How about this, a Tier 5 Conni with either 6 or 8 (3-4 fore and 3-4 aft) weapon slots, hull strength between 27000 and 36000, turn rate of a science vessel and the BOFF/Console layout of the tier Excelsior? TRIBBLE tier 5+1, I would be happy with pure tier 5. Skins would be OG Conni, any of the tier 2 cruisers and the Exeter Class (of course if you own them). Cryptic, come on, its my birthday in a week, throw me a bone!
Hi, my name is: Elim Garak, Former Cardassian Oppressor
LTS, here since...when did this game launch again?

The answer has been (for the past 2 years) and continues to be a no. Unless CBS decided to bow down finally and allow it (which I really really doubt)
Former Community Moderator, Former SSR DJ, Now Full time father to two kids, Husband, Retail Worker.
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LTS, here since...when did this game launch again?
That doesn't make sense. And trying to play semantics on the company you are licensing from isn't a good idea.
They already have one. The Vesta class. It's just not done to scale in STO.
Considering all the other TRIBBLE CBS seems to allow I find this excuse more and more unbelieveable every day.
Are you crazy? That's the one ship I'd want least in STO.
The Vesta isn't anything even resembling a Consitution.
Makes perfect sense, given CBS approved of the Vesper, the Excalibur, the Exeter, and of course the Utopia (NX-class). :rolleyes:
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
I recommend a skin that can go over any ship that way the PvPr's won't know what's hitting them.
Also the option for either the TOS or TMP Connie.
LTS, here since...when did this game launch again?
Yeah, it's become pretty silly. The day a Connie can take a Galaxy will be a sad one. That's like saying a WW1 biplane could take an F15 Eagle. There is a such thing as progression; not everything can be refit.
You've obviously never seen Ring Raiders before
LTS, here since...when did this game launch again?
So if the WW1 Biplane were to fire it's guns at the approaching jet, instant FOD Kill!
As much as I think the Klinks can use some new ships I would rather have the feds handed a dozen new ships before that piece of mothballed nostalgia is put in as a tier 5.
Like the OP, I grew up on the movies, and have a 1/350 model I built, and painted
down to the pearl effects on the different sections.
although, I'm not as hardcore as this guy, I wish my wife would let me have our dining
room table to do what this guy did and build a connie/movie 6 foot replica!!
This almost sounds like a "science hybrid" tactical cruiser. Possibly too OP...
My thoughts for a Tier 5 Connie are to go "pure science" - 3-3 weapons loadout, base off the RSSV's loadout/boffs but go LtCmdr Tac instead of Lt/Ens Tac.
Many people complain that the Connie really shouldn't be a cruiser alongside the Galaxys and Oddesseys. Fine. Also, Roddenberry wanted the TOS Enterprise to be more of an exploration (science) ship that just happened to fight fairly well. Hence the shift of a Connie-Retro from Cruiser to Science.
That, and "when" the NX-Enterprise (Utopia class?) gets the tier 5 treatment, I'd slot it as an escort, the original hull is about the same size as Defiant, IIRC, and the NX could be slotted as a "science secondary" - 4 Tac 3 Sci 2 Eng consoles, Cmdr + Lt Cmdr Tac, Lt Cmdr Sci, Lt Eng. to reflect NX's original "exploration" role...
This has an additional effect of giving both an "old school" (aka 22nd century) and "newer school" (aka 23rd century) Tier 5 representative in each class (all retrofits). NX and Defiant (Ent and DS9) escorts, Connie and Intrepid (TOS and Voy) science vessels, Excelsior and Galaxy (TMP and TNG) as cruisers.
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
How about no move on . . . Next thread
and read the date of the thread - its over a year old
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Fed Armada: Section 31 (level 730, 2700+ members)
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How bout the Exeter with the same stats as Excelsior then? And how bout u drop the venom just a tad? And sorry, was doing a google search and saw thread, geez my bad...
LTS, here since...when did this game launch again?