This is another sci bird of prey. This one's focus however is to be a vampire. It has two suites of options here, or rather three, once the nasty drains hit the field.
After some retesting of Tykens recently, they appear to have finally fixed it. At least if you are decked to the 9s with it anyway and are using mark 3. (TR3 still seems only about where 2 was before all the skill tree changes, but that's still a fairly usable skill when used enmasse)
Like my previous Sci Bird this one is meant to be paired with a duplicate of her capabilities.
Gear: Weapons Polaron Acc 2 CrtH, Dual Heavy Cannons X4, Attack pattern B change out a DHC for a Beam Array. 2 Polaron Turrets Acc2 CrtH
Engine: Borg
Deflector: Borg
Shield: KHG, MK12 Resilient Cap2. Or Mk X Res Cap3 if you still have one.
Consoles: Engineering Barrier Field Generator, Aceton Assimilator, Neutronium Armor
Science : 2 Field Generators, 1 Borg
Tactical : 3 Polaron Consoles.
Doffs: Gravimetric Scientist (Tykens), 2 Systems Engineers, 1 Purple Shield distribution officer.
Power Settings: 100 Weapons, 25 shields, 25 engine, 50 aux. 50 weapons, 25 shield, 25 engine, 100 Aux. (cloak, and decloak starter setting unless you want to eat a battery for aux) Run Away, 25 weapon, 75 Shields, 75 Engines, 25 aux.
There are three primary attack configurations for this ship. Each change the Lt Cmdr Boff slot at minimum. I will list them and their relevant configurations as A B and C.
The Barrier field replaces the busted leech, and provides the ability to segregate ships on the opposing team from each other. This gives you another soft counter to extend shields, and will slow down healing tremendously from your opposition, when properly deployed especially with a second field on the well field. The assimilators, even though they no longer stack like they once did and their drain is greatly reduced, gives you a static 5 power loss or so on the field to assist in tyken and polaron Drains.
This bird is mean to hit and run once things get hot and heavy like the last sci bird and set the battlefield for total destruction of the opposition.
This is a Tactical or Sci Officer's ship. The LT Cmdr slot compliments those two classes nicely. For Tacs this gives you access to BO3, 2 and say... Tac Team. For Sci this gives you, Tac Team, FAW1 and 2.
The Karfi, is a damage focused carrier in my book. It's not the best healer by any means, and it's kind of squishy. However you do have options to get some decent longevity out of this thing and I'll go over them as completely as I can.
We are going to cover the Tac Karfi first.
Weapons, The Karfi is just a hair too slow to go with a Dual Beam bank setup, so I recommend the usual standard 6 beam arrays, with one mine launcher in the aft. That mine launcher should of course be spitting out chronitons. Preferred Properties, AccX2 CrtH and or AccX3
Deflector, Borg
Engine, Borg
Shield, KHG, or Borg.
Power Settings, 100 to Weapons, 50 to Shields, 25 to everything else.
Alternate #1, 100 to weapons, 30 to shields, 25 engines, 35 Aux.
Alt #2, 50 Weapons, 25 shields, 25 engine, 100 aux
alt #3, 25 weapons, 100 shields, 25 engines, 50 aux
Devices, Shield Battery, Aux Battery, Subspace Field Modulator.
Cmdr slot,
Viral Matrix 3, this skill provides a 10 second shut down to multiple subsystems and is one of the few good sci powers left in the game. Transfer Shield Strength 3, Hazard Emitters 2, Tractor Beam
Lt Cmdr, Tac Team, Beam Overload 2, Beam Overload 3.
Lt Tac, Tac Team 1, Dispersal pattern Alpha 1 why alpha and not beta? More mine clusters, means they will seek 2 targets to TRIBBLE on instead of one.
Ens Sci, Polarize Hull 1 you need this.. both as a hull resist, and as a way to break tractors.
Lt Engineer, Emergency Power to Shields 1 and 2.
Hangars, for full on **** Move status, go with the double siphon pods. You'll be the life of every party. If you want to just go for raw murderous potential Advanced Skulls. They give you free torp strikes vs nekkid hull and as a tac you'll get plenty of those opps with BO2 and 3 slamming home every chance you get.
