but it may be no less true.
[2/21 5:14] [Zone #13] XXxxx@XXXxxic: so many noobs playing this game, hiding in the klingon faction.
[2/21 5:15] [Zone #31] TRIBBLE@xxxxxxxxxxks: The klinks i've run into today have behaved themselfs
SOmething overheard in an KvP somewhere.......
This is saddening. I remember the days of when Klingons helped Klingons to fight the feds.
It seems we need those days again.
KDFAssistance channel opening again soon. (as soon as a format can be thought up.)
Until then, noobs in Empire... Eat up and grow stronger , faster, use your minds. Timing, sequencing.
Timing and sequencing. The tools of a warrior.
Hmm maybe we should get the old groups backa nd go sit in kerrat for a bit... the new feds not seen a good Klingon for a bit.
i might even get "jaws" back out for it...
As an aside, I took a K't'inga in there last night, that was suprisingly fun, although I accidently turned into an ****** for a short period. It's suprising just how much you can get out of that ship with endgame gear.
Take a team of 5 KDF rank 50's.. have em toy up thier old T-3 K'tinga's and T3+1 Koro'Tinga's and go fed hunting... The Feds will know they have been in a fight even if they're in Tier 5 ships with all the bells and whistles.
Ahhh ... You make me think of the days before F2P back in the summer when I would go out hunting in my K'Tinga and not doing to bad in it.
Can you use the classic K't'inga and D7 skins on the Koro't'inga? I'm tempted to use the Koro't'inga all the way up to LG on my next KDF toon.
Just like the good old days, making feds rage in Kerrat was always a fun pass time of mine.