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    ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    So without any other testing, this forum was used as a live test.

    Forum names were outright stripped from players due to being "reserved".

    The entire forum has warped backwards in time in functionality and appearance, and we can't even get an apology.

    "Hey, we kicked you straight in the groin - really hard - but if it makes you feel any better we won't kick Tom in the groin next week without giving him advance warning, as we've seen how upset that made you."

    I'm sorry Brandon, I think you generally do a solid job as community manager - but overall this entire forum switch over was just another fiasco, in a string of fiascoes.

    Things are getting back to normal, except for all of the barely readable "archived post" filled threads that will never be fixed, the lack of core, basic functionality players have enjoyed on forums for a decade and the fact that most of us will never get our join dates, old forum names or new names that allow for spaces, or underscores or anything that allows for a moniker that is easily readable in English.
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    jaxjaguarsjaxjaguars Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Yes, bad job with the site transfer, but at least there is an admission of fault here. Hopefully Champions is a lot better
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    th3gr4ndnagu5th3gr4ndnagu5 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Wow; everything *except* an apology for how things were handled. Oh well then.

    Join Date: Oct 2008
    Location: NPW Forums
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    sabrevt1100sabrevt1100 Member Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Brandon, thanks for note. I know you are in a really difficult situation with this. However this does nothing to change the fact that many users of this forum feel like PWE screwed things up when it didn't have to. It sucks that we can't use our old forum names, it sucks that our Join Date/Member Since X has reset to ZERO and our customer avatars and so much more was screwed up.

    You have stated that PWE/Cryptic won't revert to the old format. Fine, I think the community now gets that they are unwilling/unable to do so. However the list that has been published and updated showing the glaring shortcomings of this new format doesn't really seem to be shrinking. It has been stated they are working on the custom avatars and other things but in my opinion this forum still has issues with searching posts, general layout and formatting. Every time I try a search of any sort I get a page that has no info and/or a redirect loop. I have cleared my cookies, flushed the cache and several other tweaks to make sure I don't have any trash in my browser.

    To sum it up there should have been a warning. You can't undo that now. There needs to be an official apology and a seriousness on PWE's part to demonstrate that they are listening in my opinion. I see a lot of "empty" words.
    "Bite Me! It's Fun." - Crow T. Robot
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    pointedearspointedears Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I check in with an important note to the community.

    Click here to read my post.

    Brandon whilst i appreciate your post I feel you not only as a community manager but as a player, as well as cryptic and pwe need to watch this


    and as such I bought my lifetime sub as a customer of cryptic and I feel the terms mentioned in the video are very disturbing indeed. I only recognise the original terms of service as outlined to me by cryptic when I bought my lifetime sub at launch. I do NOT agree and do not recognise PWE terms at all.

    The way in which the community was uprooted and forced to move was disgusting, underhanded and (i dont care what you say about streamlining) a big mistake on crpytic and pwes part. Fine by all means integrate zen and change zen, but i feel 2 years worth of history to this game has been lost. Not to mention the german, french forums still look in ruins after the move. Whats happening to our foreign language buddies ?

    I know your doing your best brandon and its not aimed at you, but ive never known such a bothced, mis guided decision ever unfold before my eyes as what has happened here and I feel sorry for the champions online community.

    Sorry Brandon, like i say nothing against you, but i will NEVER and I mean NEVER play or purchase another cryptic or PWE game other than Star Trek Online.

    I really do hope they pay you a lot Brandon to put up with this c**p !!!!as I know its not only being forced on us the players but also on you as well.
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    pointedearspointedears Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    What really ****s me off is how backwards this forum software is. Cryptic had a far superior forums/skin/functionality.

    It feels like Ive been taken back in time because lets face it this forum is BACKWARDS. you know it Brandon and so do we so again I ask why ? WHY RUIN A COMMUNITY FULL OF HISTORY that was happy where it was, to be ripped up and put into this? this forum software is nothing special ? personally I feel pwe must be hiring university interns to be developing their forums because lets face it this forum software is horrible.

    Anyway enough because no matter what I say or do pwe/cryptic dont give a ****. Its not gonna bring the old forums back. I would suggest however that the old forums could be left up and running all be it locked so no one can edit or post or do anything but it would make it easier to search forum history. Personally im fed up of archived post. Again another indication that this forum move was a botched joke.


    You know I dont care anymore I really dont, im saying what everyone is thinking and yes as i said I know im wasting my time because this will change nothing.
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    felderburgfelderburg Member Posts: 853 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I also don't understand why we weren't told. Surely someone, somewhere, must have thought it would be a good idea to tell people about a major change to the forums? If not, then PWE / Cryptic needs to think about what it does a little more. If so, why was that idea shot down?