This layout is fairly standardized and capable of giving good non aux dependent shut downs, and decent shield tanking potential, with a nice hull heal thrown in to ice the cake.
Abit more of a risky but possibly higher payoff version of this ship before I move to the sci.
Cmdr, Photonic Shockwave 3, or Tractor Beam Repulsors 3. Why? with full tac buffs applying to these powers you can be absolutely Murderous. Can we say routine 22k strikes with PSW3 vs a non shield facing target? Or a stream of 10 -20k crits from TBR3 when TBR3 starts rolling crits? Both are also good for disrupting healing cycles as PSW knocks off extend shields, and TBR can potentially push either your target, or the healer out of reach... so you and your bop buddies can get all rapey, if you cooridinate and learn to aim your TBR3s.
If running PSW3, TBR2.. while TBR2s damage isn't as substantial as TBR3s, it's still good for pushin and spam clearing, Transfer Shield Strength 2, and Hazard one fill out the sci slots here. The rest of the boffs are unchanged.
Sci, Karfis, are more healing and control focused than their murderous tac counter parts. Here's the sci karfi I've found works best.
Weapons, 6 beams, and 1 chroniton torp launcher
Deflector Engines and Shield see above.
Power settings same as the tac
Cmdr, Viral Matrix 3, Photonic Officer 3, or PSW3, Sci Team 3, Transfer Shield Strength 2, Hazard 1
Lt Cmdr, Tac Team, FAW2, FAW3 (that's Fire At will for those of you that don't know that yet)
Lt Tac, Torp Spread 1 and 2. Alt loadout, Torpspread1, Attack Pattern Beta1/Delta1
Lt Eng, EPTS1 and 2
Ens Sci, Tractor beam.
Hangars, Siphon Pods or Frigates.
Doffs, the Sci Team cool down reduction doffs. Get your ST3s as close to global as possible, Brace For Impact (shield distribution) doffs, and then a Warp Core Engineer.
The Sci Karfi is more reliant on debuffs, as by nature sci captains lack the necessary burst buffing powers to make the relatively few tac slots worth it. (as again the Karfi is just a hair too slow for Cannon and DBB use.) It can also provide abit more healing to it's team mates as the sci captain has access to dampening field -and- sci fleet to help keep himself alive during focus periods, as well as team mates. (these also buff your pets by the way) As a controller a Sci Karfi is absolutely obnoxious to play against when handled well. Hair pulling Obnoxious and to make it worse, it can often full heal it's allies shields making the small inroads against their enemies for nothing.
Consoles I saved to the end as they are identical for both ships.
1 Ablative armor, 1 Borg
3 Field Generators, and 1 particle generator, or 3 Particle Generators 1 Field generator
3 Energy Consoles.
Sci: Phase Shift, Borg, Field Gen and still unsure about the last one
Tac: Energy
Edit: Forgot the pets: Advanced Fer'Jai Frigate
For the Karfi, I'd use PSW3, or TBR3 instead of GW3. Consoles ditch EPS it does nothing worth mentioning, I would also put the Borg in it's place.
Phase shift is -okay- it's not great but imo I'd rather have a second field gen there. , and then roll with 2 particle generator consoles to beef up your TBR/PSW3 damage. (and you will do FAR more damage and CC with the tbr3 or pSW3 if you are pugging)
Well the EPS is part nostalgia and part for switching between power levels which i do quite often in sci ships. I admit it doesnt do much but I kind of like that console. Also I find one field gen sufficient. I have about 14,5k shield and if that isn't enough i prefer the phase shift.
As for the science powers, it is true GW3 alone isnt that good. It helps clear pets and these days feds have as many of them as klinks do. Also it is nice combined with a Tykens.
What stopped me from trying PSW so far is the weapons bug. I got hit with it too often to do that to someone else.
As for TBR, I have used that on other ships and I am still uncertain about it. Sometimes its great but I find it hard to use. You can so easily destroy the attack angle of you escorts or push someone out of range of your own ships. Maybe I should give it another try.
