Hello All,
I just thought Id throw my current VoQuv build out there and see how its received.
I.K.S. Pegasus
Forward Weapons 2 x Mk XI [Borg] Disruptor Turret and Mk XI [Borg] Plasma Torpedo
Aft Weapons 3 x Mk XI [Borg] Disruptor Turret
Deflector: Retro Borg
Engines: Retro Borg
Shield: Mk XII Honor Guard
Science Consoles
Borg, MK XI Rare Bio function, Isometric charge and Mk XI Rare Graviton generator
Engineering Consoles
Magnetometric Generator, Mk XI Field Emitter and Mk X Very Rare Energy Resistance (Tetryon and Plasma)
Tactical Consoles
2 x Mk Xi Rare Disruptor Induction coil
Hangers (Varies)
Skul Fighters for general PVE
Orion Slavers for STF
Whatevers needed for PVP
Bridge Officer Setup
Commander Science Station [Borg Science Officer]
Gravity Well 3, Hazard Emitters 3, Tractor Beam Repulsors and Science Team
Lt. Science Station [Dilithium Compensation Bridge Officer]
Transfer Shield Strength 2 and Polarize Hull
Lt. Commander Engineering Station [Liberated Borg Bridge Officer]
ASIF 2, EPTS 2 and ET
Lt. Commander Tactical Station
Torpedo Spread 3, Cannon Rapid Fire and Torpedo High Yield
Ill be switching out my Borg Science Officer for my Efficient Lethean Science Officer
Ill be switching out my Tactical Officer for my Efficient Lethean Tactical Officer (has soon has I fine another KDF Tactical Bridge Officer that has Torpedo Spread 3 that does not cost a fortune)
Thanks for your time
I'd suggest probably making your Carrier more tanky. It is a big ship with huge amounts of hull so it is great for tanking (argueably the best in the game if used correctly). I'd also recommend replacing Polarize Hull with another Hazard Emitters, this way, it wont interfere when trying to heal (as both Hazard Emitters and Polarize Hull share a global cooldown).
Hope that helps