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Interior development



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    meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    tacofangs wrote: »
    No, we built the super base editor even before CoV (i.e. long before the sell off)

    We heard very little praise back then for the editor, and got almost nothing but complaints. Our statistics showed that only about 10% of people used the base for anything other than a quick door to teleport around the rest of the world.

    All of that is one reason we've been hesitant in doing it over again. We tried a new method with Hideouts in Champions, which seemed to be met with moderate success, but took a lot of work to build.

    I've heard nothing about redoing ship interiors. My personal feeling is that there should be little customization on layout. If you have an Intrepid, you get an Intrepid class layout. If you have a Defiant, you get a Defiant class layout. But I think players should have control over a few different overall styles, textures, colors, and lighting. So all Galaxy Class ships would have the same layout, but you could choose from TNG style (beige, brightly lit) or 2409 style, or random style A, B or C. etc.

    However, that is just my personal feelings on the matter, no work is being done on Interiors at the moment, and havent heard of it being added to the schedule at all. Plus, all of that would be a lot of work.

    It's very sad to hear you say that.

    At the very least, the devs could try and commit to fixing the bridges you sell. As in: making sure your bofs can sit on the chairs properly, aren't floating in mid-air, or are sunk within the floor, or stuck in a wall somewhere. Nobody minds bugs like that, but they become annoying when it becomes clear the devs have no intention of fixing those.
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    tjexcimer500tjexcimer500 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Terrific ideas in this thread!

    I'd like to add:
    The phaser training in the holodeck on TNG (sure, hitting little colored dots might not sound fun, but keeping a record of your scores against other BOffs and Captains aka WingCommander kill records).

    It would be incredible to see your DOffs in ship-wide uniforms walking about carrying out their assignments. Imagine seeing a few diplomats being escorted through your ship complaining about their quarters ;)

    BOffs could be training other DOffs (security for example could be in the "gym"/holodeck carrying out exercises - scenes from TOS & TNG spring to mind).

    Crucial to my own desires is allowing the ship to move while in the interior. At the very least, we should be able to set a course to a system, have the server calculate the amount of real time it would take to arrive, and then while in the interior have the ship "move" to the system. A simple star "screensaver" could be displayed at the viewscreen and then when we arrive our appropriate BOff could send a message.

    As always thanks for creating such a great game and for continuing to improve upon it.
    There are Four Lights... say no to ARC
    Fleet: 1st Order of Role-Players' Guild - gaming together since 2004
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    captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    sumghai wrote: »
    Fully-featured ship interiors has been at the top of my personal wishlist for a very long time since I started playing. This is the equivalent of player housing in fantasy MMO's, in that they are a means of storing trophies, loot or gear (STO only goes as far as trophies).

    From what I've read about MMO's, there appears to be a small minority of players who want the full immersive in-game role-playing experience and would thus put the effort into outfitting their "homes", whilst the remaining majority simply sees it as a place to dump extra loot before moving on to the next mission/quest. And of course tacofangs/Tumerboy's comment about the 90% of CoV players simply using their "base" as quick doorways to mission/quest maps.

    Thus, it seems that until it could be justified that ship interiors could be used in gameplay content that interests the majority of players, it's probably not something Cryptic would invest in any more than what they have now.


    If a variety of appropriate gameplay content could be introduced into ship interiors, then allowing players to customize said environment.

    Current uses of ship interiors in STO

    • NPC contacts for DOff assignments
    • Small craft selection
    • Accolade / trophy display
    • "Private" social zone for players to invite each other to visit and discuss matters in a role-playing like setting

