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Ships for Silver (Free) Players FAQ

SystemSystem Member, NoReporting Posts: 178,019 Arc User
edited October 2012 in The Academy
Silver Accounts and Ships FAQ.

The Basics

Q: Are Silvers given free ships? And when?
A: The answer to this is YES. Because this is the most important question I'm going to emphasize this with bold and caps:



Please pass it along.

Q: But the F2P feature matrix said up to Lt. Cmdr? Shouldn't everyone be stuck in their Constitution/Saber/etc. class ships unless they pay?
A: No. The matrix is out of date or wrong.

Q: What about level 50?
A: No one, except for certain Vet Rewards recipients/special situations, gets a free ship beyond level 40.

Q: What types of ships do I get to choose from?
A: Base-level T1-T5 ships are available. No +1 ships are available, nor ships with extras.

Q: Can I save up my tokens for getting more higher-level ships?
A: Free ship tokens are locked to the tier of the rank you get them at. If you cash in your Lt. Cmdr and Captain token simultaneously you will be able to get one T2 and one T4 ship, not two T4 ships.

Q: I already have a free ship from a specific tier. What if I want a different ship that's not a C-Store ship?
A: All base ships are available for dilithium.


C-Store Ships

Q: What is a C-Store ship?
A: A C-Store ship is one that you pay for with C-Points (purchased "currency").

Q: What kinds of ships are C-Store ships?
A: Ships with "bonuses," "refit" versions of ships (most tiers have one), any "retrofit" ship, any T1 ship other than the starter, all Vice Admiral ships, and the flagships. Note some T5 ships have "skins" in the C-Store - these are cosmetic, not ships.

Q: How can I tell what's a C-Store ship and what's not?
A: C-Store ships are available in the C-Store or have a "C" icon as part of their price at Ship Requisitions. SpiderMitch has a excellent ship chart that shows which are which. Find the thread on it here.

Q: Can F2P players get C-Store ships?
A: Yes, same price for Silver or Gold.

Q: Are C-Store ships bought per-character?
Q: C-Store ships are account-wide unlocks (buy one, claim on all characters that can use it) and can be reclaimed for free if discharged. C-Store ships you get from sources other than the C-Store (e.g. Vet Rewards) are NOT reclaimable for free and are NOT account-wide.



Q: What about shuttles?
A: You get a basic shuttle for free when you pick up a mission that requires it. All small craft (shuttles, Runabouts, etc.) take up a ship slot, but you get one free with the first one.

Q: What about Runabouts?
A: Runabouts can be purchased for around 34,250 energy credits (price taken from the STO Wiki as of April 14, 2012). I highly recommend them.

Q: I heard about a mission to craft a Delta Flyer?
A: There was one once, but the mission is no longer available. The C-Store still has the Delta Flyer. If you have the Delta Flyer, do not discharge it or you'll need to pay to get it back.


Ship Slots

Q: What's a ship slot?
A: A ship slot is a place where you can stick a ship in your ship inventory. You can see it when you're talking to a ship selection officer (you'll note there may be several slots marked empty). You normally get several ship slots free. These increase as you level up.

Q: What happens when I run out of ship slots?
A: You can't get a new ship - you'll need a new slot or get rid of an old ship.

Q: How do I get more ship slots?
A: There are a few ways.

* Rank up - you usually get some slots with this. I believe you get more while a Gold member. You should have enough by this even if you're a Silver so you don't have to throw away any free rank-up ships.
* Get a shuttle for the first time - The very first time you get a shuttle for a shuttle-only mission, you get a ship slot to go with it. That said, don't get rid of the shuttle! You'll need it to do the mission!
* Buy more slots. Up to a maximum of 25 per character.
* Veteran Rewards - You get extra ship slots with these at certain points.
* Discharge a ship. This does not, strictly speaking, get a new slot, but it makes room for a new ship by permanently removing a ship from one of the existing slots. READ ON BEFORE YOU DO THIS.



