exchange values are extreme on weapons with ACCx3 flavor. Most if not all the weapons unlocked at tier two engineering, featured a [Dmg]x3 flavor and one other flavor. These are at times worse than borg STF weapons when some of them don't even have [Acc] flavor.
Fleet weapons are nowhere comparable to a good solid ACCx2 weapon much less a weapon that is ACCx3. So having said that, why have the developers created such awful rewards for leveling an engineering station? Or even a Science focused station?
I think just about everyone in my fleet is very close to leaving this game, and you might find the same feelings throughout the pvp community. Especially when they realize there is nothing new being introduced to the 'weapons' department when it comes to pvp game play.
On behalf of my fleet, whom which barely speak a word of English but have been taught to play this game very well, please fix this. Otheriwise, once other fleets of pvp orientation will find themselves practically unhappy with what the starbase has to offer, aside of course from another "ship store" to unlock.
@PaxOttomana of Turkish RP Heroes (RP in this instance stands for Really Pissed..)
The STF sets are still alot better with there set bonuses.
Could they not at least have reskinned them with a new look, it is all very lame especially when we end up paying a fortune 200k D to unlock it, you have to pay to restock them with a measily 10 items and then pay more D to buy it from the Store.
i hear you because my Fleet more or less went wow this is so cheap and it cost them most of there D.
TBH the Fleet Base system is really overrated and i think many know it or will eventually, you should NOT pay 3 times for the items it is a pure and simple grab for your money, once yea ok its a FTP but 3times, bugger off lol
Fastly becoming the most expensive FTP game out there with the least amount of content.
of ISC and Turkish RP heros
The costs are still WAY TO HIGH for starbases, what do they think we are? Super rich players with nothing but 500 of each doff type? a billion dilithium and mass time to spare for fleet marks?
Seriously, reduce the amount of pressure you are putting on players Cryptic.
| Join Date: January 2009 | Computer | Fleet: Broken Wings |
"And on this day did the PVP community, who had stepped away from they're silly battle fields to fight the good and holy fight of PVE righteousness did find they're much lauded rewards to be false. And so they wept for the hard work wasted, the resources squandered, the sanity discarded in the bowls of 15man missions and the hope of new toys dashed. Thus the Cryptic gods did giggle in delight, their plan to ensnare the righteous PVPer to a life of STF-flavored grind did meet full circle."
So sayeth the Prophet Regulus.
Lag Industries STO PvP Fleet - Executive
A Sad Panda of Industrial calibre.
2010: This is Cryptic PvP. Please hold the line, your call is very important to us...
Just remember this http://i1255.photobucket.com/albums/hh639/MewiST/gougemining2.jpg
| Join Date: January 2009 | Computer | Fleet: Broken Wings |
There's some lunacy with changing mob hit points by +100k every day through a hot patch, there's nothing but grind for fleet marks, and the new *content* is just showed down our throats: you have to grind for marks and nothing less.
No wonder 15% of players has left in the last two months. Way to go Cryptic. Way to go.
This will never get old:
May be I should send you a copy...
yES YES, It would make the grind worth the while.
When you leave, like rats off what they perceive to be a sinking ship, can I haz UR stuff?
LAUREN RULZ !!!!!!!!
Where did that 15% statistic come from? Sounds more like news from another sci-fi MMO which shall not be named
LAUREN RULZ !!!!!!!!
Tis natural, summer everyone is chilling out.
New content seems to be unpolished, unbalanced and well... unrewarding. New projects with new engines come out, people naturally drift.
There's a big thread on new weapons already. Folks were expecting something useful for 3 weeks of grind that they put into it, and got nuthin'. Naturally they are pretty pissed off. (hehe this is this thread
For pve you'd want a mix of crtd crth, or full crtd3. Pvp folks want acc3, cause stuff is woozing around pretty fast
As for having my stuff, you wouldn't know what to do with all of it
One can only hope at least the *cough* 'Elite' equipment is actually worth it.
Seriously we spend 3 weeks an you give us ****y pve weps(not even the best kind) an if you think the mojority of us are gona stick around for a year so you can sit on your TRIBBLE's an make lock box's to extract as much of our money as possiable....an you pull this kinda **** if we get to elite weps an there not acc x3 me all my firends an all there friends are outa here........thats not a threat thats a fact...
I remember hearing something on dev podcast of some sort that advanced fleet weapons will get 4 mods, and elite fleet weapons will get 4 mods, plus one other special modifier. And I will not be suprised if elite fleet weapons will be [dmg]3 [*] [vs tholian/borg/undine/whatnot] by then it will be too late.
What does surprise me however, folks are all pretty committed for grinding for the next 12 months without actually seeing rewards. "Haha you work for me for next 12 months, then I'll give you something nice, but I won't tell you what it is". I think we called it overcommitment.
I'm pretty sure I'm getting out of this game...