This is a heavy hitting tac recon build where the word ?photon? is all painted over the ship. The weapon load out consists of photon torpedo?s and mines. It uses photonic shockwaves and all abilities are reduced by tactical initiative, Photonic officer and technician Doffs?. Crazy.
To really refine your build, use at least [acc]x2 torpedo?s and use purple doffs
This is a heavy hitting tac recon build where the word ?photon? is all painted over the ship. The weapon load out consists of photon torpedo?s and mines. It uses photonic shockwaves and all abilities are reduced by tactical initiative, Photonic officer and technician Doffs?. Crazy.
To really refine your build, use at least [acc]x2 torpedo?s and use purple doffs
Power settings: I made 3 presets:
Normal offensive: 25/25/100/50
When you use CPB switch to 25/25/25/50/100
When targeted: 25/100/50/25
- PSW is aux independent
- To have more fun, equip the PSW torpedo console
Same as before ditch Photons. They are useless. Ditch the aft torps. The Recon is an Agile ship, you don't need them.
Secondly, Photonic Officer Blows. Change this out for TSS2 As does CPB the drain is a complete joke and you will never kill anyone thanks to it, that has a real build. What you need there is VM1 PSW3 is now trash to use regardless, so I would swap this out for TBR3.
This is a heavy hitting tac recon build where the word ?photon? is all painted over the ship. The weapon load out consists of photon torpedo?s and mines. It uses photonic shockwaves and all abilities are reduced by tactical initiative, Photonic officer and technician Doffs?. Crazy.
To really refine your build, use at least [acc]x2 torpedo?s and use purple doffs
Power settings: I made 3 presets:
Normal offensive: 25/25/100/50
When you use CPB switch to 25/25/25/50/100
When targeted: 25/100/50/25
- PSW is aux independent
- To have more fun, equip the PSW torpedo console
If you're rocking 3 purple Techs, you don't need PO, you'll be pretty much hitting system cooldown on most powers.
I'd say go with TBR3 instead of PSW3, Move TSS3 to TSS2 and replace with Sci Team 3, get rid of PO1 and replace with HE2. Replace HE1 with Tractor beam 1. Honestly, I'm not to sure about CPB, I haven't tried it much since resists were reduced to 50%. Give it a whirl and see how it works. VM1 is an option, but unless you're rocking System Engineers, the effect is a little lack luster.
Join Date: Sep 2009
[23:35] Horta deals 1738411 (1538303) Toxic Damage to Centurion Engineer with Corrosive Acid.
"Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
I liked the Sci BoP ideas, but I'm wondering (as a newish player) whether the Vo'Quv could work well with a Sci captain - I imagine that it wouldn't be the easiest thing to get right (both build and piloting) but I really fancy trying something completely different from my Tac Bop with my next KDF character. Only four Boffs would give me some wiggle room to swap out a couple of officers to tweak the build for both PvE and PvP(bit under populated atm)
I have an empty slot waiting for an alt to fill it (will be a big help farming doffs for starbase construction), but as I have come to really enjoy the klinks more than the feds I would really like to build something interesting that merits more attention than logging in for 2 mins to run quickie officer reps, lore and recruitment missions.
My immediate thoughts were along the lines of flow capacitors + vo-quv inherent subsystem targetting + 1 hanger syphon drones + polaron turrets might make a good base combination, with added annoyance factor from additional reverse damage/disable/hold abilities - but the balancing act on skill points and equipment seems much more complex than my tactical heg'ta, so some guidance would be great.
but it might! it might kill ya! -never adjusts his powerlevels-
After some retesting of Tykens recently, they appear to have finally fixed it. At least if you are decked to the 9s with it anyway and are using mark 3. (TR3 still seems only about where 2 was before all the skill tree changes, but that's still a fairly usable skill when used enmasse)
Like my previous Sci Bird this one is meant to be paired with a duplicate of her capabilities.
Gear: Weapons Polaron Acc 2 CrtH, Dual Heavy Cannons X4, Attack pattern B change out a DHC for a Beam Array. 2 Polaron Turrets Acc2 CrtH
Engine: Borg
Deflector: Borg
Shield: KHG, MK12 Resilient Cap2. Or Mk X Res Cap3 if you still have one.