    Potential uses of ship interiors in STO

    • Boarding Party scenario combat - by making use of customized ship interiors, no two games are the same
      • Single-player PvE - Player and BOff away team defends their ship from a random enemy (similar to Colony Invasion)
      • 5-player PvE - Players defend the team leader's ship interior from a random enemy (ditto)
      • 1v1 PvP - One player challenges another by "boarding" their vessel to sabotage it / obtain resources. Both players would have their BOff away team(s).
      • 5v5 PvP - The "home" team leader's ship is used as the map, in which two teams fight for control of it
    • Mini-games that can be played against BOffs (game AI) or other player(s) in the Officer's Mess
      • Kadis-kot, Strategema, Tri-Dimensional Chess - earns XP and some tactical/strategic reward
      • Poker, Fizzbin - earns XP, EC or GPL
      • Dabo (only on Ferengi vessels) - earns GPL
    • Sports or martial arts mini-games that can be played against BOffs (game AI) or other player(s) in the ship's holodeck
      • Baseball - play x games to earn an accolade that allows you to take part in the famed match between Sisko and Solok's teams
      • Parrises Squares
      • Velocity - earns 30min~2hr ranged combat buffs
      • Fencing, Tsunkatse, Anbo-jitsu - earns 30min~2hr melee combat buffs
    • Additional inventory storage
    • Shipboard "incident" that earns XP, EC or Dil (Randomly-selected like fleet Starbase's Officer of the Watch)
    • Foundry maps

    Other "nice to have" features simply to help with overall immersion

    • Ability to specify where BOffs sit on the bridge
    • Ability to specify costumes for DOff assignment NPC contacts (players can choose between using one of their non-bridge BOffs or a new costume using a tailor interface)
    • Ability to specify base crew uniforms, by department and gender
    • Ability to specify proportion of base crew species and genders (permits an all-Andorian crew, an all-Caitian crew or even an all-female crew for the Amazons out there ;D)
    • Ability to specify quantity of base crew wandering in the corridors

    Ship interior styling, room and deck layouts

    I'm agreement with tacofangs/Tumerboy on the following:

    As long as said layouts are not simply non-canon smushing the rooms up into the fewest possible decks.

    For instance, I'm a massive Intrepid-class fan, so I expect the Officer's Mess on Deck 2, Captain's Quarters on Deck 3, Transporter and Security complex (brig + armory) on Deck 4, Sickbay, morgue and Science lab on Deck 5 etc. A not-quite-canon-but-good-enough deck plan reference is Cygnus-X1.net's Intrepid-class blueprints page.

    (FYI: High-res spreads of Intrepid-class Decks 1 / 2 / 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8a / 8b, 9a, 9b / 10, 11, 12 / 13 and 14 / 15)

    Now, having Cryptic create a complete Intrepid-class interior down to every crewman's quarters is downright ridiculous, so what I'm saying is that Cryptic should take these plans, put the important rooms on the right decks, then seal off all the other doors and trim parts of the corridors to save map data space.

    This I like very much as well - being able to choose the styling.

    Again using my baby, the Intrepid-class, as an example:
    • 2409 styling with bluish LCARS and extra holographic displays (DEFAULT)
    • Canon Voyager styling with yellowish LCARS (Part of Voyager bundle pack in the Z-store)
    • Extra variants A, B, C etc.
    • Mix-n-match styling e.g. carpet and walls from Voyager with 2409 LCARS and holographic displays

    Rooms I feel should be included and potential uses

    • Bridge - shows your BOffs, Ops DOff assignment
    • Ready Room - access Tac and Dip Corps DOff assignments
    • Conference Room - unique to each ship and used for diplomatic missions
    • Mess - Bartender, Chef and Counselor Doff assignments, strategy games like Poker, 3D chess, Kadis-Kot etc.
    • Captain's Quarters - mini-tailor / medal case for non-trophy accolades
    • Transporter room - ?
    • Security complex - locker room for ground inventory, brig with Security DOff assignment
    • Science lab - Sci DOff assignments
    • Sickbay - Med DOff assignments
    • Holodeck - combat-oriented mini-games
    • Engineering - Engineering DOff assignment
    • Shuttlebay - transfer to small craft, actually see the shuttles you own displayed as full-sized props in the shuttlebay
    • Cargo bay - storage for commodities and other inventory
    I love this. I want this. I would pay for this. I would pay a lot for this.

    I think account unlock makes sense.