Getting rid of ships

Q: How do I discharge a ship?
A: Click on the 'Discharge' button when the ship is up in the ship inventory when talking to a ship selection officer. READ ON BEFORE YOU DO THIS.

Q: When I discharge a ship, what happens?
A: The ship is gone and the slot is now open for a new ship.

Q: What do I do if I want to get my old ship back?
A: The long and the short of it is that some ships you can get back for free, some you can get back after paying, some you can NEVER get back.

Ships you can get back for free:
* Any C-Store ship - you can claim and discharge these at will.

Ships you can get back after paying:
* Ships you would normally get free at rank up, or any ship you buy with dilithium. You'll pay full dilithium price for them.
* Runabouts you pay for with energy credits.
* Lockbox ships - IF YOU CAN FIND A NEW PERSON TO BUY IT FROM, OR GET IT FROM A LOCKBOX. Lockbox ships get more rare over time (and will probably be eventually literally impossible to re-obtain unless re-released in game), and cost a staggering sum (over 100 million EC is common), unless you get it from a lockbox, which can take many Master Keys and lockboxes.
* Ships you normally have to pay for, but got for free - for instance, ships you get via Veteran Rewards, or some ships that were obtained by certain players prior to F2P.

Ships you can NEVER get back:
* Your starter ship. There is no way to ever get this ship back at this time.
* The prototype flagships - It is not currently known if they (or any variant thereof) will be made available again.

Q: What happens to the equipment on the ship I discharge?
A: If the computer lets you discharge with equipment on it, it goes down with the ship.

Q: What do I get for discharging a ship?
A: Your ship slot empty and ready for another ship. No dilithium, EC or C-Points.


Part 6 - Other questions

Q: What's this about a free Odyssey?
A: In February 2012, a prototype version of the Odyssey was introduced for free as part of STO's two-year anniversary. It was based primarily on the Science version and had a crew of 1,000 (although this was later upgraded to 2,500, presumably around the time the C-Store Odyssey became available). It was inferior to the current Odyssey (see SpiderMitch's chart), but it was free, and it is a perfectly good ship - there tons around right now. This Odyssey is not currently available. It is unknown if it will ever be made available again, either for free or at a price, or if any variant will be made free similarly.

Q: What about information for KDF?
A: Warning - I am not trying to stick the KDF off in the corner here, I simply do not have much experience with the faction. However, thanks to some contributors I do have some information. For the KDF, you get your promotion mission from Chancellor J'mpok instead of Admiral Quinn. You also use the transporter room to the First City to get to the shipyard. Your initial ship will also be a tier-2 Bird of Prey. You can also get a token for a free ship from J'mpok to get a Raptor or Cruiser.

Q: Do Gold players get any extra free ships?
A: Yes, with Veteran Rewards.

* 400 days - Captain's Yacht, a type of shuttle. (Don't know if you can discharge this one without having to pay to get it back, but I wouldn't try it)
* 600 days - VA ship token. Get a free version of certain VA-level ships normally sold in the C-Store. Exact details for these can be found in SpiderMitch's chart. If you discharge this ship you have to pay to get it back. NOT an account-wide unlock - on a per-character basis only.
* 1000 days - Starship variant. Details not known at this time.

Q: How do you know this?
A: Observation, witnesses, personal experience (got my Galaxy when Silver), having discharged/reclaimed C-Store ships, and lots of contributors. :)


Part 7 - Conclusion

Thank you for your attention. I've seen this question asked tons of times, and frankly I imagine that a lot of potential players wouldn't want to play if they thought they'd get stuck in a low-level ship endgame. Feel free to send me any corrections, and I'll incorporate them as I have time.

* 04/16/2012 - Added information about the KDF. Included an extra note in the all-bold section telling people to do the promotion mission, since I saw just today someone who thought they didn't have a free token, likely because of this.
* 04/18/2012 - A few errors cleaned up. Added link to the ship chart. Added several more questions/answers, especially about C-Store ships.
* 04/26/2012 - Major changes, streamlining, split into parts, lots of information about C-Store ships, ship slots, and throwing away ships added.

