So I got the Aegis set yesterday, and was wondering which would be the best for my MVAM Escort. I'll probably use it for PvE with all the new starbase fleet actions for Season 6.
MACO shield is definitly worth for any ship. But maybe just farm all sets and decide for yourself.
"Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
I have a set of Omega XI and MACO X for my MVA Escort and right now I'm using the MACO set. The Omega is fine for most standard STFs, where the speed can be really fun on such a nimble craft, but lately, with the large number of heavy hitting Klinks in the Fleet missions that spam the ricocheting energy ball of death, the MACO's been a bit more useful for me.
MACO's a very good overall set though, and it's not a bad choice. I'm not sure how it compares to Aegis though, which might be even more effective for defense in the fleet missions.
As for what to use, I suggest finding the one you feel would suit you better via testing. But if you like Aegis, you'd probably like MACO as well. They're similar in some respects.
I love the Aegis set but upgraded to the KHG shield (MACO isn't available to KDF) BUT will likely upgrade again to the Borg engine and refit the Aegis shield to get the Thoron distortion field back, and with the Borg engine and assimulated module will get a second bonus- autonomous regen.
Just wait until someone tells you: 3Borg+MACO Shield
I'd suggest 3Borg+MACO Shield.
The boost to your survivability is great, to power nice, and the shield is one of the best ingame. :P
What everyone else says - pretty much 3 Borg + Your STF shield of choice and you're good to go...with the exception of KHG set, then I *personally* think 2+2 is an excellent choice.
I just finished acquiring the Maco and Omega sets; in both stats and in practice, the Omega space set seems utterly pointless to me, especially since my ships can tank better with the Aegis set, and don't suffer any negative consequences as a result of using that lower set.
It's a shame, because the Omega shields actually look really classy on the Galor.
I just finished acquiring the Maco and Omega sets; in both stats and in practice, the Omega space set seems utterly pointless to me, especially since my ships can tank better with the Aegis set, and don't suffer any negative consequences as a result of using that lower set.
It's a shame, because the Omega shields actually look really classy on the Galor.
Omega is an offense-heavy set. The deflector gives a bonus to your targeting system and the shield to your flight speed. Combined they give you the Tetryon Glider for shield-eating, particularly if combined with CRF. Its not pointless, just a different use.
I'm not so sure I want to focus my Galor on offense/maneuverability, though; my Maco setup tanks anything in STF Elites, and I always manage to grab the aggro, thus freeing up the rest of my team, so they can pound the nanites out of whatever poor sods are trying in vain to kill me. Even my Aegis set tanked everything there, with the consoles and Boff powers I have slotted.
I can still tank those with Omega, but it's nowhere near as easy, and my damage output, in practice at least, doesn't seem to be any better, or more accurate, aside from the ability to hit small craft and projectiles more easily.
Might be handy on an escort, but I'm mainly into cruisers and science/support ships right now.
I'm not so sure I want to focus my Galor on offense/maneuverability, though; my Maco setup tanks anything in STF Elites, and I always manage to grab the aggro, thus freeing up the rest of my team, so they can pound the nanites out of whatever poor sods are trying in vain to kill me. Even my Aegis set tanked everything there, with the consoles and Boff powers I have slotted.
I can still tank those with Omega, but it's nowhere near as easy, and my damage output, in practice at least, doesn't seem to be any better, or more accurate, aside from the ability to hit small craft and projectiles more easily.
Might be handy on an escort, but I'm mainly into cruisers and science/support ships right now.
im happy to say pal i have full omega Mk XI set and have never used it on my escort lol, as a engineer in a escort and with the 3 piece borg and MK XII maco shild i can tank like a TRIBBLE lol, but thats only due to boff powers and my own enginering powers, last time i did use the omega set i died, alot lol, with the set up now, it is vry rare i die unless bien left along by a team to take down a tac cube lol, but i wiuld deffo say *in my oppinion* AEGIS and OMEGA is best left for cruisers and sci ships
I'm not sure I follow, though; why would you want anything Omega vs. the Maco bits on a cruiser or science vessel (assuming you weren't choosing them for their different deflector bonuses, anyway)?
Yeah, I just ran several more elite space STF's this morning, and alternated between the Omega and Maco veteran (Mk XI) sets, different power levels, etc.
When switching from MACO to Omega, I notice a slight decrease in maneuverability (but not much in speed), and it becomes a little harder to hit the heavy plasma torps sometimes.
However, when I switch back to MACO, I can run full weapons power, and 50% engine power, with my captain skills and alternating Emergency Power to Shields skills keeping my shield power well above 85 the entire time. The shields also stay up more often, so I can drop one resistance console and fit an RCS. This, combined with the extra engine power, means I can tank even better without wringing my ship out so much, while enjoying even better speed and maneuverability. And then there's the other set bonuses, like power, and that fun Graviton Beam (which looks WAY cool coming from a Galor's deflector).