Consoles: Engineering Barrier Field Generator, Aceton Assimilator, Neutronium Armor
Science : 2 Field Generators, 1 Borg
Tactical : 3 Polaron Consoles.
Doffs: Gravimetric Scientist (Tykens), 2 Systems Engineers, 1 Purple Shield distribution officer.
Power Settings: 100 Weapons, 25 shields, 25 engine, 50 aux. 50 weapons, 25 shield, 25 engine, 100 Aux. (cloak, and decloak starter setting unless you want to eat a battery for aux) Run Away, 25 weapon, 75 Shields, 75 Engines, 25 aux.
There are three primary attack configurations for this ship. Each change the Lt Cmdr Boff slot at minimum. I will list them and their relevant configurations as A B and C.
Cmdr: Tykens Rift 3, Viral Matrix 1, Transfer Shield Strength2, Polarize hull.
Lt Cmdr A: Photonic Shockwave1, Hazard Emitter 2, Tractor Beam1
Lt Tac: A: Tac Team, Cannon Scatter Volley.
Lt Eng A: Emergency Power to Shields 1, Reverse Shield Polarity 1
LtCmdr B: Tac Team, Cannon Scattery Volley1, Target Engines 2 with Target Shields 2 on an alt tac boff.
Lt Eng B: EPTS1 RSP1
Lt Uni B: Tac Team1, Cannon Rapid Fire1
Lt Cmdr C: EPTS 1, RSP1, Eject Warp Plasma 1
Lt C: Tac Team, Cannon Scatter Volley1
Lt C: Tac Team CSV1
The Barrier field replaces the busted leech, and provides the ability to segregate ships on the opposing team from each other. This gives you another soft counter to extend shields, and will slow down healing tremendously from your opposition, when properly deployed especially with a second field on the well field. The assimilators, even though they no longer stack like they once did and their drain is greatly reduced, gives you a static 5 power loss or so on the field to assist in tyken and polaron Drains.
This bird is mean to hit and run once things get hot and heavy like the last sci bird and set the battlefield for total destruction of the opposition.
The Karfi, is a damage focused carrier in my book. It's not the best healer by any means, and it's kind of squishy. However you do have options to get some decent longevity out of this thing and I'll go over them as completely as I can.
We are going to cover the Tac Karfi first.
Weapons, The Karfi is just a hair too slow to go with a Dual Beam bank setup, so I recommend the usual standard 6 beam arrays, with one mine launcher in the aft. That mine launcher should of course be spitting out chronitons. Preferred Properties, AccX2 CrtH and or AccX3
Deflector, Borg
Engine, Borg
Shield, KHG, or Borg.
Power Settings, 100 to Weapons, 50 to Shields, 25 to everything else.
Alternate #1, 100 to weapons, 30 to shields, 25 engines, 35 Aux.
Alt #2, 50 Weapons, 25 shields, 25 engine, 100 aux
alt #3, 25 weapons, 100 shields, 25 engines, 50 aux
Devices, Shield Battery, Aux Battery, Subspace Field Modulator.
Cmdr slot,
Viral Matrix 3, this skill provides a 10 second shut down to multiple subsystems and is one of the few good sci powers left in the game. Transfer Shield Strength 3, Hazard Emitters 2, Tractor Beam
Lt Cmdr, Tac Team, Beam Overload 2, Beam Overload 3.
Lt Tac, Tac Team 1, Dispersal pattern Alpha 1 why alpha and not beta? More mine clusters, means they will seek 2 targets to TRIBBLE on instead of one.
Ens Sci, Polarize Hull 1 you need this.. both as a hull resist, and as a way to break tractors.
Lt Engineer, Emergency Power to Shields 1 and 2.
Hangars, for full on **** Move status, go with the double siphon pods. You'll be the life of every party. If you want to just go for raw murderous potential Advanced Skulls. They give you free torp strikes vs nekkid hull and as a tac you'll get plenty of those opps with BO2 and 3 slamming home every chance you get.