Its only the most valuable for PvP.
CrtH & CrtD tend to better for PvE as NPCs are not usually hard to hit, but they do have massive amounts of hull and shields.
Yes there is ACC overflow, but ACC overflow will provide lower output than just raw CrtH and CrtD modifiers.
Otherwise I generally agree that the DMGx3 Modifier is not very exciting even though these weapons do have more mods than any other weapon.
I'm not sure why they took this route instead of adding crafting elements to allow for more customization (lolcrafting) or even just a variety of modifiers on weapons for people to choose from.
Was expecting another way of getting MK12 Borg weaponry, sets and other flavours!
Wow, not sure whether to bother continuing with fleet bases now....
This is why I see many players I know stepping back from "new content". Most of them want the T3 ships but that's all. But you have to admit that it's hard to sell phased tetryon stuff, galors or defiants if the equipment you can get from your starbase is better. It's just too expensive for what it is : it's a low-level and basic equipment. Thus it should be cheap so that new chars you level up can quickly get this stuff before getting the borg one. The borg equipment is way better, and costs only 1 proto borg salvage, which is the equivalent of 2k dilithium. The choice between these two alternatives is pretty easy.
The ground stuff is better though, but it's not the right thread to discuss about it.
God, lvl 60 CW. 17k.
Proud Leader of the Massive Chaos Group
Proud Listener of Subspace-Radio.net The Voice of Star Trek Online.
Sure I do ... use what I need, sell all the rest for ECs! Always need ECs, even if just for hypos in the Fleet Mark missions such as Colony Invasion and Starbase Incursion
LAUREN RULZ !!!!!!!!
1) Teamwork and timing is #1
2) You cannot "Kirk It" in every ship
3) You are going to die, just get back up
These comments are pure rubbish.....100 pure of the highest kind...
Only a small amount use the test servers.......it is , IMO, not my job to test their TRIBBLE ahead of time. I do, from time to time, read the postings in the test server but that is all.
You must be so naive as to believe that just because they go to the test server and complain much will be done. Cryptic and its parent comapny are going to do what they please and how they please.
A majority of folks I come across who are peeved about this are casual players to moderate players......they feel the released content is way beyond poor...so expensive and so not worth the effort as to stop it entirely.
As a side note...PVP in this game is soo dead anyways....I do not care about the accx3 weapons......My biggest peeves are the provision required for assets.......the assets are a one time use.....that is serious horse TRIBBLE
The other designers and I do read these threads and listen to your feedback. If you have specific data that demonstrates that weapons with DMGx3 + 1 additional property are performing poorly, I'd be glad to review that data. In the meantime, I'll be looking at the numbers internally to see if any improvements need to be made.
Yeap. Looked at the shields and weapons and facepalmed.
U.S.S. Maelstrom, NCC-71417 (Constitution III-class/flagship) --- Fleet Admiral Hauk' --|-- Dahar Master Hauk --- I.K.S. qu'In 'an bortaS (D7-class / flagship)
To quote from the other thread:
Can I ask why the STF gear is the plateau, especially for space?
Considering that all space STF weapons have the BORG modifier, it can be argued that anything with the same amount of modifiers that LACKS the BORG modifier could be seen as superior to STF gear... especially if not fighting Borg!
Additionally, has your internal testing shown that ACCx3 (or other flavors non-dmg centric) weapons are somehow superior to STF gear, and that is why the flavor isn't offered? If so... where does that put the PvP weapon state of mind, if the Fleet System weapons are going to be leveled against PvE content being the benchmark?
Is there hope that PvP players will see something worth the effort of sinking time into the PvE focused system of Starbases, as far as elevating their gameplay experience (PvP overhaul, not withstanding)?
Side bar opinion: You mentioned store congestion being an issue, but I submit that is easily remedied with UI and tabbed sorting. The STF stores offer plenty of flavors and have sorting tabs. There are not the best, sure, but I would think that you guys/gals could come up with some way to offer us a method of a great item selection without clogging UI windows... just don't model it after the travesty that is the Exchange!
You're missing the point here. We do not want the weapons to be BETTER than stf weapons...we want them to be ALTERNATIVES to the stf set. Especially considering that for most people, just unlocking acces to them is a HUGE grind...and then, you STILL have to pay dilithium. If they're inferior to stf gear anyway, then why not make them buyable by fleet credits only?
The biggest issue is that, after spending that much dilithium on unlocking them. If they would just cost fleet credits, they'd have a purpose (being a starter VA set or something). But STF weapons are much, MUCH easier to get and cost no dilithium. Having them cost dilithium is just...
...well, to be honest I'm surprised I need to explain why it's a bad thing they cost dilithium as well.
Completely pointless
Why have us grind for poor equipment? Really getting sick of this BS
Rewards for grinding should be worth the grind.
/Nuff said