    The reason I say that is that any person who would do this for one character, would do it for all characters.

    I'd like to add that there should be more customization for the modern 2409 ships. For instance my Noble class has a Sovereign stardrive section. So it should get the added decks. And since the canon is set by Cryptic on these ships a bit more flexibility should be allowed.

    And yes, we should be allowed to choose our own warp cores. I know that it is a lot of work Cryptic (although I don't know if the art department would find it miserable or fun to work on) but it would be beautiful and gratifying. And uh...not to be greedy...but sounds. The cores should have different sounds. The Intrepid's Class 9 has a different sound than a Galaxy's class 6, or a Defiant's class 7 warp core. If you want to be easy with the start, give the Defiant's core to all escorts, the Sovereign as you have it can be for cruisers and the Intrepids to all Science ships for the time being.

    As for boffs at their bridge stations, how about boff duty rotations, Depending on the time of day you go to your bridge you see different boffs on duty. (It's irrelevant in battle since everyone is up manning their battle stations.)

    Man...there's so much that can be done.

    Allow us to use the foundry...let us submit them to you...sigh :(

    And a random thought, how about allowing a Boff to lead a Doff assignment. Just a thought. That would allow those with large numbers of Boffs that they don't use to give them a job every once in a while. No? Just a thought, you've probably thought of it yourselves.
    sumghai wrote: »
    Now that some ideas have been thrown around for ship interiors...

    What about shuttle and small craft interiors? One of the jarring things I've noted is no matter which small craft you choose, the cockpit will always be the 2409 runabout style with massive arching windows.

    This is particularly apparent with the "Diplomatic Orders" mission, where when you pick up Ambassador Sokketh, you're using a Type-8 shuttle - this results in a funny TARDIS-like situation when you converse with Sokketh later on inside the shuttle.

    But how can we justify the use of authentic shuttle interiors? The Foundry comes to mind, but is there any gameplay elements that could make use of such interiors too?
    Well, of note. The Delta Flyer and the Runabouts, and the Captain Yacht, by default are mini starships. I mean the Shuttle is essentially one room built on top of an engine. But the Delta, Danube, and Yachts have multiple rooms.

    On that thought that Danube could have more functionality, since it has the swap out modules. Maybe Cryptic should consider that with future small craft, have a Danube or Yellowstone that has something like the Odyssey, three different configurations. And on the Danube, looking at the warp core should be looking at the sealing on the central spine, that kinda thing.
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    It's very sad to hear you say that.

    At the very least, the devs could try and commit to fixing the bridges you sell. As in: making sure your bofs can sit on the chairs properly, aren't floating in mid-air, or are sunk within the floor, or stuck in a wall somewhere. Nobody minds bugs like that, but they become annoying when it becomes clear the devs have no intention of fixing those.

    I would be happy if I could just click on my Captains chair and stay there. Things like checking doff missions and a PADD shows up in my hand. Lovely.
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
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    captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    tacofangs wrote: »
    No, we built the super base editor even before CoV (i.e. long before the sell off)

    We heard very little praise back then for the editor, and got almost nothing but complaints. Our statistics showed that only about 10% of people used the base for anything other than a quick door to teleport around the rest of the world.

    All of that is one reason we've been hesitant in doing it over again. We tried a new method with Hideouts in Champions, which seemed to be met with moderate success, but took a lot of work to build.

    I've heard nothing about redoing ship interiors. My personal feeling is that there should be little customization on layout. If you have an Intrepid, you get an Intrepid class layout. If you have a Defiant, you get a Defiant class layout. But I think players should have control over a few different overall styles, textures, colors, and lighting. So all Galaxy Class ships would have the same layout, but you could choose from TNG style (beige, brightly lit) or 2409 style, or random style A, B or C. etc.

    However, that is just my personal feelings on the matter, no work is being done on Interiors at the moment, and havent heard of it being added to the schedule at all. Plus, all of that would be a lot of work.
    I would find that quite acceptable.

    I would like to say I understand your pain. Nothing worse than hard work not being appreciated.

