Known issue. Some people have had success logging out and back in, some have not.
What to do in Sirius as KDF - Well, there are several DOFF missions there and you gain access to the DV cluster to do the DOFF missions there as well.
Other than that, I use to to get to Cardassian space without having to go through EE-Orellius. You can also use the Fed TW gate to get to Borg space (theirs is fixed, so it takes you to GO instead of BGO).
FYI, I just got marauding rank 4 and have similar issue, it unlocked the top tier of marauding doffs for me, but did NOT give me a token for a free one .
I've been able to TW to Regulus for some time now, when i got the rank up, TW to BU didn't show, but i logged off and back on (zoning might have worked too, didn't try) and TW to BU showed up.
I actually posted a bug report about this when I gained the rank some time ago. On closer inspection I ralised the tooltip for rank four does not actually say that you should. Admittedly all the others do grant one but this one doesn;t claim to. On reflection maybe it is unfair, but it cannot be described as a bug.
What to do in Sirius as KDF - Well, there are several DOFF missions there and you gain access to the DV cluster to do the DOFF missions there as well.
Other than that, I use to to get to Cardassian space without having to go through EE-Orellius. You can also use the Fed TW gate to get to Borg space (theirs is fixed, so it takes you to GO instead of BGO).
I've been able to TW to Regulus for some time now, when i got the rank up, TW to BU didn't show, but i logged off and back on (zoning might have worked too, didn't try) and TW to BU showed up.
I actually posted a bug report about this when I gained the rank some time ago. On closer inspection I ralised the tooltip for rank four does not actually say that you should. Admittedly all the others do grant one but this one doesn;t claim to. On reflection maybe it is unfair, but it cannot be described as a bug.