This layout is fairly standardized and capable of giving good non aux dependent shut downs, and decent shield tanking potential, with a nice hull heal thrown in to ice the cake.
Abit more of a risky but possibly higher payoff version of this ship before I move to the sci.
Cmdr, Photonic Shockwave 3, or Tractor Beam Repulsors 3. Why? with full tac buffs applying to these powers you can be absolutely Murderous. Can we say routine 22k strikes with PSW3 vs a non shield facing target? Or a stream of 10 -20k crits from TBR3 when TBR3 starts rolling crits? Both are also good for disrupting healing cycles as PSW knocks off extend shields, and TBR can potentially push either your target, or the healer out of reach... so you and your bop buddies can get all rapey, if you cooridinate and learn to aim your TBR3s.
If running PSW3, TBR2.. while TBR2s damage isn't as substantial as TBR3s, it's still good for pushin and spam clearing, Transfer Shield Strength 2, and Hazard one fill out the sci slots here. The rest of the boffs are unchanged.
Sci, Karfis, are more healing and control focused than their murderous tac counter parts. Here's the sci karfi I've found works best.
Weapons, 6 beams, and 1 chroniton torp launcher
Deflector Engines and Shield see above.
Power settings same as the tac
Cmdr, Viral Matrix 3, Photonic Officer 3, or PSW3, Sci Team 3, Transfer Shield Strength 2, Hazard 1
Lt Cmdr, Tac Team, FAW2, FAW3 (that's Fire At will for those of you that don't know that yet)
Lt Tac, Torp Spread 1 and 2. Alt loadout, Torpspread1, Attack Pattern Beta1/Delta1
Lt Eng, EPTS1 and 2
Ens Sci, Tractor beam.
Hangars, Siphon Pods or Frigates.
Doffs, the Sci Team cool down reduction doffs. Get your ST3s as close to global as possible, Brace For Impact (shield distribution) doffs, and then a Warp Core Engineer.
The Sci Karfi is more reliant on debuffs, as by nature sci captains lack the necessary burst buffing powers to make the relatively few tac slots worth it. (as again the Karfi is just a hair too slow for Cannon and DBB use.) It can also provide abit more healing to it's team mates as the sci captain has access to dampening field -and- sci fleet to help keep himself alive during focus periods, as well as team mates. (these also buff your pets by the way) As a controller a Sci Karfi is absolutely obnoxious to play against when handled well. Hair pulling Obnoxious and to make it worse, it can often full heal it's allies shields making the small inroads against their enemies for nothing.
Consoles I saved to the end as they are identical for both ships.
1 Ablative armor, 1 Borg
3 Field Generators, and 1 particle generator, or 3 Particle Generators 1 Field generator
3 Energy Consoles.
Added the new Vampire Bat to the builds, added vampire bat to the spec list, and the table of contents.
Coming Attractions: X Wing Bop, Tac Sci Bird, Dykrs. Klink Sci Tactics, Fed Sci Tactics. Tholian Orbweaver, (fed and kdf builds).
Fleet Nova.
Tholian Carrier.
Looking at that, wouldn't it be a good thing to bring Particle Generators to 9? That way your fully buffing PSW 3 and FBP 2 before consoles.
I know this is probobly not a finalized build option. Just wondering about that factor.
Think about this:
American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
I'll have the full shebang up here shortly. I did update the build though!
Deflector: Borg
Engine: Borg
Shield: KHG
Weapons: 4 Cannons 3 Turrets
Cmdr Sci: HE1, TSS2, VM1, GW3
Ens Sci: ST 1
Lt Cmdr Tac: TT1, CRF1, Omega1
Lt Tac: TT1, CRF1.
Lt Eng: EPtS1, EPtS2
Sci: Phase Shift, Borg, Field Gen and still unsure about the last one
Tac: Energy
Edit: Forgot the pets: Advanced Fer'Jai Frigate
My stomach is clear and my mind is full of bacon!
For the Karfi, I'd use PSW3, or TBR3 instead of GW3. Consoles ditch EPS it does nothing worth mentioning, I would also put the Borg in it's place.