    But Star Trek fans are a different breed. We do obsess over small details like that and would really love something like that.
    kagasensei wrote: »
    Now THIS sounds awesome! You keep that spirit up! :)
    1) Having the proper interiors for each ship (or shiptype) would greatly enhance the general immersion of the game and would tremendously increase the "caretaking"-factor each player develops for "his/her" ship (This would also increase the potential of selling ship/ship interior-costimuzation in the C-store a lot...)
    2) Having "standardized" interiors, i.e. a limited set of possible interior layouts, opens up the possibility of finally designing missions INSIDE of your ship.
    3) Adding those interior sets as assets to the Foundry might take care of 2)... We'll see what happens with the Defiant and TOS sets once the Foundry's back up ;P

    I know I'm pushing.....An additional idea, for those who play on elite. When you get a ship injury....damage to the interior of your ship. Inaccessible areas, shut down decks. Immersion and caretaking. I'm amazed how many people I see walking around with ship injury icons.
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
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    pinoirpinoir Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I like a lot of these ideas. But isn't there something else missing here as well?
    We appear to be in a virtual constant state of war.

    Can we please please get a 'red alert' lighting for the bridges and interior?

    I'd ask for ship and/or bridge battle damage that we could select at the tailor.
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    admrenlarreckadmrenlarreck Member Posts: 2,041 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Lot of good ideas here. I would love different ships to have different layouts. Thats one reason, why I spend so much time in either my Tuffli or my Defiant.

    One way to help out the ship interiors would be to allow foundry authors to buy specific slots. These slots would then link up to ships not missions then we could design our own interiors. Most of the stuff we need is already in the foundry. All that we need added would be single rooms, straight and curved corridors, and a way to link them up into one map. Once completed you pick which ship its linked to then you have a interior specific to your ship. Maybe even a way to have the Foundry authors sell these finished interiors to other players in the game. This would then add a dimension to the game, player to player.

    I would definitely want new shuttle interiors the runabout is good but I fly my Type X Chaffee mostly. The runabout interior on something about the size of a Enterprise Era Shuttle pod is wild.

    Fleet leader Nova Elite

    Fleet Leader House of Nova elite
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    captaind3captaind3 Member Posts: 2,449 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    pinoir wrote: »
    I like a lot of these ideas. But isn't there something else missing here as well?
    We appear to be in a virtual constant state of war.

    Can we please please get a 'red alert' lighting for the bridges and interior?

    I'd ask for ship and/or bridge battle damage that we could select at the tailor.
    The only issue is that they don't let us go to our bridge in battle. Therefore, the red alert would be a drill only at best.
    Lot of good ideas here. I would love different ships to have different layouts. Thats one reason, why I spend so much time in either my Tuffli or my Defiant.

    One way to help out the ship interiors would be to allow foundry authors to buy specific slots. These slots would then link up to ships not missions then we could design our own interiors. Most of the stuff we need is already in the foundry. All that we need added would be single rooms, straight and curved corridors, and a way to link them up into one map. Once completed you pick which ship its linked to then you have a interior specific to your ship. Maybe even a way to have the Foundry authors sell these finished interiors to other players in the game. This would then add a dimension to the game, player to player.

    I would definitely want new shuttle interiors the runabout is good but I fly my Type X Chaffee mostly. The runabout interior on something about the size of a Enterprise Era Shuttle pod is wild.

    I fully support that idea. And I think it's the easiest solution and doesn't tie up Cryptic's major ship development resources.

    Though they would still have to put their input into the high quality replica sets.

    I'd like a small scale version of those great holographic ships that are in the shipyards. But have a smaller one in Engineering for the Master Systems Display console. Perhaps showing specific graphics depending on what special equipment you have on your ship. Hover the cursor over it to highlight like you do on your toolbar and it tells you what bonuses your Reman Covariant shields are giving you, or your Aegis Deflector (Urien is that you?) or your MACO Impulse Engines. Little details. That's just my personal request.
    "Rise like Lions after slumber, In unvanquishable number, Shake your chains to earth like dew, Which in sleep had fallen on you-Ye are many — they are few"
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    sumghaisumghai Member Posts: 1,072 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Holy cheese, so much praise and excellent ideas!
    captaind3 wrote: »
    I'd like to add that there should be more customization for the modern 2409 ships. For instance my Noble class has a Sovereign stardrive section. So it should get the added decks. And since the canon is set by Cryptic on these ships a bit more flexibility should be allowed.

