Welcome to the Ten Forward Battle Brigades!
This thread will now serve as the TFBB's official thread on the STO boards since our old thread has been archived with the recent forum changes, and I am not longer able to edit it.
The archived TFBB thread can be found here.
For those who are unfamaliar with the Ten Forward Battle Brigades, or TFBB as we call it, we are a casual group of players, not a fleet, dedicated to helping players become more famialar with PvP and helping them to improve their PvP builds and strageties by playing against other players.
Every weekend, we meet on Drozona Station at 1400 ET. Though attendence on Drozona is not required, we do need to know that you are interested in participating in our events. To do so, you will need to join our in-game chat channel,
TFBB, and post that you are interested in participating, so our Event Organizers can invite you.
Later in this post, I will include posts and links to a clock and directions to join our channel
Each weekend, we try to feature a showcase a different event, but this is determined by a weekly player poll found
here on our home boards at 10ites.com. A complete listing of events will be added to this thread in a later post.
A listing of the TFBB meeting times around the world can be found here. Unless otherwise noted, our meeting time will always be 2:00 PM Eastern Time, or Washington, D.C. time in the above link.
Instructions for joining our channel can be found here. I will update this post with a link to instructions in the thread here as I get it posted.
Rules, regulations, and guidlines are specified to ensure the most level playing field for all participants as this helps keep events fun for everyone and not just some. Your co-operation is greatly appreciated!
Hand-To-Hand Combat Event Rules
Tribbles, hypos and food can be used at player discretion.
Disclaimer: The TFBB or any of it's staff do not take any responsability for any of your food items being consumed by your Tribble's before you have the opportunity to use them.
*The Devidian Staff, Nanopulse Weapons, Shard of Possibilities, Ferengi Whip, and Tholian Crystaline Sword are restriced due to that all players may not have access to them.
Melee Event Rules
Nothing in the power tray other than Tribble's, hypos, food items.
Disclaimer: The TFBB or any of it's staff do not take any responsability for any of your food items being consumed by your Tribble's before you have the opportunity to use them.
*The Devidian Staff, Nanopulse Weapons, Shard of Possibilities, Ferengi Whip, and Tholian Crystaline Sword are restriced due to that all players may not have access to them.
*Combat Hortas are permitted on the grounds that the Standard, Red Horta is easily obtainable though means of the Reman episode Mine Enemy. Though crafting is required, it is not a long stretch to obtain one, and it does not require dilithium or rare particle traces. From my observations, the Acidic Horta, the Esylium Crystal Horta, and the Standard Horta all share a similar, if not exact, damage.
Tiered Ship/Rank Rules
Weapons must conform to or lower than the rank of the ship tier, unless we're running at level cap.
No Scaling weapons and consoles are permitted if we are running a tiered event. Scalling weapons and consoles are only perminted at max level (VA/LG) PvP.
Tier One Gear:
Crafted or Bought as long as its Mk I or Mk II.
No C-Store TOS Phasers, Breen Cluster Torpedo, etc. since they scale.
*Miranda, Oberth, NX, Constitution, and Bird of Prey (Pre-Level 21 starter KDF ship. Also know as the T1 B'rel) are all permitted.
Due to changes in the skill tree, all tiered space combat events will not use captain skills. Only Bridge Officer Skills are permitted here. Devices are permitted if they are obtainable at said Tiered rank (This mainly concernes the Scorpion fighters obtainable in the Reman FE arc.). Turrets, however, are prohibited in a Tiered Combat match since these scale to player level.
Shuttle/Fighter Wars
All shuttle/fighter events are done with VA level toons. There are no ability, weapon, gear, etc. restrictions on these events other than needing to be in a shuttle or fighter.
Any questions regarding the TFBB or any of its rules can be posted in this thread, and we will try to answer them as soon as possible.
And no Nanopulse weapons either right?
Registered: Oct/2009 , LTS : Feb/2011
Fleets: Warriors of the Phoenix, Kirian Industries[/SIGPIC]
Three years and still no Captain Klaa hair...
Right. Thank you for reminding me about those. I'd forgotten about those not being available after the holiday event and thus not everyone has access to them.
Rules, Regulations, and Guidlines post updated to reflect this.
Are we permitting combat pets?
We are PWE. Your forums and game accounts will be added to our own. Your community will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.
Drop by any time! The poll is just to get a general idea of what folks want to do. If someone new comes along and wants a VA match, we'll do that. It's casual and friendly. People mostly laugh at the end of a match, not whine. Well, I whine, but it's just what I do. :P
Tsuki ni Kawatte Oshioki Yo
Heir to the high pony of holier than thou, Guardian of the Sacred Mallet of Thwarting, and giver of Baptismal raspberries since 02/02/2010
I second the motion!
All in favor???
Due to me working today instead of Wednesday, I will be able to make this happen. [=
May there be lots of fireworks!!
*arms bus with 500g fireworks and wires for simultaneous launch*
*runs around bus, flailing, blow torch at full burn in hand*
Yes yes YES! Fire ! Fire ! *makes heavy metal horns and starts headbanging*
Heir to the high pony of holier than thou, Guardian of the Sacred Mallet of Thwarting, and giver of Baptismal raspberries since 02/02/2010
Someone just linked this to me an hour ago in a totally unrelated to STO site.
Mind = blown
mum cappy, may i please have a pony?
Tsuki ni Kawatte Oshioki Yo
You owe me a new monitor. They're not spittle-proof, apparently.
Well, I won't be able to sleep for a few days now