Phase shift is -okay- it's not great but imo I'd rather have a second field gen there. , and then roll with 2 particle generator consoles to beef up your TBR/PSW3 damage. (and you will do FAR more damage and CC with the tbr3 or pSW3 if you are pugging)
As for the science powers, it is true GW3 alone isnt that good. It helps clear pets and these days feds have as many of them as klinks do. Also it is nice combined with a Tykens.
What stopped me from trying PSW so far is the weapons bug. I got hit with it too often to do that to someone else.
As for TBR, I have used that on other ships and I am still uncertain about it. Sometimes its great but I find it hard to use. You can so easily destroy the attack angle of you escorts or push someone out of range of your own ships. Maybe I should give it another try.
Thanks for your suggestions mavairo.
My stomach is clear and my mind is full of bacon!
a history of sto pvp: 2010 - 2011
a history of sto pvp: 2012 - 2013
I don't see it listed in the table of contents at all.
To really refine your build, use at least [acc]x2 torpedo?s and use purple doffs
Ship: Recon science vessel
Omega deflector, Borg engine and Borg shield.
Front: 2x photon torp, 1x beam array (preferably [acc]x3 phaser array of any tier)
Back: 1x plasma torp, 1x photon torpedo, 2x photon mines
2 Eng console: Borg, neutronium alloy
4 Sci console: mix of particle generators and field generators (depends how defensive/offensive you wanna be)
3 (or 4) Tac console: photon consoles (torpedo and mine boost)
Tac ensign: TT1
Tac LT: TT1, HY2
Eng LT: EptS1, AtoBatt
Sci Cmdr: HE1, PO1, CPW, PSW3
Sci LtCmdr: PH1, TBR1, TSS3
Purple Doffs: 2x projectile, 3x technicians
Power settings: I made 3 presets:
Normal offensive: 25/25/100/50
When you use CPB switch to 25/25/25/50/100
When targeted: 25/100/50/25
- PSW is aux independent
- To have more fun, equip the PSW torpedo console
@rudiefix Feds: Rudiefix / Thron / Opa
@rudiefix KDFs: Lill / Xifeidur / Dehr / Ugly
@rudiefix Roms (KDF alligned): Chicita
Same as before ditch Photons. They are useless. Ditch the aft torps. The Recon is an Agile ship, you don't need them.
Secondly, Photonic Officer Blows. Change this out for TSS2 As does CPB the drain is a complete joke and you will never kill anyone thanks to it, that has a real build. What you need there is VM1 PSW3 is now trash to use regardless, so I would swap this out for TBR3.
PSW is also NOT aux dependent.
If you're rocking 3 purple Techs, you don't need PO, you'll be pretty much hitting system cooldown on most powers.
I'd say go with TBR3 instead of PSW3, Move TSS3 to TSS2 and replace with Sci Team 3, get rid of PO1 and replace with HE2. Replace HE1 with Tractor beam 1. Honestly, I'm not to sure about CPB, I haven't tried it much since resists were reduced to 50%. Give it a whirl and see how it works. VM1 is an option, but unless you're rocking System Engineers, the effect is a little lack luster.
[23:35] Horta deals 1738411 (1538303) Toxic Damage to Centurion Engineer with Corrosive Acid.
If you prefer universal lt. to be sci, go D'kyr, eng or tac I'd stay in the nebula.
Eng in sci ships, however, .... let's just say it used to be a lot more fun.
a history of sto pvp: 2010 - 2011
a history of sto pvp: 2012 - 2013
thank you.
I have an empty slot waiting for an alt to fill it (will be a big help farming doffs for starbase construction), but as I have come to really enjoy the klinks more than the feds I would really like to build something interesting that merits more attention than logging in for 2 mins to run quickie officer reps, lore and recruitment missions.
My immediate thoughts were along the lines of flow capacitors + vo-quv inherent subsystem targetting + 1 hanger syphon drones + polaron turrets might make a good base combination, with added annoyance factor from additional reverse damage/disable/hold abilities - but the balancing act on skill points and equipment seems much more complex than my tactical heg'ta, so some guidance would be great.