    Presumably, each ship class would have a unique, fixed number of decks and layouts (e.g. 15 for Intrepid, 24 for Sovereign), instead of the current generic smushied arrangement.
    captaind3 wrote: »
    And yes, we should be allowed to choose our own warp cores. I know that it is a lot of work Cryptic (although I don't know if the art department would find it miserable or fun to work on) but it would be beautiful and gratifying. And uh...not to be greedy...but sounds. The cores should have different sounds. The Intrepid's Class 9 has a different sound than a Galaxy's class 6, or a Defiant's class 7 warp core. If you want to be easy with the start, give the Defiant's core to all escorts, the Sovereign as you have it can be for cruisers and the Intrepids to all Science ships for the time being.

    I'd love to see this as well. This will probably come under the same styling system as choosing what color scheme LCARS / carpet / decor one wants.
    captaind3 wrote: »
    Well, of note. The Delta Flyer and the Runabouts, and the Captain Yacht, by default are mini starships. I mean the Shuttle is essentially one room built on top of an engine. But the Delta, Danube, and Yachts have multiple rooms.

    At the very least, since we by default pick up Undine!Sokketh from Vulcan in a Type 8 during "Diplomatic Orders", the interior should at least be that of a canon Type 8.

    Other canon shuttle interiors would be relevant to missions like "Operations Gamma", where you do use your own choice of shuttlecraft, so the cutscenes should use the corresponding and appropriate canon shuttle interiors.
    captaind3 wrote: »
    On that thought that Danube could have more functionality, since it has the swap out modules. Maybe Cryptic should consider that with future small craft, have a Danube or Yellowstone that has something like the Odyssey, three different configurations.

    Perhaps the default Danubes and Yellowstones could have empty bulkheads in the interior map, and depending on what consoles / modules you equip, you get various buffs / abilities whilst at the same time see changes to the runabout interiors?

    e.g. If you have the Starship Countermeasures modules, one of the empty interior bulkheads would be replaced with a static prop of some console or jamming device.
    captaind3 wrote: »
    And on the Danube, looking at the warp core should be looking at the sealing on the central spine, that kinda thing.

    I've checked the DS9 Tech Manual and can confirm the Warp Core's location in the dorsal area. Pulsating ceiling lights would be cool :)
    captaind3 wrote: »
    I would be happy if I could just click on my Captains chair and stay there. Things like checking doff missions and a PADD shows up in my hand. Lovely.

    Have it so that clicking on the Captain's chair makes your toon sit in it, ignore any other movement action, and show an additional "Leave command chair" button.
    pinoir wrote: »
    I like a lot of these ideas. But isn't there something else missing here as well?
    We appear to be in a virtual constant state of war.

    Can we please please get a 'red alert' lighting for the bridges and interior?

    Being able to toggle bridge lighting and shipwide conditions would be fun, too. I'd imagine this could be done from the command chair (moar buttons!)
    pinoir wrote: »
    I'd ask for ship and/or bridge battle damage that we could select at the tailor.

    Battle damage as additional "decor" options - I like that :)
    captaind3 wrote: »
    The only issue is that they don't let us go to our bridge in battle. Therefore, the red alert would be a drill only at best.

    One way to help out the ship interiors would be to allow foundry authors to buy specific slots. These slots would then link up to ships not missions then we could design our own interiors. Most of the stuff we need is already in the foundry. All that we need added would be single rooms, straight and curved corridors, and a way to link them up into one map. Once completed you pick which ship its linked to then you have a interior specific to your ship. Maybe even a way to have the Foundry authors sell these finished interiors to other players in the game. This would then add a dimension to the game, player to player.