    In another thread, it was mentioned that we could have had posts still associated with their names, but they would still have been uneditable, and it was decided that this wasn't as good an option as just making everything by "Archived Post". I think it would have been acceptable - at least there would have been some record of who said what. Unfortunately, I wasn't asked - and neither was anyone else. Even if you were going to make the changes regardless, you could have gotten a group of players to test the changes, or give feedback...

    This quote about sums it up:
    "Hey, we kicked you straight in the groin - really hard - but if it makes you feel any better we won't kick Tom in the groin next week without giving him advance warning, as we've seen how upset that made you."
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    vengefuldjinnvengefuldjinn Member Posts: 1,520 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    No advanced warning = a pretty big fail in customer service. That's pretty much basic customer service 101.

    Really no excuse why someone couldn't have taken a few moments to give us a small head's up.

    Then there was that whole PVP, "I've got a secret" thread, where some players were privy to the fact that Gozer was leaving, when the rest of the community at large wasn't.

    What other big secrets, or ninja changes are in coming?

    Not really impressed with the "We're all just soooo busy !" excuse, Not anymore. It's been spammed a tad too much at late.

    When something's this important, the time must be found.

    I'm glad you'll be treating the folks over at C.O. better. They deserve better. At least that's the one silver lining to come out of all of this unnecessary fail.

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    trek21trek21 Member Posts: 2,246 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Really, WE are the ones who should be settling down...

    "Slap in the face" and all that? Seriously? You're the ones acting like spoiled brats, just because you want an apology, or demand they answer your questions... no one gets everything they want.

    I hated the new forum change, and I still do. But you don't see me blaming the devs just because it isn't what I wanted... instead, I see forums people acting most shamefully.

    And it's just SAD.
    Was named Trek17.

    Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
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    trek21trek21 Member Posts: 2,246 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Brandon, you have a hard job, and I thank you for addressing this issue. I knew an apology wouldn't come, one way or the other, and I don't mind either.

    This community is still seething, but we still care about the game and it's forums. So don't let anything we say get to you much.
    Was named Trek17.

    Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
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    pointedearspointedears Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    trek21 wrote: »
    Really, WE are the ones who should be settling down...

    "Slap in the face" and all that? Seriously? You're the ones acting like spoiled brats, just because you want an apology, or demand they answer your questions... no one gets everything they want.

    I hated the new forum change, and I still do. But you don't see me blaming the devs just because it isn't what I wanted... instead, I see forums people acting most shamefully.

    And it's just SAD.

    Before judging the community i think you need to listen to what they have to say on the priority one podcast


    Then you might understand or appreciate why the community is still pissed off !!! (with every single right to be pissedoff)

    Free speach is great ! you have every right to sit there and defend the perfect transition too the forums and thats great i respect that !


    why are you posting brandon ? with all respect to yourself I dont feel this should be coming from you I do feel Stahl should have addressed the community. Again I feel lately he is hiding from the community.
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    trek21trek21 Member Posts: 2,246 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Before judging the community i think you need to listen to what they have to say on the priority one podcast


    Then you might understand or appreciate why the community is still pissed off !!! (with every single right to be pissedoff)

    Free speach is great ! you have every right to sit there and defend the perfect transition too the forums and thats great i respect that !


    why are you posting brandon ? with all respect to yourself I dont feel this should be coming from you I do feel Stahl should have addressed the community. Again I feel lately he is hiding from the community.
    Well I wouldn't say I'm 'defending' this forum transtition... I hate it after all. I feel I'm simply not allowing myself to sink to low lengths, some of which others are doing, though I won't name anyone.

    I understand people have issues. Legit ones... but the way some phrase it is what I have issues with; making them come off as spoiled, bratty, t***, you name it.

    I guess I just expect people to have a little restriant. Not on actually voicing their issues, no, but with how exactly they say them, I guess.
    Was named Trek17.

    Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
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    alastorforthrighalastorforthrigh Member Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    you know pointedears. I'm part of this community. and I was upset. But you know what I did? I stopped, I turned on my mind, and I thought about it not from a "OMG I"M A PLAYER AND ANGRY" standpoint, but as a person who is studying in the IT field and has taken business courses. And came to understand the reasons why they did things and why they did them the way they did. Doesn't make it better. But it really doesn't help to be all up in arms about it. It's done. move on. Staying focused on it only makes you bitter and doesn't help things get any better.
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    trek21trek21 Member Posts: 2,246 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    you know pointedears. I'm part of this community. and I was upset. But you know what I did? I stopped, I turned on my mind, and I thought about it not from a "OMG I"M A PLAYER AND ANGRY" standpoint, but as a person who is studying in the IT field and has taken business courses. And came to understand the reasons why they did things and why they did them the way they did. Doesn't make it better. But it really doesn't help to be all up in arms about it. It's done. move on. Staying focused on it only makes you bitter and doesn't help things get any better.
    thank you :smile:

    this is what I've grasped long before I came onto these forums in Open Beta, and it's what I feel many others just don't get: yes, when you're this angry, you want to express it... but sometimes doing so just doesn't help. Especially when you come off as bratty or worse.

