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PVP help please.

edmunddukeedmundduke Member Posts: 33 Arc User
I'll cut right to the chase. I'm a Science Officer, I pilot a Carrier in PvP. The main problem I have are the little escort ships. For some reason they seem to be able to tank better than I can, while spitting out more damage than I can. I've tried different builds. Tykens rift, Tachyon beams, Viral Matrix, Switching out sci boffs with engi boffs, boarding party III's, and so on.

However, a lot of the time, even if I manage to land my abilities on the target, they seem to shrug off the damage even with debuffs and/or use evasive maneuvers to out position me.

So, what should I do? I've tried other pets/combinations of pets too. I've found the runabout tractor beams to be useful in slowing them, but it doesn't help when it feels like the escort can sit there and take the pounding while dishing it out.

Any tips? Should I just try to sit on the edge of the battle and fire from long range while sending pets in?
Post edited by edmundduke on


  • azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I never PvPed in a Carrier, so my advice is far from the best. But from my experience fighting against Carriers, the best builds were typically Tanking / Survivability builds. They simply wear down your opponent, than trying to out do them with abilities. And those with the 90 Arcs like Viral Matrix, GW, and Tykens are worst as a PVP Carrier since players can fly out of your front arc.

    Most might suggest using Hazzard of TSS3, but Scramble Sensors could benefit you by interfering with players healing themselves (though that might've changed since I retired from PvP).
  • edmunddukeedmundduke Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Thanks, I'll try those couple suggestions. >.<
  • shimmerlessshimmerless Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    sophlogimo wrote: »
    Lots of people will now jump in to tell you that it's all your fault, you should learn to play, yadda, yadda, yadda.

    But while one can indeed avoid a few mistakes, the fact remains that escorts are terribly easy to build so that they achieve what other ships achieve only with lots of tweaking and experimenting and training. In my experience, as the game is currently set up, it boils down to: They are in escorts, so they have an advantage. Escort captains will all the time deny that, will even bark at those who state the obvious, will claim "balance" where there is none. But I can tell you (as you can see from my sig, I now command an escort), they are at an advantage due to the way the tactical powers work and due to the mighty dual heavy cannon.

    One has to live with it, I guess.

    Please note that this man has died repeatedly in his escort to non-escorts (piloted by non-Tacs, for that matter).

    To the OP:

    The "carrier" (I'm assuming you mean the blue dong) is not really a damage-dealer, although it can be. It sounds much more like you're having trouble tanking escort burst, which is understandable since it takes some getting used to (be aware that the people you're fighting have likely had to practice as hard as you).

    Tactical Team and EPtS1 and 2 on rotation will save you nine times out of ten. Being a Sci ship, you can also throw an aux-buffed TSS3 in there (which can also be used on friends) and by that point it's going to take some almighty buffs to get through that thick of a defense.

    As for being offensive... well, Danubes can really mess an escort up in the right circumstances, but they're poor damage-dealers on their own. Viral Matrix is a great power (especially if you've specced into Subspace Decompiler) but it might be hard to line up with the carrier's arc. Boarding Party, Tachyon Beam and Tyken's are all either mediocre or somewhat buggy. A well-timed Feedback Pulse can kill unsuspecting escorts, or at least ward them off. Grav Well is a great skill and can force them to burn EM/AP:O or Eng batteries, leaving them vulnerable to more crowd control. Tractor Beam Repulsors can deal sick hull damage but it's a little finicky and takes some getting used to (ideally you use it at low aux to keep them in the DoT, which doesn't synergize well with a Sci/Sci ship). Scramble Sensors can be a major annoyance and doesn't have an arc IIRC.

    Honestly, the thing is that a carrier is more of a ship that puts out consistent pressure, heals friends and gives enemies headaches.
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    [9:52] [Zone #11] Neal@trapper1532: im a omega force shadow oprative and a maoc elite camander and here i am taking water samples
  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Here's what I'd advise keeping in mind:

    What works in PvP will work in PvE.

    However, plenty of things that are great in PvE are lousy in PvP.

    PvP is going to change dramatically in the next year.

    I'm a lousy PvPer although better on the ground. Google is your friend, as are the forums if you can look past the trash talk. And don't sweat it.

    Plenty of people improved. Plenty of people also learned that PvP wasn't their bag.

    Personally, I'm a fan of ground more and ground STFs more but if you play with people you like, you can enjoy their victories and value their advice.
  • edmunddukeedmundduke Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I've heard that they are changing PvP a lot. In what ways though?
  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    edmundduke wrote: »
    I'll cut right to the chase. I'm a Science Officer, I pilot a Carrier in PvP. The main problem I have are the little escort ships.

    - So you are a Sci officer . After multiple Sci nerfs in space , that translates as "I don't do much damage in space , but I can be top dog on ground PVP (by simply out-healing everyone else) " .

    - So you fly a Carrier . That is seen as (no offense)... an annoyance at best (due to your pets) .
    You don't have many offensive powers to speak of , and what you do have can at best be used as part of a concentrated barrage from multiple ships to do some damage .
    Look at who your team is shooting at and add your firepower and "spells" to a target that already has sustained damage .
    Don't take on single heandedly ships that shrug off your fire (Oddy) or ships that can make short work of you .

    I don't want to tell you to go off an play a supporting role in PVP , but more often than not , PVP is either about the quick kills or the avoidance of deaths on your own team -- provided that at least some of the players on your team have a concept of "group play" and they are not a bunch of Kirks all out for their own glory .

    - As to your main problem (escorts) -- honestly , I'm not sure what I can teach you , as I have never cracked the "Good Sci 4 PVP" nut myself .
    I play a decent Engineer in PVP , I play a so-so Tac in PVP , but I have never managed to be the damage dealer / shield tank that I wanted to be as a Sci -- in spite of the fact that I love playing as a Sci .

    - There is a designated PVP subforum , I suggest you seek more help there .
  • aelfwin1aelfwin1 Member Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    oh , and you might want to look up this thread :

    " How to build a Sci that can make people throw stuff at their screens "


  • aetam1aetam1 Member Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Here is build for the Atrox carrier form mavairo:

    My stomach is clear and my mind is full of bacon!
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