    Maybe a hybrid of the current "fixed" layout proposal and your idea:

    In the standard ship interior layout unique to each class, there will be additional doors to nowhere. You would then hook up your custom rooms to these doors (but no map transitions - you just walk straight in and out)
    captaind3 wrote: »
    I'd like a small scale version of those great holographic ships that are in the shipyards. But have a smaller one in Engineering for the Master Systems Display console. Perhaps showing specific graphics depending on what special equipment you have on your ship. Hover the cursor over it to highlight like you do on your toolbar and it tells you what bonuses your Reman Covariant shields are giving you, or your Aegis Deflector (Urien is that you?) or your MACO Impulse Engines. Little details. That's just my personal request.

    That'd be cool, too.

    I may have to actually collate everyone's thoughts on Google Docs or something...
    Laws of thermodynamics as applied to life: 0 - You must play the game. 1 - You can't win. 2 - You can't break even. 3 - You can't quit.
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    liquidacid29liquidacid29 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I just wish my ship had bathrooms...
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    ds9fan2ds9fan2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I just wish my ship had bathrooms...

    Kudos to Babylon 5 for actually having a scene once that involved the facilities! Apparently in the Star Trek universe people have been... modified to avoid needing them.
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    sumghaisumghai Member Posts: 1,072 Arc User
    edited August 2012

    In short, because use of toilets isn't usually relevant to the overall plot of each Trek episode, we tend not to see what they look like.

    I'd imagine that whilst there would be dummy doors labelled "HEAD" in these hypothetical ship interiors, I doubt there's any gameplay value to justify showing them.

    Makes me wonder if they make use of those three seashells...
    Laws of thermodynamics as applied to life: 0 - You must play the game. 1 - You can't win. 2 - You can't break even. 3 - You can't quit.
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    liquidacid29liquidacid29 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    maybe they use the transporter... ya know just TRIBBLE yourself and have it transported out into space... I always thought all the captains like Kirk, Picard, Janeway and Archer every so often had a look like they were pitching a load while in their captain's chair
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    praghaspraghas Member Posts: 239 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    scififan78 wrote: »
    Same love needs to go to the KDF as well. I am tired of going to my Gorn ship and stepping on to a Klingon bridge. We may be allies but the Klingons did not build my ship!

    Although I don't like Godzilla in this game, I agree, my Orion doesn't like having a red as Christmas bridge.
    sumghai wrote: »

    In short, because use of toilets isn't usually relevant to the overall plot of each Trek episode, we tend not to see what they look like.

    I'd imagine that whilst there would be dummy doors labelled "HEAD" in these hypothetical ship interiors, I doubt there's any gameplay value to justify showing them.

    Makes me wonder if they make use of those three seashells...

    I can think of several reasons to be able to walk in the bathroom. One role play, two laughter, three, when you got to go, you got to go.
    Cloaking generators break down at first sign of language.
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    centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    sumghai wrote: »

    In short, because use of toilets isn't usually relevant to the overall plot of each Trek episode, we tend not to see what they look like.

    I'd imagine that whilst there would be dummy doors labelled "HEAD" in these hypothetical ship interiors, I doubt there's any gameplay value to justify showing them.

    Makes me wonder if they make use of those three seashells...

    Didn't they actually explain this in Enterprise? Recycle! Recycle! Recycle! :P
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    sumghaisumghai Member Posts: 1,072 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Didn't they actually explain this in Enterprise?
    Whilst they may have explained what happens to the waste matter, there has been little information as to what toilets actually look like...

    ...baring one example from Star Trek V, where the brig toilet is hidden within the walls until the user presses a wall panel:



    Methinks 25th Century Federation toilets aren't going to be that much different.
    Laws of thermodynamics as applied to life: 0 - You must play the game. 1 - You can't win. 2 - You can't break even. 3 - You can't quit.
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    centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    sumghai wrote: »
    Whilst they may have explained what happens to the waste matter, there has been little information as to what toilets actually look like...