Now, this is only if you are comparing full set to full set, but...right now, Omega severely hinders your tanking ability, to the point that you have to make compromises in your build, whereas MACO is so wicked awesome that you can ditch certain tanking consoles/powers in favour of other bonuses.
I also compared Omega to Aegis...and I liked Aegis better; easier to tank, which...again...means that I can devote more shield power and console slots to whatever else I want.
So...I really fail to see the point of Omega; I'm not giving all that up just for a slight targeting bonus that only really helps against tiny targets.
Don't forget that excess accuracy points increases your critical hit chance, which in turn means more DPS. If you're running Omega, you shouldn't be tanking anyway. Team up with someone with high Threat Control!
They could easily make the Aegis set relevant again by adding a fourth component (presumably a console of some sort) with a nice Set 4 ability.
That might even get people to craft again.
I would absolutely love this (though, I think it would be nice if multiple sets had 4 pieces so we can use more 2 set bonuses. it;s also a pity all sets are the same pieces, wheres set consoles and set weapons, and such). If they gave a 4h piece to Aegis, what should the bonus be? a shield resist proc perhaps.
As far as full sets go, I love Aegis. Alone, each piece gives a nice bonus to your defenses, but the extra bonus from the 2 set is also nice, and the 3 set bonus is great. With your hull resist getting buffed reducing the damage you take from bleedthrough, it's almost like having a resilient shield array but at covariant level shielding, I have actually been in situations where I was worn down to minimal shielding and was saved by that little bit of extra resistance. The Reman gear gives higher raw shields, but Aegis uses what its got more effectively.
Omega deflector gives a nice boost to damage output and the 2 set gives you more DPS vs shields, but the full set isn't the best, if you want the damage boost i'd go with the deflector and engines and a different shield. MACO shield alone is great, but the rest of the stuff is fairly meh to me. Borg stuff is great, but the shield wont give you much survivability, the console, is a must, though. This is why you see 3 piece Borg with a Maco shield.
Just wait until someone tells you: 3Borg+MACO Shield
I'd suggest 3Borg+MACO Shield.
The boost to your survivability is great, to power nice, and the shield is one of the best ingame. :P
why is the 3 borg plus MACO shield XII better than just the entire MACO set plus the borg modulator in the engineering slot? if anyone would mind clarifying what i should use it would be greatly appreciated. i am running the Mobius Temporal Destoryer and im Vice Admiral. Thanks guys!
why is the 3 borg plus MACO shield XII better than just the entire MACO set plus the borg modulator in the engineering slot? if anyone would mind clarifying what i should use it would be greatly appreciated. i am running the Mobius Temporal Destoryer and im Vice Admiral. Thanks guys!
The reason is because the Maco shield is arguably the best in game. Good recharge rate and it gives you +2 to all power levels every few seconds while taking damage. Also if you use the Borg engine, deflector, and console, the bonuses are a chance to kick in two procs: a hull regeneration heal and a shield regeneration heal. So 3 piece Borg and MACO shield equals lots of survivability.
HOWEVER, with season 7, the Borg console will no longer be part of the Borg set. So the above setup would only give you the hull heal instead of both hull and shield. Might want to keep that in mind as you decide your setup.
Don't let them promote you. Don't let them transfer you. Don't let them do anything that takes you off the bridge of that ship, because while you're there... you can make a difference.
-Captain James T. Kirk
I just finished acquiring the Maco and Omega sets; in both stats and in practice, the Omega space set seems utterly pointless to me, especially since my ships can tank better with the Aegis set, and don't suffer any negative consequences as a result of using that lower set.
It's a shame, because the Omega shields actually look really classy on the Galor.
The Omega Set is only useful if the ship is armed with cannons and employs CSV or CRF to abuse the Omega Tetryon Glider mechanic. Galor beam boat set ups have too slow a fire rate to exloit Tetryon Glider effectively.
Tetryon Glider is very nasty, especially in PVP -- at 125 power, each cannon hit drains -37 shields per facing per hit with maxxed Flow Capacitors. CSV and CRF double current cannon fire rates (and as a results, TG shield drain speeds). This base shield drain rate outperforms even Tetryon weapon procs.
For STF's, TG doesn't matter much since borg are 10% shields + 90% hull, but when facing PVP'ers and other heavily shielded opponents, the Omega set gives (escort) players a nice offensive advantage.
Omega also uses Hyper-Impulse engines -- these are faster than all other impulse engine types with high base power captain builds. Omega shields also have very high recharge speeds, making them ideal for long, sustained fire fights.
