I've been switching between set layouts for quite some time now (for PvP), and I was wondering if my current setup was the best for me (as for defense/shields, not damage).
Aegis Deflector
Aegis Engine (2 part - 10% defense, is defense a good investment?)
MACO Shield (15% resistance!)
Engineering - 4x Neutronium Alloy (40.1% resistance!)
Science - Work Bees, Borg Console, Field Generator (
http://www.stowiki.org/Field_Generator - these stack now?! And as Tier 12 Very Rare! Is this true, should I stack, and where can I get these new tier very rares?), and Shield Emitter Amplifier
Tactical - 2x Phaser Relay
I've heard people say to get 3 of the borg with the MACO shield, I have the entire Borg set (used to be better, until it got nerfed), but I'm not sure. Thanks you. I'm looking forward to your responses.
Also, I would appreciate more advice on sets rather than consoles.
As per the Mk XII Very Rares, chances are you can get them off of the Exchange for something like 50M EC's (maybe more). So unless you're rich, I wouldn't worry about those too much.