Hello, PvP Community!
I'm not going to create yet another thread detailing any fancy builds/tactics/strategies for PvP, but rather provide links to threads that already have them. This way, you don't have to go digging into the forums searching for them.
I've selected multiple threads which I've found to be extremely valuable for those looking for help with PvP. As you can see below, most of the threads focus upon the space portion of STO's PvP; if you know of any helpful ground PvP guides, please let me know (by posting in this thread or by sending me a private message) so I can include them in this thread!
Space PvP:Ground PvP:[ Are you enjoying PvP and want to join a PvP Fleet? Then check out the
PvP Fleet Directory! (Thanks to Naz)
]/B][/COLOR] Also, check out the new training fleet Sad Pandas has launched, the [URL="http://forums.startrekonline.com/showthread.php?t=268443"]Sad Panda Cubs[/URL]! [COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"][B/COLOR][/B] And most importantly: [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0"]How to effectively use hacks[/URL]! (Credits to myself) [COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"][BDon't forget to join the Organized PvP Channel!
/channel_join OrganizedPvP
I'll be sure to include your thread, just let me know when you complete it.
Thank you.
Numfar! Do the Dance of Joy!
Thanks, I'll add that to the OP.
Please keep it up to date so we can keep it stickied
Brandon =/\=
Nice! You did a great service to the PVP community, when we meet in battle next, I shall target you last.
"Winning." ~Charlie Sheen
Thanks for the inclusion. <blush>
A link list like this really helps keep a PvP noob like me whelmed (at least until I get into a PvP match, but that's another story... )
Thanks, man!
It's not directly aimed at PvP, but generally information on background mechanics. Could be useful to the tinkerers.
Looks great, I'll add it to the OP!
Definitely worthy. Added.