I was thinking about the lack of content for klingon players and came up with an idea. Many of the Fed missions would apply to the Empire for instance: Doomsday could be about a house war to stop Bavat from drawing the Empire into civil war and war with the Federation. There are a ton of missions that all the devs need to do is to change a few cfostumes and install as new content.
Then I came up with a different idea... we have all these creative minds in the Foundry why not have a contest with prizes to see who can create the best klingon missions? There is a vast source of code available that could and should be released to foundy members. They are free labor and are pretty inventive especially if you would allow them to colloborate on a mission. That way Cryptic could offer more content on a regular basis without breaking the bank. Cryptic would be the final arbitrator in what gets released as the actual product. It would be a win win situation for both beleagured devs and frustrated Foundy members and Klingon Captains.
We the players realize that there have been plenty of bugs since F2P and that this should be the devs main concern. So give the community the ability to earn some prizes and create content for The Empire.
yup, suggestions like yours have beeen coming along for 2 years now or since the foundry went online, respectively. good luck there, don't hold our breath