    Do you think Tumerboy would have fun making loo's? :P
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    sumghaisumghai Member Posts: 1,072 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Do you think Tumerboy would have fun making loo's? :P
    I bet this is what they have in mind:

    Laws of thermodynamics as applied to life: 0 - You must play the game. 1 - You can't win. 2 - You can't break even. 3 - You can't quit.
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    tacofangstacofangs Member Posts: 2,951 Cryptic Developer
    edited August 2012
    Space Terlets hover, have rings, and make a calming humming noise.
    Only YOU can prevent forum fires!
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    smazazelsmazazel Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    tacofangs wrote: »
    Space Terlets hover, have rings, and make a calming humming noise.

    they are made of tribbles and lockboxes?
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    musicformoviesmusicformovies Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    dkeith2011 wrote: »
    Personally, I love tinkering with my bases. Tweaking them to really represent my characters is one of the most fun parts of the game to me.

    And since the new Overlords don't like anything that takes a lot of work instead of quick afternoon I imagine it will never happen.

    Agree 100% with this part. That would actually make things simpler on the Devs side. Make basic templates complete with standard rooms in standard places for each hull and leave the interior decorating to us.

    And as I said above anything that requires a lot of work will probably never happen.

    I too liked the reply from Tacofang -formley - Tumerboy.. but.. whatever happened to being able to choose what our NPCs on our ships are wearing? Or did that go the way of so mayn Cryptic promises as wel??
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    centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    sumghai wrote: »
    I bet this is what they have in mind:

    tacofangs wrote: »
    Space Terlets hover, have rings, and make a calming humming noise.

    Tee hee... :P Is that what KDF security drones are for? :D
    I too liked the reply from Tacofang -formley - Tumerboy.. but.. whatever happened to being able to choose what our NPCs on our ships are wearing? Or did that go the way of so many Cryptic promises as well??

    I don't know, I really want to be able to do that, as well as change the appearance of shipboard Doff Contacts, and Starbase personnel like you can with Boffs.
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    podsixpodsix Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    The powers that be, bring up the idea of letting us build our interiors in the foundry, whenever the question of "please let us pick a uniform for our crew" comes up.
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    sumghaisumghai Member Posts: 1,072 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    All comments in jest aside...

    I think that toilet/bathroom interiors (and upgrades), along with various other furnishings, could possibly be the reward from earning some sort of "crew morale" accolade. The higher the accolade, the nicer the toilets are ;)
    Laws of thermodynamics as applied to life: 0 - You must play the game. 1 - You can't win. 2 - You can't break even. 3 - You can't quit.
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    centersolacecentersolace Member Posts: 11,178 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    sumghai wrote: »
    All comments in jest aside...

    I think that toilet/bathroom interiors (and upgrades), along with various other furnishings, could possibly be the reward from earning some sort of "crew morale" accolade. The higher the accolade, the nicer the toilets are ;)

    Even if we don't do that, this is always a nice option for the limited time Starbase interior rewards. They could even call it "About TRIBBLE%& time." :D:P
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    kalvorax#3775 kalvorax Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Even if we don't do that, this is always a nice option for the limited time Starbase interior rewards. They could even call it "About TRIBBLE%& time." :D:P

    lol thats true.

    -not sure if it was mentioned or not because i didnt see it. for ships we BUY from the C-/Z-store they should have custom interiors that we DO NOT need to purchase extra. we are already giving out 2500+ hard-earned (for those who grind dil for zen) or purchased...specifically the $25 ships...would love to have a custom Artox interior (makes the most since considering its used by a species that didnt make their ship look like the dull gray of Fed ship) that ISN'T based off the Starfleet ones, even if the Caitian and Starfleet engineer corps worked together to upgrade it....the one that comes to mind when i think of Caitian interior is sort of like the Covenant Cruiser in Halo. purple/dark blue in coloring but obviously a different layout, same goes for the fighter...why would we need to have a shuttle cockpit in a fighter -.-

