Foreign Skies
A casual gaming community.
Anyone looking for a really laid back casual fleet? Well Foreign Skies is here for you. The premise for this fleet is that not everyone can play games as much as they would like due to family, work, school and as such have trouble finding a place to call home and make friends. Here at Foreign Skies we just want to be able to make friendships and play some games!
We just started up and are only a few people at the moment but we really want to grow and forge more friendships all while having fun in the process. There are no applications to join, just ask and we will add you. The only thing we ask is that everyone respect each other.
Foreign Skies is a multi-gaming community as well, that way we can enjoy other games together. Currently we only have STO set up but we are going to have Blacklight: Retribution and Star Wars The Old Republic up and running in the near future with many more to slowly open up.
We do have a forum and a Raid Call voice server, it is NOT mandatory to join these but it does make gaming that much more fun if you do!
Feel free to reply to this thread if you are interested or send me a PM or chat me up in game with a /tell to
@Capt.Spade. Or if you want you can just sign up on our forums and introduce yourself to be added to the fleet.
Our site:
Have fun and we will see you among the stars!
A big thanks to our newest members who helped a ton in getting things going on our fleet starbase buy dumping lots of Dil, doffs and the like! Thanks guys, you rock!
We also just launched our Steam community page, if you fleet members want to join up head on over to and join up. No need for in invite as the group is public.