Thanks to:
* dclxvii - Providing KDF information.
* kirian_darkstar - Pointing out a leftover error in KDF information.
* Tymer - The link to SpiderMitch's chart, which I was too lazy to get.
* SpiderMitch - The chart (which is a lot older than this thread).
* PWE_Branflakes - Setting this post "sticky."
* annemarie30 - An important warning about tossing away ships!
* PatricianVetinari - Several details about getting/tossing ships.
* captainstewart - Vet Rewards free ship information, Delta Flyer mission info.
* TaichoMuramasa - Ship slot information.
* BluegrassGeek - KDF info and Delta Flyer mission info.
* Everyone else - Thanks for reading! Please pass this info along if you're asked.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    nice post for those still confused about ships (think it's pretty simple myself but there you go!). well done!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    This should be stickied
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Nicely done! In a nut shell free players get exactly the same as gold players.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I would be surprised if there are many Gold subs left in this game when 99% of the game can be played and completed for free without spending a penny on the store....and the incentives for being gold are very poor indeed.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    If you wish to edit your post, the Klingon variant to get your promotion mission is Chancellor J'mpok.

    Beyond that, KDF ship acquiring is the same as for Fed: you take the promotion mission, which takes you to the shipyard (use transport room in the First City) and get a free ship token for your tier. The only difference is that you start at level 20 and start with a free Tier 2 Bird of Prey.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    dclxvii wrote:
    If you wish to edit your post, the Klingon variant to get your promotion mission is Chancellor J'mpok.

    Beyond that, KDF ship acquiring is the same as for Fed: you take the promotion mission, which takes you to the shipyard (use transport room in the First City) and get a free ship token for your tier. The only difference is that you start at level 20 and start with a free Tier 2 Bird of Prey.

    Added. Let me know if there are any problems.

    Also, does anyone know how to make this thread "sticky?" I don't know the procedure for such a request, if it's the sort of thing that's requested at all. I just saw this question come up a few more times on the forum, so I think a previous poster's suggestion that it be stickied is definitely wise.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Stickied! Thanks for making this :)


    Brandon =/\=
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Red_1999 wrote:
    Q: I leveled, but it won't give me the ship! What gives?
    A: You have to do the promotion mission. This mission will be "pop-up". This is with Admiral Quinn on Earth Space Dock for Starfleet I don't know who does it for KDF. This is MANDATORY if you want your ship. It's boring, but it takes all of 30 seconds..


    or with Chancellor Jem'pok on Qo'noS for KDF.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Red_1999 wrote:

    Q: How can I tell what's a C-Store ship and what's not?
    A: C-Store ships are available either in the C-Store, or have a "C" icon as part of their price at Ship Requisitions. Also, SpiderMitch has an excellent ship chart elsewhere on the forums that shows which ships are C-Store and which are not.

    SpiderMitch's Ship Charts thread: Link

    it is a very well done set of Charts showing every ship that is/was available for STO.

    Thank you for the time...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Nice FAQ Red_1999, well done!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I can confirm that you get a free ship on levelling. I can also confirm that THE ONLY SHIPS you can TOSS and reclaim are C-STORE ships. Toss that fishbowl sci ship or the Stargazer and it's gone for good
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    ...Toss that fishbowl sci ship or the Stargazer and it's gone for good
    Well, gone for good for free, sure, but you can still pay (Dilithium?) to buy it again.

    Pretty much every ship can be some how (possibly through re-purchase) reacquired.

    Fed's starter-ship (Miranda-class). If you dismiss this ship, you can never get it back. This may also be true for the KDF starter (B'rel), but I'm not certain. There has been Dev talk that they "some day might" add a way to reclaim the Miranda, but it's all wishful thinking at this point.

    Basic Flagships (Odyssey and Bortas) that were given away for the 2-year event. You can always purchase the C-Store variants, but the freebees are truly gone for good once dismissed.

