So I got a gold lock box and decided to use some C Points that I got from the dil I had farmed to open it up (learned my lesson using real money on those things) and got a graviton pulse generator in it. I see they are selling on the exchange for ridiculous amounts and my brain tells me they are a very useful item in PvP, but I thought I would ask for some opinions about it. I did a forum search and really only saw that it was an evil weapon that was originally on the Klingon side, so I'm thinking maybe this was offered as a balance of some kind? Not really sure but I like the item so far (it being a universal console is very nice). Anyways, for once I feel like I got something a little worth while out of one of those stupid boxes, so hopefully it is as useful as it seems (even with the 5 minute cool down). Thoughts?
As a PvE player, I *love* my Graviton Pulse Generator. I use it for Elite STFs: On Infected, it stops the spheres in their tracks (especially when combined with gravity well) and gives the group more time to knock out the Transformer so we can get the optional. Works wonders on KA (stopping probes trying to escape) and the Cure (slowing down BoPs to protect the Kang).
I got it on the one and only gold box I opened using my mothballed character's dilithium.
Consider myself very lucky to get this console as it is much better than the Galor ship itself in my opinion.
I use it all the time. Its an AOE 90 degree forward arc, all-targets in range hitting ability. For STF's it means swarm control+high damage bonus PVP it means the zippy ship that crosses my nose is dead. For missions it allows you to pull some really fun stuff on NPC's.
I just started playing this game a few days ago, and I got one of these from a lockbox. Anyway, I have it equipped on my ship but I have no idea how to actually use it. Looking at the description it appears to be an active ability I have to trigger, but looking through all the abilities at my disposal, I can't find anything related to this console. I don't suppose someone could explain it to me?
The lock boxes apparently offer consoles to the other side - i.e. the side that can't normally get them.
Consider myself very lucky to get this console as it is much better than the Galor ship itself in my opinion.
I use it all the time. Its an AOE 90 degree forward arc, all-targets in range hitting ability. For STF's it means swarm control+high damage bonus PVP it means the zippy ship that crosses my nose is dead. For missions it allows you to pull some really fun stuff on NPC's.