    Most of the time, it just makes things worse, and makes things even harder.
    Was named Trek17.

    Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
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    daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    dunnlang wrote: »
    I can't help but think that it feels more like this than warping:

    Enterprise Limps Into ESD

    I was thinking it went more like this...

    Total Fail...

    STO Member since February 2009.
    I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
    Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
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    pointedearspointedears Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Oh yeah but dont get me wrong, people who follow star trek are passionate about the IP itself so your dealing with a playerbase which by its very nature are pasisonate people. Lets face it we wouldnt be here if we wernt all trekkies at heart ?

    So I can understand people being pissed. Especially with the string of fisaco that PWE/Cryptic have had, to then top it off with a botched forum move people are going to be upset. As fans of trek we care about how companies treat the IP as a whole.

    To neglect or show the people who support you with contempt, its not how you do business. Ive studied IT and Business at university and even I know that.

    Lets be honest with ourselves here. This was a bothced misguided decision and was poorly executed. But why are we shocked when we see botched implementations from cryptic ? what did cryptic do / how did cryptics old web department and the new web department (which according to gecko is now handled by pwe) talk to each other to ensure a smooth transition ? why was it decided to use this backwards v bulletin compared to cryptics previous forum software ?

    These are legit business and IT quesitons that dont appear to have been addressed/considered or answered
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    sumghaisumghai Member Posts: 1,072 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Just sayin', but this is how a game company is supposed to apologize to its customers and fan base.
    Laws of thermodynamics as applied to life: 0 - You must play the game. 1 - You can't win. 2 - You can't break even. 3 - You can't quit.
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    genericiigenericii Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    You know what would have been really great about that post? An apology.

    "We're sorry we didn't give you advance notice about the change" would have been enough. As it stands, this comes off as a little petulant, 'we've learned our lesson and are changing it, but we're not going to say anything to the people we burned.'

    I don't want an apology, and I'll give you 3 good reasons not to want one:

    1. Any apology would come from Branflakes, and we all know he's not responsible for this TRIBBLE, he's responsible for cleaning it up.

    2. Everybody in this world lately scream for apologies for any and all perceived infractions. We're becoming whiners demanding feel-good, do-nothing solutions to every problem.

    3. Apologies are meaningless. Let me treat you badly... Oh "I'm Sorry.", now I'll do it again... "I'm Sorry.", one more time just to be extra cruel... "sorry.". It is said "it's easier to do and ask for forgiveness, than to wait and ask for permission.". Prove you've learned a lesson with actions (warning CO), not empty words.
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    genericiigenericii Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    well.... this has been in preparation for at least a month if not longer.

    Someone, somewhere made a decision that we would NOT be told. It wasnt an Opps, it wasnt an oversight, it was a premeditated plan of action. Thats what bugs me. I can deal with forum change, losing images I only had saved to my crptic account, losing the name Ive had for YEARS and even having my credit card info floating around god knows where. What I cant deal with is INTENTIONALLY being jerked around purposefully.

    Its no wonder Devs are dropping right and left. I cant stand being a PWE customer. Cant imagine what it must be like to work for them and be associated with their low rent corp culture.

    I couldn't agree more!
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    genericiigenericii Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    you know pointedears. I'm part of this community. and I was upset. But you know what I did? I stopped, I turned on my mind, and I thought about it not from a "OMG I"M A PLAYER AND ANGRY" standpoint, but as a person who is studying in the IT field and has taken business courses. And came to understand the reasons why they did things and why they did them the way they did. Doesn't make it better. But it really doesn't help to be all up in arms about it. It's done. move on. Staying focused on it only makes you bitter and doesn't help things get any better.

    Worded differently, this is the same "don't like it, leave!" mentality that constantly tries to silence disagreement.

    Paying customers have every right to voice their displeasure to the company that provided the item/service. When I get an empty can of soda in a 12 pack, I don't just "shut up and deal with it.", I call or write the company. Guess what usually happens when a company cares about it's customers... I get coupons for 1,2, sometimes 3 12 packs of soda. Sometimes they even take that opportunity to make me a loyal purchaser of another item they sell by giving me a free coupon for it.

    Silence doesn't provide the feedback that makes positive changes. You want to disagree with my feedback fine, but if you just want to silence me, good luck!
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    sovereignmansovereignman Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    If you paid for something and didn't get it, sure.

    What did you pay for and what goods/service did you not receive in this case?