    Legacy Ships: Delta Flyer, T3 Excelsior, T3 Nebula. These ships used to be available directly in-game (The latter (DF) originally via a quest, the former two (T3 E/N) from the ship vendor via EC), and if you had them when they were pulled you still have them. If you dismiss one of these legacy ships now, you can only get them back again via the C-Store.

    LockBox Ships: Jem'Hadar Bugship, Cardassian Galor, Ferengi D'Kora. If you dismiss one of these they are also gone for good. The first two are currently retired. The only place to (maybe) still find one is on the Exchange. The Bugships are rare/expensive (~500M EC), the Galor are fairly common (~80M EC). The D'Kora is also available on the Exchange (last I bothered to look, for ~150M EC. I expect that to go down, if it hasn't already.). Of course, since not (yet) retired, this last one might also still be re-acquired from another Lucky LottoBox draw.

    Correction Edit: Thank you to Sakarak for pointing this out - The "Christmas" and "Cardassian" Lockboxes no longer drop (are officially retired), but as long as there are any left in the game (and many players still have them stashed away and/or are selling them on the Exchange), you still have a(n infinitesimally small) chance to get the Bug and Galor from those (respective) boxes.

    ...I think that about sums it up. :cool:
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Well, gone for good for free, sure, but you can still pay (Dilithium?) to buy it again.

    Pretty much every ship can be some how (possibly through re-purchase) reacquired.

    Fed's starter-ship (Miranda-class). If you dismiss this ship, you can never get it back. This may also be true for the KDF starter (B'rel), but I'm not certain. There has been Dev talk that they "some day might" add a way to reclaim the Miranda, but it's all wishful thinking at this point.

    Basic Flagships (Odyssey and Bortas) that were given away for the 2-year event. You can always purchase the C-Store variants, but the freebees are truly gone for good once dismissed.

    Legacy Ships: Delta Flyer, T3 Excelsior, T3 Nebula. These ships used to be available directly in-game (The latter (DF) originally via a quest, the former two (T3 E/N) from the ship vendor via EC), and if you had them when they were pulled you still have them. If you dismiss one of these legacy ships now, you can only get them back again via the C-Store.

    LockBox Ships: Jem'Hadar Bugship, Cardassian Galor, Ferengi D'Kora. If you dismiss one of these they are also gone for good. The first two are currently retired. The only place to (maybe) still find one is on the Exchange. The Bugships are rare/expensive (~500M EC), the Galor are fairly common (~80M EC). The D'Kora is also available on the Exchange (last I bothered to look, for ~150M EC. I expect that to go down, if it hasn't already.). Of course, since not (yet) retired, this last one might also still be re-acquired from another Lucky LottoBox draw.

    ...I think that about sums it up. :cool:

    Actually, you can still get the Jem'Hadar and Galor ships from any lottery tickets you have stored or choose to buy.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Yes you can buy them back just clarifying that if you toss a free ship you cannot get it back for free
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    For what its worth, here are a few notes to update your OP. Feel free to steal them.

    I can confirm that there used to be a mission to craft a Delta Flyer. This mission required you to do a daily repeatable mission several times to collect particle traces while in a shuttlecraft of some sort, and was available to any Lt.Cmdr or higher character. I did this mission myself back in the day, and I still very much enjoy my Delta Flyer. The mission did not grant an account-wide unlock, so it would have to be repeated on each character. The crafting mission was removed in the transition to F2P.

    The prototype Odyssey has a crew of 2,500, not 1,000.

    Free Veteran Rewards ships are granted at the following levels -
    400 days: Captain's Yacht (a fancy shuttle)
    600 days: VA Ship Token. This is not an account-wide unlock, but each character on the account may receive the token and claim their own choice of ship. Because this is not a purchase, you DO NOT get to reclaim the ship for free if you discard it. You can claim any of the ships that cost dilithium with this token, including captain-refits like the cloaking Defiant, but not the VA +1 refits. Basically, this is what subscribers (which was everyone) used to get before F2P went live.
    1,000 days: Starship Variant. This has yet to be detailed, but my guess would be that allows you to claim for free your choice of any ship, on a per-character basis. Since there are no players at this stage of veteran rewards until the end of the year, we have no official word on what exactly this reward is, so it could be something new and special.

