Just looking to perfect this build.
Currently flying a Vor'cha retrofit and was looking at the Marauder cruiser. Does anyone have any experience with that? Is it any good? Why is nobody using it?
Any advice on other tier 5 ships I should look at? Carriers look like sci ships, so meh, also not enough engineering boffs. B'rel bop may be too squishy. Certainly looks like pvp oriented. Guramba, not a cruiser, looks like TRIBBLE, not enough engineering boff skills. Upcoming Bortas, no idea. Certainly too expensive. Do not have the free version, so I really have no idea how it performs.
This is my current build
please DO share opinions on it. The boff skills are also displayed. The devices are what I should have, but I don't, for now.
Loadout is 3x disruptor beam array + quantums fore
3x disruptor beam array + hargh'peng aft
positron deflector, resilient shield, combat engines
eng consoles: 2x +weapon power, 2x +shield power
sci consoles: shield regen, shield emitter (35%)
tac consoles: disruptor coil
Running at 75/75/25/25 power levels.
I have not done ANY story missions so far, just the tutorials and repeated 4 dailies, Officer reports, Need Breathing Space and the academy Lore missions. And a lot of doffing. And yes, I got Lt. General in 5 days with that. No real combat experience, no real missions done, but I'm a high ranking officer already...