I've tested both M.A.C.O and Omega sets, and being primarily an escort player, Omega seems more beneficial.
For STF's, I typically run 2 pieces Omega + Borg Deflector + Borg Assimilated Module console.
2 agies + Maco shd is used for stf tanking because the extra defense boost it gives.
2 omega + Maco shd for pvp Pre made/ qued. The extra movement boost with tet glider is great for rapid fire ships.
3 Borg + Maco shd for pvp stay and play like kar'ret. because of the Indian heals.
-"There is no such thing as an I win button!""Um, Sir. Whats this button that says (I win) for then?"
When S7 rolls out the three piece borg plus MACO shield combo will no longer work. Console is being removed as part of the borg set and included instead as part of a second set of borg stuff that includes the console and two weapons.
New Borg Pace Set will only unlock the current three piece bonus if you have all three pieces (shield, deflector, engine) equipped. Tractor beam will also be inculded as a second three piece bonus.
Thought I would put this out there so no-one wastes time trying to grind for this set-up.
When S7 rolls out the three piece borg plus MACO shield combo will no longer work. Console is being removed as part of the borg set and included instead as part of a second set of borg stuff that includes the console and two weapons.
New Borg Pace Set will only unlock the current three piece bonus if you have all three pieces (shield, deflector, engine) equipped. Tractor beam will also be inculded as a second three piece bonus.
Thought I would put this out there so no-one wastes time trying to grind for this set-up.
It's not like 10 EDC's and one Undine front mission is particularly grinding. But yes, as good as 3pc borg + maco shields or 2 pc Borg + 2pc KHG is, those options are going away.
I really don't like the sector space difference between omega and maco (one is reduced slipstream cooldown the other is just faster flying). That's just annoying.
MACO's a very good overall set though, and it's not a bad choice. I'm not sure how it compares to Aegis though, which might be even more effective for defense in the fleet missions.
As for what to use, I suggest finding the one you feel would suit you better via testing. But if you like Aegis, you'd probably like MACO as well. They're similar in some respects.
I'd suggest 3Borg+MACO Shield.
The boost to your survivability is great, to power nice, and the shield is one of the best ingame. :P
Why such hate for the Aegis set?
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
i agree m8, on all my ships i run all borg set minus the shield which i use the M.A.C.O MK XII,
if you read the stats for the Aegis it is excelent for defence as it boost's most of your defence stats,
i have maco 12 set; not impressed.
i have all other sets except for the reman 12 set and need 5 datalogs to finish that up. i have high hopes. we will see.
i have aegis, borg, breen, jem'hadar sets. not impressed.
here it goes:
the 3 piece borg set with maco 12 shields is the ultimate set up.
i wish "pure" sets were better. i would like to see some way to upgrade pure sets to make them better.
i put sets like jem'hadar and breen on shuttles. just seems wrong.
now when i take a shuttle into the vault i load it up with 3 piece borg and maco 12.
What everyone else says - pretty much 3 Borg + Your STF shield of choice and you're good to go...with the exception of KHG set, then I *personally* think 2+2 is an excellent choice.
It's a shame, because the Omega shields actually look really classy on the Galor.
Omega is an offense-heavy set. The deflector gives a bonus to your targeting system and the shield to your flight speed. Combined they give you the Tetryon Glider for shield-eating, particularly if combined with CRF. Its not pointless, just a different use.
I can still tank those with Omega, but it's nowhere near as easy, and my damage output, in practice at least, doesn't seem to be any better, or more accurate, aside from the ability to hit small craft and projectiles more easily.
Might be handy on an escort, but I'm mainly into cruisers and science/support ships right now.
im happy to say pal i have full omega Mk XI set and have never used it on my escort lol, as a engineer in a escort and with the 3 piece borg and MK XII maco shild i can tank like a TRIBBLE lol, but thats only due to boff powers and my own enginering powers, last time i did use the omega set i died, alot lol, with the set up now, it is vry rare i die unless bien left along by a team to take down a tac cube lol, but i wiuld deffo say *in my oppinion* AEGIS and OMEGA is best left for cruisers and sci ships
When switching from MACO to Omega, I notice a slight decrease in maneuverability (but not much in speed), and it becomes a little harder to hit the heavy plasma torps sometimes.
However, when I switch back to MACO, I can run full weapons power, and 50% engine power, with my captain skills and alternating Emergency Power to Shields skills keeping my shield power well above 85 the entire time. The shields also stay up more often, so I can drop one resistance console and fit an RCS. This, combined with the extra engine power, means I can tank even better without wringing my ship out so much, while enjoying even better speed and maneuverability. And then there's the other set bonuses, like power, and that fun Graviton Beam (which looks WAY cool coming from a Galor's deflector).
