* As for foundry content... well, let's face it: the missions created, while not official content, are mission content. Many believe that foundry should add-on, not replace official mission content... but the devs know those mission are as good, if not better than their own. Having the players play Foundry missions allows them to focus their resources elsewhere.
And personally, I think it's a good idea. I don't see why others have an issue with that (the replacing aspect) imho.
I think that the reason people feel the Foundry should add-on instead of replace official missions is a hold over from when the game was subscription based, the idea being that we were paying them to create missions (content) for us to play.
However, at least in my case I know that I am more interested in seeing the games main story line continue instead of seeing what other players come up with.
I think that the reason people feel the Foundry should add-on instead of replace official missions is a hold over from when the game was subscription based, the idea being that we were paying them to create missions (content) for us to play.
However, at least in my case I know that I am more interested in seeing the games main story line continue instead of seeing what other players come up with.
Why? It's just going to be fluff like this instead of them dealing with the real issues.
That was the worst most vague state of the game yet. It told us basically nothing, similar to the season 6 launch when they failed to mention we would be charged real money for a feature update (fleet shar ship modules). When in the prior to season 6 launch we were assured once again that we would not be charged for feature and content updates by Dan Stahl himself.
Man your escape pods...... The USS TITANIC seems to be the running bad joke at cryptic as of late.
I wish I had something more positive to report.....the free tng season 1 uniform was nice, and then they had to sink that one by not making it an account unlock.
The theme of this situation as of late is they phaser their own foot off and the bad guys always get away kinda like a GW Bush presidency...... incompetent.
Time to go back to the drawing board guys, next time you hire from the community make sure that you are not getting fan boys, if there are any left at this point?
I remember when Stahl said the community was his boss and bringing us what we ask for is his mission or something similar.......I guess Pwe changed the whole customer satisfaction aspect to Cryptic Studios.
The bar was set pretty low and lifts on occasion ,but then falls well below the medicore bar.
Fanactic? Not really... if I reacted to every post that said anything about them, with wild statements trying anything to do so, then I'd be a fanactic.
As it is, I'm acting on my own opinion. I've been here since Open Beta, seen Cryptic as a good business with good folks, but forced to act in bad circumstances (Atari/PWE). And in my opinion, that does not make Cryptic bad, even with the forced decisions now.
PWE is not in that boat. And they're the ones I don't support.
Why don't I respond when called out? Because sometimes I don't how to respond right away, and I don't react right away exactly to avoid saying fanatical things that would only make me look worse.
So that's why I support Cryptic, doing what I can to defend them, even in the midst of decisions like this: because I know they're good, even now, but are forced to do bad things like this. It's not inside knowledge, but pure instinct... but I stand by it. With most everyone against Cryptic just because they're following orders (something that is not something to blame them for imho), it's a hard opinion to stand by. But I do so anyway.
And my handle has nothing to do with my opinions. I chose it at Open Beta as a simple easy name, as I like Trek and I like the number 17 (which was my name before the forum change). Now, I have that same name but with 21 instead. I still like it because it partially keeps my name alive.
What will I do if proven wrong? I don't know yet, because nothing I've seen, has in my opinion been proof that my instincts are wrong. And having seen everything the game's gone through since Open Beta, that's saying something.
I believe this gentleman also thinks the earth is flat...
Dstahl is idealistic; he wants all he's saying to happen, he truly does, as far as I've heard. The problem is his goals constantly overshoot reality... in a certain light, it can be seen as lies, I admit that. But I believe lies have to have an intention behind them, ie that you want to lie on purpose or you want to lie to boost people's feelings. Dan's words don't really have the former, but they may have the latter
you can stop making excuses for him now. he isn't stupid. he knows exactly what hes doing. no intent you say? how about those +1 ships he claimed had no advantages over the normal ships? how about claiming he was playing a FE that didn't exist? how about 'we're bringing the KDF up to par soon! honest!?' how about the 'we're not going free to play! honest!' how about 'no no you won't see anything taken away from subscribers when we go free to play...' and how about 'season 4 will be great! now excuse me while I jump ship to another company while this all blows over so I don't get blamed for it'
now do I really have to list more examples? seeing a pattern here? I sure am.