    Ship slots. Gold players get free bonus slots at several Veteran Reward tiers. Additional slots are also purchasable, up to (I believe) a maximum of 25 per character.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Sakarak wrote:
    Actually, you can still get the Jem'Hadar and Galor ships from any lottery tickets you have stored or choose to buy.
    D'oh! Good call. Thanks, I'll update my post.
    Yes you can buy them back just clarifying that if you toss a free ship you cannot get it back for free
    Understood. :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    +1 Great for new players, should be in official FAQ!!
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Very Nicely done but u forgot to mention that players can buy more ship slots from the cstore as well otherwise a must read for players who ask these questions
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Starting KDF players get the B'rel BoP, but may speak to J'mpok and receive a token. They can then visit the shipyard and choose a Raptor or Cruiser with that token.
    Q: I heard there was a mission to craft yourself a Delta Flyer?

    A: Previously, you could complete a Daily mission in a shuttlecraft to gather special particle scans. Once your character had 10 of these scans, they could craft the Delta Flyer. This daily mission was removed from the game. Characters who earned a Delta Flyer this way will still keep it, but should NOT dismiss it, as they will be unable to reclaim the shuttle. The only way to currently receive a Delta Flyer is through the C-Store.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    Thank you to everyone who's contributed. I'll be updating the FAQ soon. Sorry, been VERY distracted IRL, and as such most of my STO time has been dedicated to blowing up Borg as a result. :)
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012

    The prototype Odyssey has a crew of 2,500, not 1,000.


    First off, thanks for your contributions, I'll be rolling them into the FAQ soon.

    However, as per the crew - color me surprised. I just hauled the prototype Ody out of storage (renamed it the "U.S.S. Storage" after I gave the name and registry to my pay Ody :) ), and it was, lo and behold, 2500 crew.

    Are you SURE this wasn't changed at some point? I'm extremely curious now, and I think I may go search the forums when I have the chance.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    I tried to post an update to the FAQ, but it says my post is too long (over 13KB - limit seems to be just under 11KB). Does anyone know how to stick a post immediately under the first post so I can "expand" the FAQ? :o
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    You Can't... (Some people. when making the original post, will make several 'filler' posts immediately afterwards to provide room for expansion..)

    Probably time to make a new thread...
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited April 2012
    OK folks, I updated it.

    Given space constraints there isn't too much more I can stick in there - I can keep trying to streamline the text and cram it in, though, but I'm going to have to be a bit picky about any further information I stick in there.

    Thanks for reading, thanks for helping, and keep sending in contributions - if I have to I'll just split this thing in two or something.

    Also, in particular, please look over the KDF info and make sure I haven't missed anything.
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    i never got my free ship token...i looked....and i never got one....
  • Archived PostArchived Post Member Posts: 2,264,498 Arc User
    edited May 2012
    i never got my free ship token...i looked....and i never got one....

    The ship token is not an item. Try picking the ship you want at ship requisitions in ESD.

    Furthermore, make sure you did the promotion mission. You would have been given a short congratulatory speech by Admiral Quinn at his desk where he would tell you how you're qualified for a better ship, and there would have been highlighted text telling you that if you were a Gold member you would get an additional respec token. After that he directs you to ship requisitions.
  • ziploc332ziploc332 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Just how underpowered are the Silver ships?

    I.E. should I expect a "golds only" type glass ceiling when I hit max?
  • red01999red01999 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    ziploc332 wrote: »
    Just how underpowered are the Silver ships?

    I.E. should I expect a "golds only" type glass ceiling when I hit max?

    Original poster here.

    First off, Golds do not get access to better ships by default. While they do get a C-Point (soon to be Zen) stipend per month, that isn't the only thing you can spend it on, and it would take 4-5 months of stipends to be able to afford an end-game ship with it. If you want to just buy the ship and don't care about any of the other gold bonuses you can get it for a little more than what a Gold subscriber would pay for a month of subscription.

