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Section TG-9

fyremousefyremouse Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited July 2012 in Earth Spacedock
Are you a solo player? Someone who wants to be part of fleet but generally plays alone? The kind of player that likes to do their own thing but wouldn't mind a bit of backup? Or would like the perks of a fleet but really just doesn't want to deal with politics? Than Section TG-9 is for you.

TG-9 was formed in the earliest days of the game and has multiple lifers on the roster that drop in every now and then but honestly aren't that active. A couple of us such as myself have remained active and playing since Beta. We have an established bank, veteran players that been around, a good start on the Fleet base and a willingness to help or stay hands-off. The Members are mature mature players of multiple games and are generally casual, polite, and laid back in their approach.

So the question is....do you want the benefit of being in a fleet? taking part in the fleet actions and new content without the hassle? Contributing and benefittig equally?

TG-9 is a good place to start.

pm @fyreMouse for an invitation


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