    -that and having a measly selection of bridges that don't even match the carrier. (the bridge of the Scimitar comes in mind, but in purple/dark blue to match the rest of the ship

    -being able to maybe go to engineering and go to either Hanger bay (as in the Artox, obviously would be different for other ships) to select a small craft instead of using a transported, suriously...who would use a transporter to go to their shuttle/fighter if they have it on their ship?

    sorry if i dont mention KDF here...i just don't play my KDF much, just because there is hardly any note worthy content.
    I find this line of replies sadly hilarious. We put a lot of work into the massive list of fixes/changes above, and ya'll are hung up on the ability to skip our content. =p
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    sumghaisumghai Member Posts: 1,072 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    cynder2012 wrote: »
    -not sure if it was mentioned or not because i didnt see it. for ships we BUY from the C-/Z-store they should have custom interiors that we DO NOT need to purchase extra.

    Not mentioned yet, but I concur.
    cynder2012 wrote: »
    .would love to have a custom Artox interior


    the one that comes to mind when i think of Caitian interior is sort of like the Covenant Cruiser in Halo. purple/dark blue in coloring but obviously a different layout

    And in addition, working features exclusive to the Atrox (catnip dispenser?)
    cynder2012 wrote: »
    -being able to maybe go to engineering and go to either Hanger bay (as in the Artox, obviously would be different for other ships) to select a small craft instead of using a transported, suriously...who would use a transporter to go to their shuttle/fighter if they have it on their ship?

    I've noted this already in my original proposal:

    - Player goes to shuttlebay and can select / configure shuttles / small craft. Parked there are full-size shuttle props corresponding to the ones they actually own.
    cynder2012 wrote: »
    sorry if i dont mention KDF here...i just don't play my KDF much, just because there is hardly any note worthy content.

    LOL, fair enough. I don't do KDF either, but I suspect they will get a similar deal regarding interiors or something.
    Laws of thermodynamics as applied to life: 0 - You must play the game. 1 - You can't win. 2 - You can't break even. 3 - You can't quit.
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    ashlarienashlarien Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I'd just be happy with the interiors being scaled properly. Last I checked, even the Galaxy-class didn't have a bridge as roomy as St. Peters.
    Nyerti "Gadget" Val-Doran. Vice Admiral.
    U.S.S Spellbound, Multi-Mission Strategic Explorer. NCC-92008.
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    leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    podsix wrote: »
    The powers that be, bring up the idea of letting us build our interiors in the foundry, whenever the question of "please let us pick a uniform for our crew" comes up.

    They are making big progress on interior building in NW. Prepping STO art for it will take time as will porting the NW Foundry code over.

    Now, since not everyone is a Foundry author, I think what would be cool with this is to let people use a Foundry slot to publish a ship interior and then display Foundry-built ship interiors on a ship interior "exchange" where people can pay dilithium to get player designed interiors for their ship and the author gets 50% of the fee as a Foundry tip.
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    sumghaisumghai Member Posts: 1,072 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I think what would be cool with this is to let people use a Foundry slot to publish a ship interior and then display Foundry-built ship interiors on a ship interior "exchange" where people can pay dilithium to get player designed interiors for their ship and the author gets 50% of the fee as a Foundry tip.

    Ideally, I too would like to have ship interiors with layouts that can be fully customised in the Foundry, although Tacofangs / Tumerboy would prefer each ship having its own fixed, class-unique layout with limited decor choices.

    Perhaps a compromise - where the backbone and key rooms are fixed in the manner Taco suggested, but there are dummy doors to extra rooms players can then author in the Foundry.

    I also like the idea of an economy based on players crafting ship interiors. Very much so.
    Laws of thermodynamics as applied to life: 0 - You must play the game. 1 - You can't win. 2 - You can't break even. 3 - You can't quit.
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    kingdoxykingdoxy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I'm expecting being able to build your interior like you can build your starbase interior. I expect each plant, chair, statue and painting to cost Delithium. The same way Windows, tribbles, tables cost to build in a fleet.
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