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Logging in slow/Server timeouts

jplatimerjplatimer Member Posts: 54 Arc User
Anyone else having issues with logging in right now? The only thing I changed was adding the PW account, but now logging in is taking forever...
Post edited by jplatimer on


  • dukefife12dukefife12 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Same here. I've only been here around 6 months, so I had a pw account from the start. This really sucks.
  • conceptz82conceptz82 Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    i am too, when i log out to switch charecters it says my password is incorrect. So in order to switch charecters, i have to completly exit the game, reload it and login from tjhe launcher.

    For some unknown reason logins from the launcher work for me but from the game when logging out to switch charecters does not work.

    I copied the user and pass from the game screen into a notepad file, then pasted it into the launcher fields to double check, and it still worked from the launcher, so the game login screen is now bugged to hell, i did not have this problem yesterday, and do not appreciate the time it takes me to change charecters being quadrupled due to this.

    This is just one among a myriad of bugs constantly causing me problems since the migration changes, obviously things were not properly tested before the move (is anything ever properly tested before being implemented roiund here).

    After all the bugs ruining my gameplay letely i have started looking for another game, i have stuck it so long cuz i am a huge star trek fan, but now it has got to the point where bugs are ruining my gameplay experiance daily, and i am having to spend as much time talking to gms toget things sorted, as i do playing the game (on some days more as on work days i only have a couple of hours to spare), my love of trek has been massivly dwarfed by the constant none ending stream of bugs. PNce i find a replacment game it will be goodbye sto, i will check in from time to time to see if they have sorted things, but i fully intend to stop playing until they deal with the constant bugs, some of which have been well known about for at least 8 months now.
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