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Ablative Armor Console

kandyman2012kandyman2012 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
edited July 2012 in Federation Discussion
Ok, I really hope the devs read this. I know I as will many people agree with this. I welcome ALL feedback!!

Ok so the 3 main T5 ships, Galaxy, Intrepid, Defient, all come with a special ability console. They all can be turned on/off. The Galaxy saucer seperates and it stays that way untill you either blow up or reconnect manually. Then there is a long recharge. The Defient cloaks, and once again, stays thay way untill you die or decloak. So why doesnt the Intrepids Ablative Armor not follow the same route?? Why does it only last for 15 sec? Why cant it be turned on/off. As in the show, all you could do is fire torpedos. That would be fine. Why is the Intrepid left out? In fact all other T5 ships special abilities are on/off. At its current nerfed condition, I wouldnt recommend that anyone buy this ship. I dont think its worth it. Now if they were to update it, then i but many people would, possibly consider purchasing it.

Good day to all,
Post edited by kandyman2012 on


  • sotaudisotaudi Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Ok, I really hope the devs read this. I know I as will many people agree with this. I welcome ALL feedback!!

    Ok so the 3 main T5 ships, Galaxy, Intrepid, Defient, all come with a special ability console. They all can be turned on/off. The Galaxy saucer seperates and it stays that way untill you either blow up or reconnect manually. Then there is a long recharge. The Defient cloaks, and once again, stays thay way untill you die or decloak. So why doesnt the Intrepids Ablative Armor not follow the same route?? Why does it only last for 15 sec? Why cant it be turned on/off. As in the show, all you could do is fire torpedos. That would be fine. Why is the Intrepid left out? In fact all other T5 ships special abilities are on/off. At its current nerfed condition, I wouldnt recommend that anyone buy this ship. I dont think its worth it. Now if they were to update it, then i but many people would, possibly consider purchasing it.

    Good day to all,

    Here is the description of the Ablative Armor console from the C-Store description:
    This ship comes equipped with an Ablative Generator Console. When active, the console surrounds your ship in ablative armor, making your vessel almost impenetrable but taking shields and energy weapons offline.

    Just to put your request in perspective, basically what you are asking is that a console that makes your ship virtually immune to damage should be able to able to be kept active indefinitely. And you don't see any balance issues in that?
  • kandyman2012kandyman2012 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    You obviously dont get what im saying then. Who would keep it on indefinetly? You cant do anything. It would work so that you could completly heal your ship, then dis-engage the armor. Besides, i have used it and my ship was almost destroyed in the prosses. The shields dropped and it took a few secs to get the armor up. But yes i guess if you wanted to use it to just sit there with it on you could, but the ship would evently be destroyed. So it wouldnt be recommended. I just see it unfair for this grand ability to work for 15 secs. I mean come on, in the show Janeway confronted 3 cubes, went into the unimatrix, she went to see the borg queen, went into the hub and destroyed the hub before it came off. And we get it for 15 secs. What a nerf if i saw one
  • gravitate1gravitate1 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    While the armor is active you can do everything you can do when it's inactive, except fire energy weapons or have shields up. You can still fire off sci abilities and torps...

    So, what you're asking for is an impenetrable torpedo-boat with more science abilities than an average sci ship because this one doesn't even need to heal or have shields.
  • hyprodimushyprodimus Member Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    These threads come up every time someone buys a LRSV-R. Devs havent changed it.

    I support a toggle on/off that can only be used out of combat.
    I think 900 armor is too much. Make it 2x Neutronium Armor, so in essence you get 2 Engineering consoles at the price of any other one.

    This locks you into a torpedo boat role with no shields for all of combat.
    I dont think this is overpowered, especially with the mere 27000 hull rating.

    15 seconds is ridiculous, I think everyone agrees to that. Most people want the armor for the visual effect.

    In PvE, when are my shields ever depleted??
    In PvP, if I turn on the armor, its because I am threatened by multiple ships on me. If I use the armor, shields go down for 2 whole seconds. A high yield could kill me in that time frame.

    Vote for a toggle.
  • cenulfcenulf Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    hyprodimus wrote: »
    These threads come up every time someone buys a LRSV-R. Devs havent changed it.

    I support a toggle on/off that can only be used out of combat.
    I think 900 armor is too much. Make it 2x Neutronium Armor, so in essence you get 2 Engineering consoles at the price of any other one.

    This locks you into a torpedo boat role with no shields for all of combat.
    I dont think this is overpowered, especially with the mere 27000 hull rating.

    15 seconds is ridiculous, I think everyone agrees to that. Most people want the armor for the visual effect.

    In PvE, when are my shields ever depleted??
    In PvP, if I turn on the armor, its because I am threatened by multiple ships on me. If I use the armor, shields go down for 2 whole seconds. A high yield could kill me in that time frame.

    Vote for a toggle.

    You obviously haven't used ablative in pvp then. Ablative WILL allow you to tank through damage with out shields up. Making it a toggle is just silly.
  • kingstonalankingstonalan Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    agreed... as is, it's the worst console in the game!
  • asthalothasthaloth Member Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    agreed... as is, it's the worst console in the game!

    Tachyon Detection grid would like to say Hi.
  • dalnar83dalnar83 Member Posts: 2,420 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Actually, I think the emission.seeking torpedo console is the worst. The tachyon detection grind/field are 2nd/3rd worst.
    "Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
  • lilchibiclarililchibiclari Member Posts: 1,193 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Transphasic torpedoes will allow you to deal significant damage even with your beams offline, or you could combine a Tricobalt with Gravity Well II/III (Use Gravity Well to gather enemies together, then drop a Tricobalt on them all). Having your beams shut down is not a massive handicap.

    However, I do agree that 15 seconds is a bit short, and we ought to have 20-30 seconds instead.
  • hyprodimushyprodimus Member Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    cenulf wrote: »
    You obviously haven't used ablative in pvp then. Ablative WILL allow you to tank through damage with out shields up. Making it a toggle is just silly.

    You obviously haven't been hit with a THY III + RF III in the 2 seconds it takes for the armor to activate.

    You obviously havent faced any decent sci captain who will wait for your RSP/Ablative/ES to go up, then nuke you.

    If I am scared enough to use the console, its because all other options are exhausted; TSS, HE, TT, S-Field, and Im low on shields and being hit by multiple enemies. Ive PvPed with it for months, when I took it out, I did better. It wasnt game changing, just that I gained one console back.
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