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Mission ideas I'll never have time for



  • uncle2fireuncle2fire Member Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I'm working on two missions right now (both Starfleet):

    1) You investigate a science outpost near the Neutral Zone that isn't responding to hails and you find it commandeered by Romulans, who are using the station's computer to hijack a secure Starfleet subspace communication network for an unknown purpose. After clearing the system of Romulan ships and then boarding the station and defeating the occupying force, you discover that the Romulans were sending the data to a point in deep space. When you arrive at the coordinates, you find more Romluan ships, which (after being defeated) are discovered to have been sending the data in encrypted signals to the Romulan-Klingon border. Arrival in the system reveals a Klingon outpost receiving the data that turns out to be fleet maneuvers and tactical data. The station is destroyed, after which the player is confronted by a Klingon/Romulan fleet (the Klingon house of Torg hired the Romulans, a reference to the Klingon missions during the first episodes of the "Federation War" arc).

    2) You are sent to the Risa system to investigate an anomaly just outside of orbit. When you approach the anomaly, you are pulled into a portal taking you back in time and to an alternate universe. When you arrive in the alternate Risa system, you find a Klingon fleet warning you to leave "Before the Cardassians return". They tell you about the Cardassian invasion of Earth several years before and direct you to the staging grounds of a counter-attack. Once there, you find a fleet of ships from many species (most of whom were featured in Enterprise); when a Cardassian patrol enters the system, you are dispatched to defeat them. Afterwards, while the Allied fleet is diverted to assist a Vulcan-Andorian fleet under attack in a nearby system, you are sent to a different system to intercept a Cardassian invasion fleet. After gaining control of the system, you take an away team to an orbital station to clear it of Cardassian troops. Then a surprise awaits you in orbit: a Romulan senator announcing the existence of a Civil War between the Romulans and Remans.

    I'm still developing the second and I'm not sure if it will ever be completed because it was based on a random idea. Not sure where to go from there, so criticism and comments are welcome!

    PS: Is it possible to use the Andorian battlecruiser (from Enterprise) in the foundry? I want to use it and the D'Kyr in the second mission, but I can't find it anywhere. Will it be added in the future?

    Once again, please feel free to leave comments and criticisms of the missions (if you don't like them, please say why!)
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