It's Nova Core. We recently merged (NLV + 7th Core + Wolf Pack).
nlv new legacy vesperia= pvp/pve
7th core= pvp
wolf pack= pve/pvp
We're not a micro or alt fleet.
We're also not an immense fleet.
We're that balance in between where you know the peeps you play with.
I'm not saying we're huge (and most certainly won't boast 'we have 300 members!'.... even though most that do are inactive :P), but we are sizeable (run 1-3 premades when we can and at least 1-2 pves, primarily est, but have a few from cali, western europe)... prefer quality over quantity and an overall friendly attitude. chat in ts often. chillax attitude and whatnot ^_^.
I personally pvp more and work the 'shipyards' with healer builds (answering question, etc). Recently though I've gotten more into graphics and working on videos :P... pick up hobbies as you go I suppose.
I help peeps basically, and go by the mantra of chillax, no ego, no problems lol
il sent you my ingame handle inbox so be easier to find that way in game. hope to hear from you soon ^_^
Ill send you a mail when I get home but it will be around 9am est. I work nights.
As a time traveller, Am I supposed to pack underwear or underwhen?
Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln
It's Nova Core. We recently merged (NLV + 7th Core + Wolf Pack).
nlv new legacy vesperia= pvp/pve
7th core= pvp
wolf pack= pve/pvp
We're not a micro or alt fleet.
We're also not an immense fleet.
We're that balance in between where you know the peeps you play with.
I'm not saying we're huge (and most certainly won't boast 'we have 300 members!'.... even though most that do are inactive :P), but we are sizeable (run 1-3 premades when we can and at least 1-2 pves, primarily est, but have a few from cali, western europe)... prefer quality over quantity and an overall friendly attitude. chat in ts often. chillax attitude and whatnot ^_^.
I personally pvp more and work the 'shipyards' with healer builds (answering question, etc). Recently though I've gotten more into graphics and working on videos :P... pick up hobbies as you go I suppose.
I help peeps basically, and go by the mantra of chillax, no ego, no problems lol
il sent you my ingame handle inbox so be easier to find that way in game. hope to hear from you soon ^_^
I tell you what: I'm pretty dead set on waiting to see if my buddies come back first, but I'll definitely keep you and your fleet in mind. So don't be surprised if I drop you a mail or a tell around a week or so into the new season.
I tell you what: I'm pretty dead set on waiting to see if my buddies come back first, but I'll definitely keep you and your fleet in mind. So don't be surprised if I drop you a mail or a tell around a week or so into the new season.
Well here's hoping your friends do come back , but if not I pm'd you my ingame handle just in case you need a home. Cheers! ^_^
Ill send you a mail when I get home but it will be around 9am est. I work nights.
Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln
Occidere populo et effercio confractus
Yes, they are for a fed. Luckily, my KDF alt REGULARLY encounters "buy satellite" assignments, so as long as it doesn't go for torpedoes... :P
P.S. Sollvax, you couldn't do it in an instance scaled for 0.1 players, let alone 5
Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.
I tell you what: I'm pretty dead set on waiting to see if my buddies come back first, but I'll definitely keep you and your fleet in mind. So don't be surprised if I drop you a mail or a tell around a week or so into the new season.
Mine Trap Supporter
Well here's hoping your friends do come back
Chillax. No Ego. No Drama.
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