I can vouch for the validity of the aforementioned build and subsequent tweaks. I've been running that layout since I got my Vo'Quv and it works really well for survivability and tanking, however If you are looking to deal some damage as well; the build will need some tweaks.
However, it may be more satisfying for you to visit the wiki and research the officer skills and subsequently come up with your own unique build to try out. Half the fun of flying it is making it your own :^D.
This post might help a little - Click here
I can vouch for the validity of the aforementioned build and subsequent tweaks. I've been running that layout since I got my Vo'Quv and it works really well for survivability and tanking, however If you are looking to deal some damage as well; the build will need some tweaks.
However, it may be more satisfying for you to visit the wiki and research the officer skills and subsequently come up with your own unique build to try out. Half the fun of flying it is making it your own :^D.