I think it would be
extremely beneficial to the game (especially PVP) for these so-called
"danube runabout hangars" ("carrier pets") to have
SNB, AMS and Plasmonic Leech abilities with skills scramble sensors 3, torpedo spread 3, fire at will 3 and attack pattern beta 3 (and buff the chroniton/phaser procs please).To make use of these abilities change the phaser beams to phased tetryon beams + more chroniton torpedo launchers, and add some cloaking tricobalt/chroniton combo mines on each runabout. They should spawn an aceton assimilator every 2 or 3 seconds and be able to spawn tholian webs while flying around at 200% defence bonus. They should also be equipped with metaphasic shield arrays and a passive feedback pulse 3 with tactical team, version 3 of course. This is all in addition to the TB 2 (which should be upgraded to TB3 or
atleast a borg tractor beam) they already have. I think adding 50k hull and a passive Point defense system would also help catch them up to their
severely OP counterparts like the Type 8/10 shuttles.
Whats your opinion on this?
Update: after careful consideration i've decided to update some specs on ALL hangar items (note these are in ADDITION to all the ones above): 750k HP 120% shield resistance, Hazard emmiters 3, Grav Well 3, TSS 3, Phased Tetryon beams, 8 Plasmonic leeches, so it stacks 8x8 - Thank you
@BrokenMirror for this recommendation.
@ZackerySS - Joined on Aug 2008: year of the greenpig
Does the word overpowered mean anything to you?
Troll successful.
"Yes, I fly a Galaxy-X... and yes, I just 1-shotted you with it." -- Alcione@Hakaishin
Rear Admiral , Engineering Division
U.S.S. Sheffield N.C.C. 92016
and don't give cyptic ideas for the next pay-to-win ship or hanger pet
Donate Brains, zombies in Washington DC are starving.
Grav Well, TBR, AMS, Leech, Assims, skull suicide rams when they get to 30 percent health.
THey should also have 10 single cannons, at 125 weapon power.
great idea.
how bout peregrine fighters with a passive attack pattern alpha 3 and stalker fighters that can fire while cloaked with a thalaron radiation device
Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln
Occidere populo et effercio confractus
that might not be strong enough.
maybe phaser lance + borg plasma torps.
you didn't mention the fuzzy dice on the rearview monitor >.> can't have cruise control for cool without fuzzy dice
Donate Brains, zombies in Washington DC are starving.
Armitage class hanger pets with galaxy dreadnought hanger pets.
Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln
Occidere populo et effercio confractus
Imagine that spamfest. You'd fear your enemy's pets more than your enemy.
"Yes, I fly a Galaxy-X... and yes, I just 1-shotted you with it." -- Alcione@Hakaishin
Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln
Occidere populo et effercio confractus
In Soviet Russia, pets spawn YOU!
"Yes, I fly a Galaxy-X... and yes, I just 1-shotted you with it." -- Alcione@Hakaishin
The "ultimate" pet will fire a:
Gravity rift matrix beam that combines the effects of GW, Tykens, Viral Matrix and TB all at level III.
When that's on cooldown, the pet runs a charged particle feedback tractor repulsor III.
Oh, the pet has a no-cooldown brace for impact IV with multiple BFI shield regeneration DOffs.
Main weapons are a 4-second-cooldown Phaser Lance (255 degree arc) and quantum-chroniton-transphasic torpedo launcher (360 arc).
Also comes in a Zen-store variant (2000 zen) playable fighter model for the Vault - other shuttle missions... :P
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
This already happens at times. :P
TRIBBLE | -Show Me Your Critz-
Svarog | Veles | et al.
No. Pets are not powerful enough, as I pointed out with my pure logic.
Yes. Pets are powerful enough, as I pointed out with my pure logic.
Lol. Caught a few high yield tricobolt torpedo's up the tail pipe from a rapid firing Advanced Fer'Jai Frigate haven't you?
I just wish fed pets could actually kill stuff... like kdf pets. My kdf char is actually good! My fed pets can shoot all day and not kill anything...
Don't care if they loose the tractor beams (meh useless against anything but escorts anyway), if they are replaced with the klink fighter abilities.
And while we are at it, wtf does defiant still have a crappy non-battle cloak. Pfff.
I can second this sentiment. The popular KDF pets are more like the MVAE vectors than our pets. I'd love to spawn an Aquarius or Oberth per hanger my self. Even if I could only launch ONE such ship at a time it could be fun.
What do you think the Very Rare Runabouts will be? Yellowstone-class, with the Tetryon-Plasma Engine and the ability to dump it's engine plasma.
30 seconds later we see the guy screaming in at full impulse right for my buddy's carrier.