So my search of the forum didn't find a post for this, so if there is one please let me know.
I think there is one key thing that Space combat is missing...
Pet control, the ability like with bridge officer in ground combat to control your pets. I use the multi-vector Prometheus an in almost every STF or Fleet Action I see my 2 pets flying off to the other side of the maps instead of following me and attacking what I am attacking. I would like to be able to control this. Even in a similar fact of follow, stay, attack. But this could be so much more.
With the Prometheus, you could build attack patterns that where the pet would attack in specific ways and then return to whatever command they were previously given (ie. follow). These would also work for fighter drone from the carrier ships.
It really surprises me that with ground combat basic control, that we wouldn't have the same option with space combat.
Just my two cent.
They tend to operate with the intelligence of a lobotomized chinchilla, otherwise.