So I believe he's either lying to try and keep people here with STO, both for business reasons and to give feedback on STO's changes
tell me you don't think thats a good thing
he truly believes in what he's saying, and doing what he can with what he's got. I don't know which it is, so I gotta think between them, and decide which it is on instincts. So far, it's been the latter (that he's trying the best he can).
I don't believe that for a second. you would have to believe that the EP would not understand what he can do with the resources available to him in order to believe that explanation. if that were the case it would imply he has no idea how to do that job correctly and has no place doing it. what does that say about him for continuing to do it anyway and the company for putting him in that position twice?
The reason my pedastal seems high is probably because of a quirk of mine: that I'm never bothered when I'm lied to (occasionally lied to; constantly is another matter). So, to me, the devs occasionally lying never bothered me, and still doesn't.
so you don't care if someone lies to you? including those you are doing business with? first off this is exactly why nobody should pay attention to what you said above and second, if you aren't concerned and have no problem with people lying to you, there is a serious problem there. Thats something you need to look into and get checked out for. lying to people is a bad thing, accepting and encouraging being lied to is worse.
What will I do if proven wrong? I don't know yet, because nothing I've seen, has in my opinion been proof that my instincts are wrong. And having seen everything the game's gone through since Open Beta, that's saying something.
yes it is saying something. that you either haven't been paying attention or you've convinced yourself into an astoundingly bad state of denial about the situation
So that's why I support Cryptic, doing what I can to defend them, even in the midst of decisions like this: because I know they're good, even now, but are forced to do bad things like this. It's not inside knowledge, but pure instinct... but I stand by it
theres a term for that: circular logic.
With most everyone against Cryptic just because they're following orders (something that is not something to blame them for imho), it's a hard opinion to stand by. But I do so anyway.
first of when most people are against something you should be asking why, not making excuses. second, a company cannot under any circumstances, force an employee to lie to customers, without risking getting in serious trouble if the employee refuses to do so. So they can't be forcing anyone to do anything. That being said 'we were following orders' is not an excuse. thats the kind of thing many members of the SS and German high command tried to claim after world war 2. it didn't work for them and it won't work for cryptic or anyone else. people are responsible for their own actions
you can stop making excuses for him now. he isn't stupid. he knows exactly what hes doing. no intent you say? how about those +1 ships he claimed had no advantages over the normal ships? how about claiming he was playing a FE that didn't exist? how about 'we're bringing the KDF up to par soon! honest!?' how about the 'we're not going free to play! honest!' how about 'no no you won't see anything taken away from subscribers when we go free to play...' and how about 'season 4 will be great! now excuse me while I jump ship to another company while this all blows over so I don't get blamed for it'
now do I really have to list more examples? seeing a pattern here? I sure am.
tell me you don't think thats a good thing
I don't believe that for a second. you would have to believe that the EP would not understand what he can do with the resources available to him in order to believe that explanation. if that were the case it would imply he has no idea how to do that job correctly and has no place doing it. what does that say about him for continuing to do it anyway and the company for putting him in that position twice?
so you don't care if someone lies to you? including those you are doing business with? first off this is exactly why nobody should pay attention to what you said above and second, if you aren't concerned and have no problem with people lying to you, there is a serious problem there. Thats something you need to look into and get checked out for. lying to people is a bad thing, accepting and encouraging being lied to is worse.
yes it is saying something. that you either haven't been paying attention or you've convinced yourself into an astoundingly bad state of denial about the situation
theres a term for that: circular logic.
first of when most people are against something you should be asking why, not making excuses. second, a company cannot under any circumstances, force an employee to lie to customers, without risking getting in serious trouble if the employee refuses to do so. So they can't be forcing anyone to do anything. That being said 'we were following orders' is not an excuse. thats the kind of thing many members of the SS and German high command tried to claim after world war 2. it didn't work for them and it won't work for cryptic or anyone else. people are responsible for their own actions
I see what pattern you see. I see the entire thing differently, because of my own reasons.
