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Has STO gone Downhill?

woghdwoghd Member Posts: 146 Arc User
I was reading a thread and was about to post to it only to find that it was shut down by a mod. Yes, it was a nagative thread about PWE and STO. Yes, they have a right to do this. No I am not restarting an old thread.

(I need to explicity point this out before I am accused of doing that)

Everyone knows how angry everyone is over the forum changes.
We lost our histories, our Identities, our Avatars, and 6 years or so of tweaks to these boards. Yes, we are still angry about it! yes, we will still TALK about it!

Killing the threads created by your angry customers will not suddenly make everyone think we are all happy again. In fact it's that exact sort of non-caring authoritarian behavior that we are all so upset about...

Look at this:

Why? because the thread has been on the top page since you destroyed our forum? It doesn't sound like these threads have run their course to me. In fact it sounds like people are still P.O.ed at PWE for doing this!!

Killing the threads or banning the posters isn't going to get rid of all the anger that you have generated by destroying six years of history. It will only increase it. i know this sort of thing works in CHINA but it does not work in the west. It just makes the problem worse. it makes us angry all over again.

PWE, you need to understand that we LOVE THIS GAME. We know now that you don't but WE DO! ...and we will happily keep paying money to you as long as you keep giving us that little kiss when it's all over, and keep us with the illusion that you care about us, your customers. You can't just trod all over us and expect us to keep smiling


Thanks for removing the lock boxes...now change the forum back!
Hint: Destroying our forum was a bigger mistake than the lockboxes, and I suspect that even if you change them right back, it will be years before you have our trust again.
Join Date: Sep 2008

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: CHANGE THE FORUMS BACK !!!
Post edited by woghd on


  • fluffytargcreamfluffytargcream Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Are you aware that restarting closed threads can garner you an infraction?
    I'm just telling you this so you have a chance to edit out any all reference, or discussion of moderation in hopes that you won't be banned.
  • hippiejonhippiejon Member Posts: 1,581 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Gotta Agree.
    This topic has NOT run it's course.
    People are still angry, and allowing them a common ground to 'vent' frustrations is probably a good idea.
    Shutting down the free flow of ideas, shutting down people who are angry is the totally wrong approach. But that's just my opinion. Shutting us , and our complaints down, does nothing but make me double down on my dislike of PERFECT WORLD ENTERTAINMENT and anything to do with them.

    I have already decided to stop spending money on the game, because of the fact that they haven't been able to give me any confidence in their ability to handle anything around their "zen" system, and the forced merging of our accounts.

    Now, shutting down legitimate discourse about things. Just because it maybe paints PWE in a bad light ? Now, free or not , I am taking back the recommendations I have given to friends regarding the game.

    Draconian Overlord behavior is foolish. It will not serve to win back the faith and trust of the customers. It will only serve to drive a deeper wedge.
  • utioutio Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I gotta say, I still dont know what they've done to the game that's so bad. Has sto gone downhill? Well let's see what we've got...
    Season 6 is imminent.
    More devs than ever.
    More players than ever.
    More content than we've had in a long time.
    Alot more communication from the devs than any mmo I've played.
    We don't have to spend any money to play the game. There are no missions that you have to "buy", like other FTP mmos I know.
    It would appear they've listened to the community regarding lockboxes.

    I honestly don't get where the downhill part comes in.
  • targpetz101targpetz101 Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    utio wrote: »
    I gotta say, I still dont know what they've done to the game that's so bad. Has sto gone downhill? Well let's see what we've got...
    Season 6 is imminent.
    More devs than ever.
    More players than ever.
    More content than we've had in a long time.
    Alot more communication from the devs than any mmo I've played.
    We don't have to spend any money to play the game. There are no missions that you have to "buy", like other FTP mmos I know.
    It would appear they've listened to the community regarding lockboxes.

    I honestly don't get where the downhill part comes in.

    Same here.
    The game has made huge improvements since launch.

    I remember the people that cryed "the End Is Near" months back. "6 months and it will shut down thnx to PW" 'rage rage rage'
    didn't happen....
    [SIGPIC]This is not as good as it used to be...[/SIGPIC]
  • daytonamaxdaytonamax Member Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    [nevermind] i'll just report the thread since that is the correct action.
  • tanith1989tanith1989 Member Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    this game is stronger than ever. i was here from pretty much day 1 and i remember how the game was really just a grind now that i look back on it. now you have episodes with cinematic clips and rewards that alter the appearance of your ship and a first person shooter mode and the ability to run STFs casually. I mean i remember the days when you would be flying to the B'Tran cluster and people would be sat around asking of parties to run the whole STF from start to finish ground and space, thats right ground AND space they used to be connected.

    then the foundry what a tool i cant get bored with that in game now i just go on and see what some people have made or make a mission myself what. So i am not worried about STO going down hill because it is not. I remember when it was when ATARI had it in that strangle hold and they had like no staff but still they came out with the feature episodes.