    I can understand voicing frustration (as long as its constructive), but in this case you did not get grifted.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMm_VoKkuco - Needs more female relief ops ensign.
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    stohansonstohanson Member Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I want my original forum join date back...
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    genericiigenericii Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    If you paid for something and didn't get it, sure.

    What did you pay for and what goods/service did you not receive in this case?

    I can understand voicing frustration (as long as its constructive), but in this case you did not get grifted.

    That's your opinion, obviously some people do feel grifted. The vast majority of the complaint posts I've read I consider to be constructive. Let me ask you, does a blanket "stop whining and get over it" statement seem constructive when it applies to so few of the posters? The generalizing of an entire group is my only real complaint, and I'm sure you and others didn't intend to be all-inclusive, but to me at least it read that way.
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    mattachinemattachine Member Posts: 505 Arc User
    edited June 2012
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    sovereignmansovereignman Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    genericii wrote: »

    That's your opinion, obviously some people do feel grifted. The vast majority of the complaint posts I've read I consider to be constructive. Let me ask you, does a blanket "stop whining and get over it" statement seem constructive when it applies to so few of the posters? The generalizing of an entire group is my only real complaint, and I'm sure you and others didn't intend to be all-inclusive, but to me at least it read that way.

    I guess we have different views on being ripped off then. Personally I don't see where people have been swindled, bamboozled and left to to the poorhouse. The new forums are now a WIP again. But its still a forum. I'm still communicating with you after all. I just don't have a custom avatar.

    People want an apology, sure, from PR sense that'd be smart, and Al Rivera already did so on the last POne podcast, even though it wasn't his beat.

    PWE themselves not giving an apology doesn't put them in my cool book, but I haven't been ripped off. It just means more work for them if they want to have the STO players on their side giving them props.

    As far as constructive criticism, I'll show you the difference.

    Start from page 1 of this thread. See all the jibba jabba conjecture about PWE turning this forum into a microtransaction hell just so they can laugh at robbing us of our paycheck moneys? That's not constructive.
    Title should say "Warping Backward."

    Forum blunders, transition blunders, devs leaving, a very angry community treated like lab rats seeing how much bull we can put up with. There is no bright future for this game if nonsense like this keeps happening.

    This I.P. deserves much more than it's getting, yet you (Cryptic and PWE) continue to treat it and its community like garbage.
    Well Cryptic you have failed yet again...

    For two years you have made promises, said this or that was being worked on to be added in the future.

    And failed time and time again. This time was the one that has and is running off your PAYING CUSTOMERS!

    When are your overlords going to get a CLUE.

    The Star Trek FanBase that makes up a vast majority of the players of STO is pissed off at this UNANNOUNCED forum change.

    And you post a meaningless apology that was probably scripted by your PWE overlords across the sea.

    I for one will not spend one more dime on a PWE controlled game EVER!
    Because the community here is not listened to if anything we are ignored by Cryptic and PWE. Especially when we voice our concerns and complaints..
    That's not constructive. It's *****ing. It's what you don't want to come home to after a hard day's work. I don't like *****es. *****es get stitches.

    Now this;


    Now that's a thread that centersolace has kindly made. A bulletpoint list of things that can potentially be worked on. I could care less if they added a bunch of whining in it. But something that can be referenced and be marked off. That's constructive.

    Why so? Because look, Branflakes is actually doing stuff to mark things off the list.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMm_VoKkuco - Needs more female relief ops ensign.
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    genericiigenericii Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    I guess we have different views on being ripped off then. Personally I don't see where people have been swindled, bamboozled and left to to the poorhouse. The new forums are now a WIP again. But its still a forum. I'm still communicating with you after all. I just don't have a custom avatar.

    People want an apology, sure, from PR sense that'd be smart, and Al Rivera already did so on the last POne podcast, even though it wasn't his beat.

    PWE themselves not giving an apology doesn't put them in my cool book, but I haven't been ripped off. It just means more work for them if they want to have the STO players on their side giving them props.

    As far as constructive criticism, I'll show you the difference.

    Start from page 1 of this thread. See all the jibba jabba conjecture about PWE turning this forum into a microtransaction hell just so they can laugh at robbing us of our paycheck moneys? That's not constructive.

    That's not constructive. It's *****ing. It's what you don't want to come home to after a hard day's work. I don't like *****es. *****es get stitches.

    Now this;


    Now that's a thread that centersolace has kindly made. A bulletpoint list of things that can potentially be worked on. I could care less if they added a bunch of whining in it. But something that can be referenced and be marked off. That's constructive.

    Why so? Because look, Branflakes is actually doing stuff to mark things off the list.

    The two you quoted are more strongly worded, but they're expressing how they feel they're being treated by Cryptic, and they're not name calling and ridiculing like you just did. Their posts are acceptable according to forum rules, yours should be edited before a moderator reads it.
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