I don't have a problem with that, if it's true. I like the game, and I want it to succeed. It needs players for that to happen.
Not sure what you're saying there.
Lies are all over our society anyway... ever heard of the statement 'Take away lies, and society falls apart'? It's like a sweater, with one thread as lies... take that one thread away, and the whole thing unravels. This is why the occasional lie is okay to me, because I know it will happen anyway. To me, people reacting to every single lie just seems too excessive.
The fact is, based on my own reasons, is that I AM aware of EVERYTHING that's happened with STO, it's devs, and the playerbase. That, and the fact that I don't mind many of their decisions, statements, etc, plus the fact I like Cryptic... doesn't sound like denial to me. Just acceptance of the situation.
Circular logic is still logic. It's better than nothing after all.
When applying to people who did terrible things, yes, that applies easily. When applying to a situation that is much less terrible (business decisions), and with a company who loves Star Trek, as they've proven time and time again even when making tough decisions or being ordered to do other things... it's much more grey area than that cut-and-dry 'good or bad. no middle ground'.
Anyway, the point here being... I have my own opinion. It may be unusual, and you may think it's deranged and it's not normal, and you may even think I need mental help. But normal's boring anyway And I'm not actively trying to harm anyone or anything serious like that, so it's not like being a little different in the head is a major issue.
Was named Trek17.
Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
When you look at it it is truly amazing to see the lack of content that was put in the game over the past 2 and a half years. PvP being one of the biggest effected by the lack development and solid leadership. People can blame atari all they want but in reality it comes down to Dan Stahl. Maybe his time at zynga has poisoned his mind to the point where he feels it is acceptable to nickle and dime the players to death, the same players that stood by STO through its many up's and down's.
Great time to start playing STO? Ha! That's a good one, Mr. Stahl! Very funny!
...Wait, you weren't joking? :rolleyes:
He is the wrong man to be in charge, he seems to to put his personal feelings and bias into the game and develops it for him more than the paying customers. He also only seems to see what he wants to see and on the topic of bias he chooses the questions that are in the Ask Cryptic, shouldn't that be the interviewers? Just shows how rigged that whole thing is.
Support the Game by Supporting the KDF, equality and uniqueness for all factions!
I think that the reason people feel the Foundry should add-on instead of replace official missions is a hold over from when the game was subscription based, the idea being that we were paying them to create missions (content) for us to play.
However, at least in my case I know that I am more interested in seeing the games main story line continue instead of seeing what other players come up with.
| Join Date: January 2009 | Computer | Fleet: Broken Wings |
I second this completely.
Why? It's just going to be fluff like this instead of them dealing with the real issues.
That was the worst most vague state of the game yet. It told us basically nothing, similar to the season 6 launch when they failed to mention we would be charged real money for a feature update (fleet shar ship modules). When in the prior to season 6 launch we were assured once again that we would not be charged for feature and content updates by Dan Stahl himself.
Man your escape pods...... The USS TITANIC seems to be the running bad joke at cryptic as of late.
I wish I had something more positive to report.....the free tng season 1 uniform was nice, and then they had to sink that one by not making it an account unlock.
The theme of this situation as of late is they phaser their own foot off and the bad guys always get away kinda like a GW Bush presidency...... incompetent.
Time to go back to the drawing board guys, next time you hire from the community make sure that you are not getting fan boys, if there are any left at this point?
I remember when Stahl said the community was his boss and bringing us what we ask for is his mission or something similar.......I guess Pwe changed the whole customer satisfaction aspect to Cryptic Studios.
