Mark X is not VA Gear at all, it is Rear Admiral Lower Half, Mark XI is Rear Admiral Upper Half, and MK XII is Vice Admiral.
"I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey, and reminds us to cherish every moment... because they'll never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we lived" Picard to Riker
Mark X is not VA Gear at all, it is Rear Admiral Lower Half, Mark XI is Rear Admiral Upper Half, and MK XII is Vice Admiral.
As players this is how we see it.
What PWE sees is that we as players at Admiral to Vice admiral are T5, And T5 equipment starts at MK IX. So getting a MK IX item is scaled to your level. aka Working as intended.
In your dreams. :biggrin: Would be nice if I would only loot MK XII gear...
Well the inferior uneven Mk gear can always drop. But Mk X is even another rank below that.
Rear Admiral Lower Half is only half a rank, so I guess Mk XI would make sense, if you have a linear scaling.
Mk X however doesn't.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Vornek@oberlerchner123 - Join Date: July 2008
Well the inferior uneven Mk gear can always drop. But Mk X is even another rank below that.
Rear Admiral Lower Half is only half a rank, so I guess Mk XI would make sense, if you have a linear scaling.
Mk X however doesn't.
This isn't the first thread about that topic. MK X scales your level, get used to it. And stop whining about free stuff. You expected too much.
The only useful stuff in this box is dilithium, the xp boost for lower levels, the items are TRIBBLE anyways (I got a MK XI purple ground weapon, looked at it and laughed).
Join date: Jan 2010 - Original Forum Name: Rules.Of.Acquisition
Location: Ferenginar
This isn't the first thread about that topic. MK X scales your level, get used to it. And stop whining about free stuff. You expected too much.
The only useful stuff in this box is dilithium, the xp boost for lower levels, the items are TRIBBLE anyways (I got a MK XI purple ground weapon, looked at it and laughed).
Yeah I expected to get what was being advertised. Pretty stupid considering it's coming from Cryptic/PWE eh?
Well if it's true what I just read in another thread, that PvP is being removed.
I couldn't give a damn anymore anyway. This game is dead to me.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Vornek@oberlerchner123 - Join Date: July 2008
Well first off, thanks for pointing that out.
Farewell as well.
I will also stop to feed your trolling, of choosing to support the unpopular side of a valid complaint, and using nonsensical arguements, and not even caring about all the evidence to the contrary, simply to provoke a response.
Have a nice day.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Vornek@oberlerchner123 - Join Date: July 2008
of choosing to support the unpopular side of a valid complaint, and using nonsensical arguements, and not even caring about all the evidence to the contrary, simply to provoke a response.
Sorry, but I only support logical and realistic sides. Just calm down, you will laugh tomorrow. :biggrin:
Join date: Jan 2010 - Original Forum Name: Rules.Of.Acquisition
Location: Ferenginar
Tier 1 MK I - II Ensign, Lieutenant
Tier 2 MK III - IV Lieutenant Commander
Tier 3 MK V - VI Commander
Tier 4 MK VII - VIII Captain
Tier 5 MK IX to XII Rear Admiral, Lower Half; Rear Admiral, Upper Half; Vice Admiral
That's what seems to be confusing people (or at least one person) -- "level appropriate" is calculated by Tier, not by Mark level. (Also why the random loot on STF's seems a bit weaksauce for VA's).
To add to the fun, at least according to the wiki, there is no MK level assigned to VA/LG:
While I would agree that the Tier/Mark system needs a bit of rethinking (mostly adding a Tier level), as it stands now, Mk X is a normal random drop for a VA.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] "I weary of the chase. Wait for me. I shall be merciful and quick."
I got a MK XI Mine launcher from the account link "promotion/forums demotion". I don't use mines. I like shooting mines though with FAW. Look a silver lining. I'll probably put it on the exchange or I might just dump it.
TBH if would be better if you could transfer that worthless XP boost to a new character that you start. I really hate that "reward" is bound. All my toons are VA/LG with maxed out BOFFs. That piece was a waste. Well that and 5K unrefined dilithium. Would have been nice to get some C points maybe from the accounting linking.
When I clicked on the "Why are GMs so damn incompetant?" thread (moved), it sent me back to this thread. If a Mod sees this message, please fix it. They're entirely different, since when I do a rollover, the initial postings have different dialogue from each other.