Now, this is only if you are comparing full set to full set, but...right now, Omega severely hinders your tanking ability, to the point that you have to make compromises in your build, whereas MACO is so wicked awesome that you can ditch certain tanking consoles/powers in favour of other bonuses.
I also compared Omega to Aegis...and I liked Aegis better; easier to tank, which...again...means that I can devote more shield power and console slots to whatever else I want.
So...I really fail to see the point of Omega; I'm not giving all that up just for a slight targeting bonus that only really helps against tiny targets.
That might even get people to craft again.
I would absolutely love this (though, I think it would be nice if multiple sets had 4 pieces so we can use more 2 set bonuses. it;s also a pity all sets are the same pieces, wheres set consoles and set weapons, and such). If they gave a 4h piece to Aegis, what should the bonus be? a shield resist proc perhaps.
As far as full sets go, I love Aegis. Alone, each piece gives a nice bonus to your defenses, but the extra bonus from the 2 set is also nice, and the 3 set bonus is great. With your hull resist getting buffed reducing the damage you take from bleedthrough, it's almost like having a resilient shield array but at covariant level shielding, I have actually been in situations where I was worn down to minimal shielding and was saved by that little bit of extra resistance. The Reman gear gives higher raw shields, but Aegis uses what its got more effectively.
Omega deflector gives a nice boost to damage output and the 2 set gives you more DPS vs shields, but the full set isn't the best, if you want the damage boost i'd go with the deflector and engines and a different shield. MACO shield alone is great, but the rest of the stuff is fairly meh to me. Borg stuff is great, but the shield wont give you much survivability, the console, is a must, though. This is why you see 3 piece Borg with a Maco shield.
why is the 3 borg plus MACO shield XII better than just the entire MACO set plus the borg modulator in the engineering slot? if anyone would mind clarifying what i should use it would be greatly appreciated. i am running the Mobius Temporal Destoryer and im Vice Admiral. Thanks guys!
The reason is because the Maco shield is arguably the best in game. Good recharge rate and it gives you +2 to all power levels every few seconds while taking damage. Also if you use the Borg engine, deflector, and console, the bonuses are a chance to kick in two procs: a hull regeneration heal and a shield regeneration heal. So 3 piece Borg and MACO shield equals lots of survivability.
HOWEVER, with season 7, the Borg console will no longer be part of the Borg set. So the above setup would only give you the hull heal instead of both hull and shield. Might want to keep that in mind as you decide your setup.
Don't let them promote you. Don't let them transfer you. Don't let them do anything that takes you off the bridge of that ship, because while you're there... you can make a difference.
-Captain James T. Kirk
The Omega Set is only useful if the ship is armed with cannons and employs CSV or CRF to abuse the Omega Tetryon Glider mechanic. Galor beam boat set ups have too slow a fire rate to exloit Tetryon Glider effectively.
Tetryon Glider is very nasty, especially in PVP -- at 125 power, each cannon hit drains -37 shields per facing per hit with maxxed Flow Capacitors. CSV and CRF double current cannon fire rates (and as a results, TG shield drain speeds). This base shield drain rate outperforms even Tetryon weapon procs.
For STF's, TG doesn't matter much since borg are 10% shields + 90% hull, but when facing PVP'ers and other heavily shielded opponents, the Omega set gives (escort) players a nice offensive advantage.
Omega also uses Hyper-Impulse engines -- these are faster than all other impulse engine types with high base power captain builds. Omega shields also have very high recharge speeds, making them ideal for long, sustained fire fights.
I've tested both M.A.C.O and Omega sets, and being primarily an escort player, Omega seems more beneficial.
For STF's, I typically run 2 pieces Omega + Borg Deflector + Borg Assimilated Module console.
2 agies + Maco shd is used for stf tanking because the extra defense boost it gives.
2 omega + Maco shd for pvp Pre made/ qued. The extra movement boost with tet glider is great for rapid fire ships.
3 Borg + Maco shd for pvp stay and play like kar'ret. because of the Indian heals.
When S7 rolls out the three piece borg plus MACO shield combo will no longer work. Console is being removed as part of the borg set and included instead as part of a second set of borg stuff that includes the console and two weapons.
New Borg Pace Set will only unlock the current three piece bonus if you have all three pieces (shield, deflector, engine) equipped. Tractor beam will also be inculded as a second three piece bonus.
Thought I would put this out there so no-one wastes time trying to grind for this set-up.
It's not like 10 EDC's and one Undine front mission is particularly grinding. But yes, as good as 3pc borg + maco shields or 2 pc Borg + 2pc KHG is, those options are going away.
I really don't like the sector space difference between omega and maco (one is reduced slipstream cooldown the other is just faster flying). That's just annoying.