The bar was set pretty low and lifts on occasion ,but then falls well below the medicore bar.
Why don't you, instead, go to this URL and scroll all the way to the bottom and choose Basic Editor under the Message Editor section?
I believe this gentleman also thinks the earth is flat...
Because 1) I'm saying that for the blog like side of the site and not the forums and 2) That's actually the editor I use here in the forums.
if you take a second, you'll notice that all of the comments are large walls of text.
The forums do see a enter insert as a paragraph break anyway. The blog side of the site does not.
Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
you can stop making excuses for him now. he isn't stupid. he knows exactly what hes doing. no intent you say? how about those +1 ships he claimed had no advantages over the normal ships? how about claiming he was playing a FE that didn't exist? how about 'we're bringing the KDF up to par soon! honest!?' how about the 'we're not going free to play! honest!' how about 'no no you won't see anything taken away from subscribers when we go free to play...' and how about 'season 4 will be great! now excuse me while I jump ship to another company while this all blows over so I don't get blamed for it'
now do I really have to list more examples? seeing a pattern here? I sure am.
tell me you don't think thats a good thing
I don't believe that for a second. you would have to believe that the EP would not understand what he can do with the resources available to him in order to believe that explanation. if that were the case it would imply he has no idea how to do that job correctly and has no place doing it. what does that say about him for continuing to do it anyway and the company for putting him in that position twice?
so you don't care if someone lies to you? including those you are doing business with? first off this is exactly why nobody should pay attention to what you said above and second, if you aren't concerned and have no problem with people lying to you, there is a serious problem there. Thats something you need to look into and get checked out for. lying to people is a bad thing, accepting and encouraging being lied to is worse.
yes it is saying something. that you either haven't been paying attention or you've convinced yourself into an astoundingly bad state of denial about the situation
theres a term for that: circular logic.
first of when most people are against something you should be asking why, not making excuses. second, a company cannot under any circumstances, force an employee to lie to customers, without risking getting in serious trouble if the employee refuses to do so. So they can't be forcing anyone to do anything. That being said 'we were following orders' is not an excuse. thats the kind of thing many members of the SS and German high command tried to claim after world war 2. it didn't work for them and it won't work for cryptic or anyone else. people are responsible for their own actions
I don't have a problem with that, if it's true. I like the game, and I want it to succeed. It needs players for that to happen.
Not sure what you're saying there.
Lies are all over our society anyway... ever heard of the statement 'Take away lies, and society falls apart'? It's like a sweater, with one thread as lies... take that one thread away, and the whole thing unravels. This is why the occasional lie is okay to me, because I know it will happen anyway. To me, people reacting to every single lie just seems too excessive.
The fact is, based on my own reasons, is that I AM aware of EVERYTHING that's happened with STO, it's devs, and the playerbase. That, and the fact that I don't mind many of their decisions, statements, etc, plus the fact I like Cryptic... doesn't sound like denial to me. Just acceptance of the situation.
Circular logic is still logic. It's better than nothing after all.
When applying to people who did terrible things, yes, that applies easily. When applying to a situation that is much less terrible (business decisions), and with a company who loves Star Trek, as they've proven time and time again even when making tough decisions or being ordered to do other things... it's much more grey area than that cut-and-dry 'good or bad. no middle ground'.
Anyway, the point here being... I have my own opinion. It may be unusual, and you may think it's deranged and it's not normal, and you may even think I need mental help. But normal's boring anyway And I'm not actively trying to harm anyone or anything serious like that, so it's not like being a little different in the head is a major issue.
Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
He is the wrong man to be in charge, he seems to to put his personal feelings and bias into the game and develops it for him more than the paying customers. He also only seems to see what he wants to see and on the topic of bias he chooses the questions that are in the Ask Cryptic, shouldn't that be the interviewers? Just shows how rigged that whole thing is.