OK ... Since the last post I wrote disappeared I decided to write it again...
Once again one of my VA characters received a level appropriate weapon. This weapon was given to me as a gift when I linked my accounts. I was looking forward to this gift (You can stop laughing now I'm kidding) so since I'm a VA and have been using MK XII gear for about 2 years now I was surprised when my gift was a MK X Dual Heavy Cannon.
I would just like Cryptic to fix this gross oversight. Everyone at Cryptic knows that a VA uses MK XII gear. All of the best STF Gear for VA "Captains" is MK XII ...
So why is it that EVERY TIME I get level appropriate gear for my VA character I get MK X ????
MK X is for RA's, not VA's
I am writing this in the forum because after reporting this problem to a in game GM I was told that this was working as intended and that I should bring my concerns to the forum, so here it is ....
After 2 years of playing at VA and suffering without any content, why do we still get the wrong level gear whenever we get "Level Appropriate" gear ???
Give us VA's MK XI at least, stop insulting all the VA's with MK X gear ....
When I clicked on the "Why are GMs so damn incompetant?" thread (moved), it sent me back to this thread. If a Mod sees this message, please fix it. They're entirely different, since when I do a rollover, the initial postings have different dialogue from each other.
LOL Maybe thread isn't relevant, but the act is!
-It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.-- Mark Twain.
If it makes you feel any better, I got a MK XII purple quantum torpedo launcher ACC X3.
Wow, really? That's insance. We should all get the same Mark whatever gear.
Honestly, I was assuming we'd all get a Mark XI weapon. I mean, a lot do want Mark XII, but most have only Mark XI. But Mark X? It's craptacular. No one that has been playing for awhile and tries at this game would use Mark X over Mark XI. And everyone can easily get Mk XI.
I got a Mk X myself and immediatly sold it. It was worthless, and not even worth giving to a fleet member because I told them they'd get a Mk XI soon enough.
Hi. Apparently I'm new here and joined in Jun 2012. Guess I'm in good company though... seems everyone else joined then too!
"I rather believe that time is a companion who goes with us on the journey, and reminds us to cherish every moment... because they'll never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we lived" Picard to Riker
As players this is how we see it.
What PWE sees is that we as players at Admiral to Vice admiral are T5, And T5 equipment starts at MK IX. So getting a MK IX item is scaled to your level. aka Working as intended.
Fleet leader Nova Elite
Fleet Leader House of Nova elite
In your dreams. :biggrin: Would be nice if I would only loot MK XII gear...
Join date: Jan 2010 - Original Forum Name: Rules.Of.Acquisition
Location: Ferenginar
Well the inferior uneven Mk gear can always drop. But Mk X is even another rank below that.
Rear Admiral Lower Half is only half a rank, so I guess Mk XI would make sense, if you have a linear scaling.
Mk X however doesn't.
Vornek@oberlerchner123 - Join Date: July 2008
This isn't the first thread about that topic. MK X scales your level, get used to it. And stop whining about free stuff. You expected too much.
The only useful stuff in this box is dilithium, the xp boost for lower levels, the items are TRIBBLE anyways (I got a MK XI purple ground weapon, looked at it and laughed).
Join date: Jan 2010 - Original Forum Name: Rules.Of.Acquisition
Location: Ferenginar
Yeah I expected to get what was being advertised. Pretty stupid considering it's coming from Cryptic/PWE eh?
Well if it's true what I just read in another thread, that PvP is being removed.
I couldn't give a damn anymore anyway. This game is dead to me.
Vornek@oberlerchner123 - Join Date: July 2008
You got what was being advertised.
That was a joke. If you select the black space you read: "Just kidding, I hope."
Have fun. :biggrin:
Join date: Jan 2010 - Original Forum Name: Rules.Of.Acquisition
Location: Ferenginar
Farewell as well.
I will also stop to feed your trolling, of choosing to support the unpopular side of a valid complaint, and using nonsensical arguements, and not even caring about all the evidence to the contrary, simply to provoke a response.
Have a nice day.
Vornek@oberlerchner123 - Join Date: July 2008
No prob.
No way this game gets rid of me.
I edited my post and I beg your pardon.
