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ship advice

earthling2earthling2 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
hello..... im still what most would consider a newb in STO..... but i have forged my way through to top rank admiral and now im stuck when it comes to ships.......

ive had several ships in my journey to the top, but i cant seem to make any of them last any amount of time in pve oer pvp.......

the ships ive piloted sofar include;
  • the cruiser refit from the c store
  • the advanced heavy cruiser from the c store (excelsior)
  • the exploration cruiser refit from the c store (galaxy class variant)
  • the star cruiser
  • the advanced cruiser retrofit (excelsior variant) -- also the one i am currently using
  • all 3 odyssey class ships
  • and for the carrier experience, the atrox.....

the only ship i seem to be able to make last in any type of fire fight, is the excelsior retrofit advanced heavy cruiser.... its almost indestructible on most missions and can take a borg cube 1 on 1 with no real trouble....

its layout is as follows;
  • fore weapons: 2x MK XII tetryon beam array @ 180 dps, 1 x quantum torp @ 399 dps and a dual tetryon beam bank @ 244 dps
  • deflector shields and engines are the borg standard issue from ds9
  • aft weapons: 3x MK XII tetryon beam array @ 180 dps and a quantum torp same as in fore slot.
  • enginering consoles are 2x eps flow regulator MK XII, tetraburnium hull plating MK XII, and a neutronium MK XII
  • science consoles are; shield emiter amplifier mk XII and the universal transwarp console that comes with the ship
  • tactical consoles are the borg console to complete the set, and 2 MK XII tetryon pulse generators

my Bridge officer powers are
[Tactical officer] beam array fire at will 1, torpedo high yield 2, torpedo spread 3

[engineering officer] engineering team 1, extend shields 1, reverse shield polarity 2, eject warp plasma 2

[engineering] emergency power to shields 1, engineering team 2

[engineering] engineering team 1

[science]transfer shield strength 1 and hazard emitters 2

ive provided all the information i can think of on my best build......... can it be improved anywhere?
i would be great full for any constructive criticism, or suggestions on a good engineering oddy build, as ive heard the oddy is a cracking ship if built right... i apologise in advance for any noob mistakes i have made

and i forgot to mention, all weapons are borg specific from ds9
Post edited by earthling2 on


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    arcademasterarcademaster Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    One thing that immediately comes to mind is that you should definitely use Tactical Team, it'll make your shields last much much longer, since the fire is usually concentrated on one or two sides (especially in slow turning cruisers). Tactical Team will drain power from sides that aren't under attack to the side that's getting damage, so it helps you use your shield potential to 100%.

    Also as Science Boff Skill Reverse Shield Polarity is near essential, it'll make you close to invulnerable as long as it's active, and combined with Tactical Team it'll make sure you come out of it with 100% shields to boot.

    The Borg shield is one of the worst for endgame, try to get a Maco Shield.

    I hope this helps.

    (This thread will probably be moved to another subforum)
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    tenkaritenkari Member Posts: 2,906 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    One thing that immediately comes to mind is that you should definitely use Tactical Team, it'll make your shields last much much longer, since the fire is usually concentrated on one or two sides (especially in slow turning cruisers). Tactical Team will drain power from sides that aren't under attack to the side that's getting damage, so it helps you use your shield potential to 100%.

    Also as Science Boff Skill Reverse Shield Polarity is near essential, it'll make you close to invulnerable as long as it's active, and combined with Tactical Team it'll make sure you come out of it with 100% shields to boot.

    The Borg shield is one of the worst for endgame, try to get a Maco Shield.

    I hope this helps.

    (This thread will probably be moved to another subforum)

    RSP he already has listed in his boff skills.

    Though i dont know if he needs 2 engineering Team 1's when he has 1 and 2 especially if he wants to pick up Tac team....

    I find the Sci oddy with all 3 consoles active is pretty descent. ran it in an elite STF once with my first STF on my Engy VA, didnt blow up once. The workbees are good at keeping you alive longer, and chevron separation helps with the poor turn rate of the T5 cruisers.

    But as you stated, Maco shields are better than the Borg ones, but are pretty descent to use until you find either the Shield Tech or get enough EDC's for them, or find another similar shield.

    shields are the best to get rid of in the borg set since the 2 and 3 peice sets are the "most important" since no one really uses the borg Tractor beam much.

    Also OP, you may want to think about that dual beam bank, as when enemies are on your sides, you lose the extra DPS of another regular beam array.

    Edit: PS, the universal BO slot of the oddy's helps out a lot with the customization of the ship. For example in your current setup you could toss the ensing Engineer and pick up a Tac slot with Tac team, or a Sci with Polarize hull for when your shields do go down, or your facing off against tractor beams.

    Also: having more than one EPS flow regulator is redundant unless you often switch between power settings, as thats practically the only thing it would be good for.
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    kattarnkattarn Member Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    [Tactical officer] beam array fire at will 1, torpedo high yield 2, torpedo spread 3

    [engineering officer] engineering team 1, extend shields 1, reverse shield polarity 2, eject warp plasma 2

    [engineering] emergency power to shields 1, engineering team 2

    [engineering] engineering team 1

    [science]transfer shield strength 1 and hazard emitters 2

    Well it seems decent set up to me but i will change a few things;

    [Tactical officer] Tactical team 1, Fire at will or Beam overload, torpedo hig yield 3 (more severe than spread)

    [engineering officer] auxiliar to structural(you can test to dampers too is awesome skill), emergency power to shields 2, reverse shield polarity 2, eject warp plasma 2 can be usefull in stf, (for pvp see science and change plasma for Emergency to shields 3)

    [engineering] emergency power to shields 1, engineering team 2

    [engineering] emergency to weapons 1

    [science]transfer shield strength 1 and hazard emitters 2 (for pvp change transfer shield with tractor beam) and i will hardly think about remove hazard for polarize hull and if you let hazard too then remove fire at will/or beam overload for attack patern omega cos you need a root counter.
    its layout is as follows;

    fore weapons: 2x MK XII tetryon beam array @ 180 dps, 1 x quantum torp @ 399 dps and a dual tetryon beam bank @ 244 dps
    deflector shields and engines are the borg standard issue from ds9
    aft weapons: 3x MK XII tetryon beam array @ 180 dps and a quantum torp same as in fore slot.
    enginering consoles are 2x eps flow regulator MK XII, tetraburnium hull plating MK XII, and a neutronium MK XII
    science consoles are; shield emiter amplifier mk XII and the universal transwarp console that comes with the ship
    tactical consoles are the borg console to complete the set, and 2 MK XII tetryon pulse generators

    I will go only with one torp, the rest weapons beams is not bad idea have the torp in your rear, however is a preference of the user :P.

    in the enginering consoles if you have enough skills points spend in the power management line i sugest you remove one of those 2 EPS and put the ATDC console in the free slot.
    In science try to get a field generator console, borg console.

    Since you moved the borg console you have a free slot to add damage to your weapons put in there another tetry pulse gen ;).

    Try to get a MACO shield either MXI or MXII as soon as you can.
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