Hi silly question but I can't seem to find my new ship? I've gotten to the store but everything still has a value to it? I also don't seem to have gotten any of the rewards when I finished my quest to become a Lt Commander.
Hi silly question but I can't seem to find my new ship? I've gotten to the store but everything still has a value to it? I also don't seem to have gotten any of the rewards when I finished my quest to become a Lt Commander.
Any ideas or help?
Did you go to the Ship Requistion Officer (take the Turbo-Lift from the Shipyard in ESD) ???
Like the others said you have to talk to quinn first to get the token but the Token only lets you buy the basic ships, the ones that normally cost dilithium. The token won't let you get any of the 3 LCDR lvl refits(Rhode Island, Exeter, Gladius) if you want those you have to buy C-points.
Pleas make sure you have spent ALL of your skill points .
I don't think that matters anymore. With the new system you don't need to spend skill points to reach the next rank. I'm pretty sure it doesn't affect getting your next ship either.
Check in your Available missions for a "Promotion: Lieutenant Commander" mission. When you get that mission, go talk to Admiral Quinn, then go talk to the woman in Ship Requisitions.
If you have done all that, then file a GM ticket and explain that you have done the prerequisites, and still not received your ship.
you talked to Admiral Quinn and did the promotion mission? he gives you a free ship plaque to aquire a free ship from the ship and shuttle requisition person.
The free ship token system is a little buggy. I've had issues with it myself in the past and spoken to many others on ESD(Earth Space Dock) whom also have had the issue you are having. Its a simple work around to correct it, assuming you have followed the correct steps to acquire the ship token.
Step 1.
Receive your promotion from Admiral Quinn (assuming he is in his officer and not at the club drinking)(bug)
Step 2.
Go down the turbo lift to the ship requisition officer and speak to her (can't remember her name) this should finish the new ship mission Quinn just gave you and award the token. Its not a physical item so you will not see it in your inventory.
Step 3.
Exit out of conversation with her. This is where the bug is. Sometimes if you remain in the conversation and go directly into the store to purchase a new ship it will not register the free ship token. Sometimes it will. Its a bug. Best to just exit the conversation, then talk to her again and go into the store again. If this still doesn't work, sometimes it helps to click on a few different ships or change the search options around to trigger the tokens appearance.
Step 4.
Get a new ship, name it, register it, outfit it, make it look pretty, and go blow something up.
I hope this helps anyone having this issue, as I said its a simple bug that I run into almost every time I get a new ship.
I don't think that matters anymore. With the new system you don't need to spend skill points to reach the next rank. I'm pretty sure it doesn't affect getting your next ship either.
If you have done all that, then file a GM ticket and explain that you have done the prerequisites, and still not received your ship.
Did you file a ticket? Something is seriously wrong here, either it is you, or it is the game. I would call on a GM if you have tried everything else.
Step 1.
Receive your promotion from Admiral Quinn (assuming he is in his officer and not at the club drinking)(bug)
Step 2.
Go down the turbo lift to the ship requisition officer and speak to her (can't remember her name) this should finish the new ship mission Quinn just gave you and award the token. Its not a physical item so you will not see it in your inventory.
Step 3.
Exit out of conversation with her. This is where the bug is. Sometimes if you remain in the conversation and go directly into the store to purchase a new ship it will not register the free ship token. Sometimes it will. Its a bug. Best to just exit the conversation, then talk to her again and go into the store again. If this still doesn't work, sometimes it helps to click on a few different ships or change the search options around to trigger the tokens appearance.
Step 4.
Get a new ship, name it, register it, outfit it, make it look pretty, and go blow something up.
I hope this helps anyone having this issue, as I said its a simple bug that I run into almost every time I get a new ship.
Fleet Admiral XII Victrix Lupas