Sorry, but I only support logical and realistic sides. Just calm down, you will laugh tomorrow. :biggrin:
Join date: Jan 2010 - Original Forum Name: Rules.Of.Acquisition
Location: Ferenginar
join date: Jan. 2012
That's what seems to be confusing people (or at least one person) -- "level appropriate" is calculated by Tier, not by Mark level. (Also why the random loot on STF's seems a bit weaksauce for VA's).
To add to the fun, at least according to the wiki, there is no MK level assigned to VA/LG:
Mark TBD -- Vice Admiral/Lieutenant General
While I would agree that the Tier/Mark system needs a bit of rethinking (mostly adding a Tier level), as it stands now, Mk X is a normal random drop for a VA.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] "I weary of the chase. Wait for me. I shall be merciful and quick."
TBH if would be better if you could transfer that worthless XP boost to a new character that you start. I really hate that "reward" is bound. All my toons are VA/LG with maxed out BOFFs. That piece was a waste. Well that and 5K unrefined dilithium. Would have been nice to get some C points maybe from the accounting linking.
Incorrect. Only MK-infinity symbol stuff scales to your level.
Mk X is RA level stuff. That was max level gear when our max level was RAUH. MkXI was introduced when VA was introduced, and thus is VA gear.
It would be nice is you post correct information before whining about other people whining.
Arawn - SOB
OP *is* the new balance, whether you know it or not! Gecko says so.
Season 7 - Exodus, available online. U buy nao!
what I don't get is why we get 10 in stf elite
I don't know why we can't get 12 consoles in elite yet
Once again one of my VA characters received a level appropriate weapon. This weapon was given to me as a gift when I linked my accounts. I was looking forward to this gift (You can stop laughing now I'm kidding) so since I'm a VA and have been using MK XII gear for about 2 years now I was surprised when my gift was a MK X
I would just like Cryptic to fix this gross oversight. Everyone at Cryptic knows that a VA uses MK XII gear. All of the best STF Gear for VA "Captains" is MK XII ...
So why is it that EVERY TIME I get level appropriate gear for my VA character I get MK X ????
MK X is for RA's, not VA's
I am writing this in the forum because after reporting this problem to a in game GM I was told that this was working as intended and that I should bring my concerns to the forum, so here it is ....
After 2 years of playing at VA and suffering without any content, why do we still get the wrong level gear whenever we get "Level Appropriate" gear ???
Give us VA's MK XI at least, stop insulting all the VA's with MK X gear ....
This one :biggrin:
Join date: Jan 2010 - Original Forum Name: Rules.Of.Acquisition
Location: Ferenginar
LOL Maybe thread isn't relevant, but the act is!
500 years in the future and we still look like schmucks when getting our ID photos taken...
Lt T1
Lt com T3
Com T5
Capt plus T7
Lt T2
Lt com T4
Com T6
Capt T8
Admirals T10
VA T12
Lt T2
Lt com T4
Com T6
Capt T8
Admiral plus T10
That leaves Escorts at a serious disadvantage at endgame and makes no sense, and why should all ships not go to T12?
Proposal: just add a tier:
Tier 5 MK IX to X Rear Admiral, Lower Half
Tier 6 MK XI to XII Rear Admiral, Upper Half; Vice Admiral
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] "I weary of the chase. Wait for me. I shall be merciful and quick."
Wow, really? That's insance. We should all get the same Mark whatever gear.
Honestly, I was assuming we'd all get a Mark XI weapon. I mean, a lot do want Mark XII, but most have only Mark XI. But Mark X? It's craptacular. No one that has been playing for awhile and tries at this game would use Mark X over Mark XI. And everyone can easily get Mk XI.
I got a Mk X myself and immediatly sold it. It was worthless, and not even worth giving to a fleet member because I told them they'd get a Mk XI soon enough.
Admirals start with mk X
It would be nice if you would read all postings, learn about tiers and do a reality check before posting anything. *giggles* *amused* *LMAO*
And no, I won't explain it again.
Join date: Jan 2010 - Original Forum Name: Rules.Of.Acquisition
Location: Ferenginar
I'd also like it if Aegis scaled to MK XI levels at least, but I'm not holding my breath.
Oh, and just forgot, how comes e.g. the Quad Cannons only level up to MX X?
Join date: Jan 2010 - Original Forum Name: Rules.Of.Acquisition
Location: Ferenginar