    Now, the ships themselves. First off, people will disagree with me and say that the C-Store ships are the apocalypse with nacelles mounted on it. In my experience, they are not. Half the game still flies Assault Cruisers regardless of rank after they hit level 40. While there are a TON of Odys, the fact is the free ships outnumber the paid ships by a significant margin. In fact I think the Ody is the only one that really may rival the Assault Cruiser for the #1 spot in terms of total population (for all the flack it gets, it is a TREMENDOUSLY popular ship).

    In many cases the differences are one of two things - a gimmick console, or variety as opposed to outright advantages. For instance, ODYSSEY ASIDE, in the end-game cruisers for Starfleet, you have the options of:

    * Balance (Assault Cruiser)
    * Tanking (Star Cruiser)
    * Tanking with in-flight reconfiguration for battle (Gal-R)
    * Bloated balance with a BFG with a ridiculous cooldown (Galaxy-X)
    * DPS (Excel-R)

    The last three are c-store ships, the first two are not. So you get more variety and a bit of a boost or a special goodie, not so much raw, pure, endless advantage. Note again in the Gal-X's case, you have to wait 4-5 minutes before you can fire the phaser lance again - an impressive ability, but it will not necessarily win the battle by itself, and once it fires, it's a bloated assault cruiser, which arguably puts it at a disadvantage to at least the AC (the extra 1000 HP of hull doesn't cut it, and I doubt you'll be able to avoid detection with the cloak until the cooldown is up).

    Now, the Odyssey is an odd duck, and it's pretty powerful and very versatile, I can't deny that. However, in it's full glory it has it's own disadvantages - in order to use the entire set you essentially sacrifice two consoles. Most special goodies take up one console slot, giving you 8 to work with if you want it, but the Ody's eats the EXTRA slot it came with, a regular slot that any other c-store ship would have to sacrifice for the goodie, and an additional one. It's a lot you get out of it but it's a lot you sacrifice as well. So while the Ody may be a cut above the rest, it is not so cut-and-dried as one might think.

    In fact, there is currently a lot of disgruntlement in terms of the fleet ships, which are technically free, in that they have considerable advantages over the C-Store ships. A number of c-store ship owners (myself included), while we may not want ships that are necessarily a lot MORE powerful than free ships, would like our ships to be at least as powerful as free ships.

    Probably the only place one would find major disadvantages would be PvP, where the screams of 'pay-to-win is the devil!' echo the loudest, but even there, it's not so clear cut. I have heard tales of players that were a nightmare to fight in virtually every possible ship combination. Myself, I hardly ever play PvP, so I haven't verified much by myself for that. But also keep in mind that a lot of PvPers optimize their builds so specifically that they basically build an entire character from tutorial to level 50 with a specific ship, equipment set and power layout in mind down to the last detail, so ANYTHING would throw them off, and this is mostly the top tier.

    So in short, the answer is, pay ships are a little bit better, but it's more about variety or special goodies than overwhelming power, you can still be very competitive with free ships, and being Gold has nothing to do with it, it's whether or not you paid for the ship one way or another.
  • champion1701champion1701 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    ziploc332 wrote: »
    Just how underpowered are the Silver ships?

    I.E. should I expect a "golds only" type glass ceiling when I hit max?
    :eek: Kill the zombie with FIRE :eek:
    =/\= Commodore Champion1701 =/\=

    =/\=USS Lindsey Stirling =/\= NCC-116747 =/\=

    =/\= Liberty Task Force =/\= Diplomatic Advisor =/\=
  • glassfotglassfot Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    A bug makes me unable to complete the get a new ship tutorial mission.

    when i talk to the rec officer i have to pay zen for a new ship.

    have searched the web and found some others with the similar problem.

    Its been 23 hours since i reported the bug and filed a report with a GM
    no answer.

    i am coming up on Commander rank and i dont want this to happen again.

    this is a very good game, but the multiple bugs and no customer support makes it borderline unplayable.
This discussion has been closed.