    I know there are things that are bad like exploration...... well lack of exploration. PVP sucks, endgame content are 6 missions and a planet war zone that never seems to change. The war between the feds and Klingons feel more like a slight inconvenience and there is no risk to the federation of Klingon empire what so ever but itl get there have faith and it will come
    Ketan Merious
    Captain, U.S.S Transcendent
    Explorers Fleet, Senior Member
    We want an Odyssey variant give us it
  • captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    woghd wrote: »

    A few points.

    The mod who closed down the thread was a community mod. they dont work for PW. they dont get paid by PW, they just donate their time to help out.

    he closed it as he saw a lot of trolling and in his opinion it deserved to be closed. it does not really matter if we agree with his decision we just have to respect it. if you feel a community mod or even an official one is abusing his power write a ticket explaining your feelings and someone higher up will look at it.

    its not 6 years of history. the game first started being developed by cryptic about 4 to 4.5 years ago. the boards have only been a round for about 3-4 years and the game itself is 2.5 years old.

    creating a thread with the exact same name as the last one is opening an old thread. they will close this down regardless of whether you think its a different thread. talking about moderation is also an infraction, again whether you think it is or not. so you would do well to delete your OP. people will read the thread title and they will respond to that far more than they will to the content of your opening post. This is not going to end well for you here so just bite the bullet and edit your post before you get an infraction. there are plenty of other threads already up talk about lock boxes or pw or the forums.

    yes people will stay angry. personally i think people get far too angry about far too many things in this place, but if there is a specific point to be made on an issue then make a thread about that issue or use one that is already about.
  • assimilatedktarassimilatedktar Member Posts: 1,708 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    utio wrote: »
    Season 6 is imminent.

    Let's see how good it will be.
    utio wrote: »
    More devs than ever.

    I was under the impression that all the good ones are leaving.
    utio wrote: »
    More players than ever.

    Since when is Cryptic handing out that kind of information.
    utio wrote: »
    More content than we've had in a long time.

    Did an FE series start without me noticing?
    utio wrote: »
    Alot more communication from the devs than any mmo I've played.

    A lot less communication from devs than in the first year of STO.
    utio wrote: »
    We don't have to spend any money to play the game. There are no missions that you have to "buy", like other FTP mmos I know.

    You can buy advantages for PvP also you have to pay for most canon ships if you want to play them at Endgame.
    utio wrote: »
    It would appear they've listened to the community regarding lockboxes.

    Yep, they've tied the gambling boxes into other gambling boxes.
    utio wrote: »
    I honestly don't get where the downhill part comes in.

    Less communication from the devs than before. No warning that the forum would be annihilated, more things that go directly to the C-Store and give tangible benefits in the game etc. Of course the game has grown and become better over time, however the direction it is developing into doesn't sit well with everybody.
    A few points.

    The mod who closed down the thread was a community mod. they dont work for PW. they dont get paid by PW, they just donate their time to help out.

    Your point is?
    he closed it as he saw a lot of trolling and in his opinion it deserved to be closed. it does not really matter if we agree with his decision we just have to respect it. if you feel a community mod or even an official one is abusing his power write a ticket explaining your feelings and someone higher up will look at it.

    Because that worked perfectly in the past.:rolleyes:
    FKA K-Tar, grumpy Klingon/El-Aurian hybrid. Now assimilated by PWE.
    Sometimes, if you want to bury the hatchet with a Klingon, it has to be in his skull. - Captain K'Tar of the USS Danu about J'mpok.
  • captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Your point is?

    My point is to try and clear up what seems to be the OP's misunderstanding. He suggests that PW closed down the thread because it was negative. he seems upset that PW are silencing people's negative viewpoints. PW had nothing to do with closing the thread.

    it was one player who volunteers his time and has no official connection to PW. therefore he is not closing down the thread because its negative, he is closing it down because in his opinion its run its course and there was trolling. he is doing his apointed task how he sees it and its nothing to do with PW.

    Because that worked perfectly in the past.:rolleyes:

    How would you know as it would all be conducted privately. if a mod over steps his or her power you submit a complaint. there is no guarantee that that complaint is valid and if it is they are not going to publicly tell you that they warned a mod.
  • askrayaskray Member Posts: 3,329 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Hey guys!

    Restarting threads closed by moderators isn't allowed, nor is discussing moderation.

    As such this thread is closed again. If you have questions or concerns you can contact a member of the community team by using the link at the bottom of my post.
    Yes, I'm that Askray@Batbayer in game. Yes, I still play. No, I don't care.
    Former Community Moderator, Former SSR DJ, Now Full time father to two kids, Husband, Retail Worker.
    Tiktok: @Askray Facebook: Askray113

This discussion has been closed.