Anyone here fly BoPs as a engineer and care to share there experiences in it?
Im aiming to one day fly a Carrier with my engineer, but untill then I'll be flying a BoP and wish to know how others far doing so.
I know a Battle Crusier would be a better choice if im going to end up a carrier, but seeing as im also lving a fed engineer/crusier currently, I dont fancy doing the same gameplay twice lol.
It isn't a Cruiser, and you really need to plan out your attack strategies. Staying the heck out of Tractor Beam range and/or using things like Polarize Hull to get out of there... that's important also.
On the way into a battle, buff what you want before you get there. That gives you less cooldown to deal with after you drop cloak and unleash everything.
Battle Cloak lets you take a breather, but with non-B'rel Retrofit, you have to plan out what you're going to do in Cloak because you have 0 Shield energy while cloaked. So having a Sci Team or some big shield buff on the way out is helpful.
Other BoP threads will be more useful. Just make a plan for a BoP. Don't run it like a Cruiser, and adjust your strategies as you go. There's nothing quite like a ship with a battle cloak.
All that being said, why not a Battle Cruiser? Klingon Cruisers are NOT Starfleet Cruisers. Just try the K'tinga with the ship token you get from the Chancellor... it's free, anyway.
My lvl 26 Trill Eng runs a torpedo boat since we have so few tactical consoles at low level, and the turn rate of the BoP makes torpedos good. Hargh'Peng Mk VI, Plasma Torpedo Launcher Mk VI (cheap!), and Dual Tetryon Beam Bank up front... Hargh'Peng Mk V, Chroniton Torpedo Mk VI aft (for slowing down pursuers). When I hit the early Undine, then that will be a test.
I'm at full speed all the time, modified to include more Shield power. (I use a Hyper Impulse engine) Weapons power is useless since I only use the beam banks when I feel like it & I want to pretend the Tetryon proc will work. Beam banks instead of dual cannons for firing arc & moar pew pew colors!
My Jem'Hadar Boff runs Torpedo Spread I, II, and III. I only wish I had Boff space to bring on the Efficient Lethean Tac Boff that I got randomly from Doff missions... but with only the regular Battle Cloak until lvl 50, I'm probably better off running the 2 Engineer Boffs that I had originally promoted when I was running the K'tinga.
As I level up, then I might complain. Everything is too easy at Commander level. Fighter groups, Battleships, all easy prey to torpedo spreads. Even the battleship fights are fast because of torpedo bleedthrough.
EDIT: Heh. Okay, low-level stuff, I know, but I took on a Celestial-class cruiser, Defiant-class escort, and 3 lt. cruiser/frigates at once because I was dumb & they were clumped up. Between Battle Cloak, Evasive, hull/shield heals, and Torpedo Spread, I wiped them all out (+3 Federation squadrons wiped out, yay). When I get to higher levels, then we'll see. Or maybe I'll just bump up the difficulty level already. Time to warp out & try this again.
EDIT: At Advanced, the Celestial-class cruiser was harder, but then you use the Evasive to get out & Battle Cloak to get back in with Torpedos prebuffed. It was more fun than Normal.
EDIT: At Elite, haven't tried a Cruiser (need to run errands now), but I took out an Intrepid-class Sci vessel with no issues. They hit HARD, but having an extra Eng Boff helped.
3xPlasmaDHC Mk12 + PlasmaTorp Mk 12 Front and 2x PlasmaTurrets Mk12 Aft.
Cmdr(Eng): EjectWarpplasma 3, EmergencyPower2Shields3,EmergencyPower2Shields2,Eng-Team1
Lt.-Cmdr(Tac): HY1,CannonSV1,CannonRF2
Lt.(Sci): Sci-team1, TransferShieldStr.2
Lt.(Sci): PolarizeHull1, HazardEmitters2
this build is with an Eng-Capt a very good tank. All PlasmaWeapons + EjectWarpPlasma3 is a "burner" ^^
If you see a BoP with "I.K.S. EatMyPlasma" thats me
You should alter it, for your own playstyle....
hi! im testing a BoP with plasma weapons, 2x Plamas DC, 1x plasma beam bank, and 2 turrets, im only a Captain, i think it is very efective now, but at higher levels and STF gear (plasma protection) i think those weapons wont be to effective, what do you think? sorry my english