The last mission in the cycle in an exact repeat of the second half of the next-to-last mission.
You come back from Klingon Hell, having fought Treachery, Despair, and Whatever, then defeated the big bad honcho himself. And when you get the next mission, it tells you "blah blah descend into the underworld and defeat Treachery, Despair, and Iforget, before facing WhateverBossNameIs".
And you're like, "I just did that, idiot...."
So you grumble and go to do it again, and it's exactly the same, starting with your exit from the Barge of the Dead. I wouldn't have minded if it was one of the better chapters, but it's a godawful badly-made map under there, with endless projections to get stuck on, (apparently the mapmaker never heard of a clipping plane), and the boss fights themselves are aggravating.
Just why is it, anyway, that 90% of the time you cannot activate your ground combat abilities when you're in ground combat? The space engine for STOS is really pretty good, and I can mostly forgive the lack of true 3D, and the way you cannot ever go up or down at more than about about a 70-degree angle. But the ground engine has some real glaring warts, as in, things fundamentally wrong with the basic mechanics. And the map-making is just horrendous in places, as though the mapmakers were never taught certain basic fundamental skills in mapping for 3D games.
Yep, its kinda ... well its really broken in that regard, it throws you right at the next mission without closing the previous one, chances are the player will do it without realizing he was supposed to turn the mission in.
Honestly, it needs work ... in fact at one point I was under the belief that I was supposed to be given the Sword of Kahless considering what Kahless was talking at the end.
Happened to me as well. Guess I should have turned in the mission somewhere mid-play, dunno. Didn't notice. The game should not have allowed progression without first turning in the previous misison.
The same thing happens on Fed side with the guardian of forever mission.
The moment D'Vak escapes through the portal the first mission ends and by going through yourself you start the next.
Now if you haven't turned in the first part playing the second one won't count unless you are on replay and picked them both up beforehand...
I very nearly got caught by this, but after the first battle before the gate I realized what was going on and checked my log. It'd be really cool if, even if auto-hail was disabled, you'd get a hail from the Chancellor at the start of the mission before you get off the boat.
I personally had no problems with the terrain, I just wanted a Fire Suppression device at times. The only issue I had with the missions was the insta-gib "haha you're dead puny mortals!" fire that some of the bosses had. Once I figured it out it was okay (only took one wipe), but having my shields and 3/4 of my health drop out of no where wasn't super fun.
Honestly, it needs work ... in fact at one point I was under the belief that I was supposed to be given the Sword of Kahless considering what Kahless was talking at the end.
Yeah, got surprised by it too.
The moment D'Vak escapes through the portal the first mission ends and by going through yourself you start the next.
Now if you haven't turned in the first part playing the second one won't count unless you are on replay and picked them both up beforehand...
I personally had no problems with the terrain, I just wanted a Fire Suppression device at times. The only issue I had with the missions was the insta-gib "haha you're dead puny mortals!" fire that some of the bosses had. Once I figured it out it was okay (only took one wipe), but having my shields and 3/4 of my health drop out of no where wasn't super fun.