Hi all, I'm a tac captain and I'm looking to outfit my Negh'var for pvp. My main ship is a Vor'kang that uses dual heavy cannons in front and beam arrays in the back. I was wondering if I should outfit my Negh'var as a full beam boat or just transfer the weapons from the Vor'kang whever I switch ships.
Also, I was wondering exactly how a beam boat works. Do I use entirely single beam arrays or have dual beam banks in front?
Neg var is not turn fight ship without sspeccing out to use a lot of AUx power constantly. The difference beteen etting up a Neg is you can pack a little bit extra firpower forward. With a build for STF'ds you can go all duaal cannon and turrets.. for more mobile fights you want more of a mixed loadout.
Neg var is not turn fight ship without sspeccing out to use a lot of AUx power constantly. The difference beteen etting up a Neg is you can pack a little bit extra firpower forward. With a build for STF'ds you can go all duaal cannon and turrets.. for more mobile fights you want more of a mixed loadout.
It can be used in this manner but it takes a lot of piloting practice. Recommended skills for learning the manuevars of this ship are Inertial Dampners 1 and 2 which also help against disableing skills/abilities. Another thing you'll need is emr power to engines which you can do with the ensign level one easily. The dampners are not actually needed but they help with anti-disabling and also make the learning of this simpler. Basically since the negh var has majority of its weight in the back creating its large inertia properties/stats what you want to do is pilot this ship like its a drift racing car. WIth the boost of flight speed (evasive manuevars also increases this effect dramatically) what you can then do is build up the flight speed for a few seconds then at the same time hit R or whatever button does a full stop and turn towards your intended target at the same time. It will spin that puppy(negh var) around so quick it will make your head spin. While your head is spinning you will notice you are moving backwards even tho you are at a full stop which sometimes comes in handle if the target is coming straight at you. In the case that this is not what you want since this is just like a police manuevar you then stomp the gas pedal to spin those negh varish tires to get after your bandit (Also another ship that it works wonders on is the garumba but its much much much faster so its easy to spin around in circle if not careful with that little spider thing).
Also for weapons layouts a decent one to use if you just want to coast around is 2 DHC's 2 Single cannons and 4 turrets which is pretty much a more powerful version of an all beam boat. Which for a lil more kinetic damage you could throw in a torpedo instead of a single cannon or turret or both.
I am also hoping that our new KDF flagship shares these same stats in turning strength and inertia so this fun battle cruiser turning strategy can keep being used.
Hi all, I'm a tac captain and I'm looking to outfit my Negh'var for pvp. My main ship is a Vor'kang that uses dual heavy cannons in front and beam arrays in the back. I was wondering if I should outfit my Negh'var as a full beam boat or just transfer the weapons from the Vor'kang whever I switch ships.
Also, I was wondering exactly how a beam boat works. Do I use entirely single beam arrays or have dual beam banks in front?
Neither. I run 2 single cannons, 1 dual heavy cannon, a plasma torpedo launcher, and four turrets (aft) on my Negh'var. For turn-rate buffs, I have a single blue-quality RCS Accelerator and a single copy of Auxiliary to Inertial Dampners.
Neg var is not turn fight ship without sspeccing out to use a lot of AUx power constantly. The difference beteen etting up a Neg is you can pack a little bit extra firpower forward. With a build for STF'ds you can go all duaal cannon and turrets.. for more mobile fights you want more of a mixed loadout.
Agreed. Team play allows your ship to act more as a field artillary piece moved about the field.
In general play, mixing it up gives more movement. Although putting in single cannons on the front sides can help with this as well. ... much like Destraa suggests.
Then if you get really good, you can always go back to the DHCs.
IMO, you're better off with an all beam build. You get more constant DPS, & you're effective at a longer range.
Although i do sometimes throw in cannons when doing STF's.
I am in the camp that firmly believes I am KDF so I am different to a federation scumbag. I want different gameplay. I use DHC up front.
In STFs this works perfectly fine because you can generally move around enough to line up your shots perfectly well.
For PvP, well it is a bit more messy so I dont use my Neg for that any more. When I did I used dual beams. The dps lost by selecting a wider arc of fire option is considerable.
Furthermore, an argument for using beams is often made about sustained or steady dps... I don;t quite follow that line at all. Doing less dps per shot but having a wider arc is about having less sustained dps. The only circumstance in when that will out-perform DHC and the like is when target are moving wildly or constantly changing. If you swap targets that quickly then 5they are too easy and it doesnt matter, the only fights I care about and build around are the hard ones, and for those I have plenty of time to move into position and line up my cannon.
fwiw, I'm running 2xDHC, dual beam disruptor bank and quantum torpedo launcher forward. aft, 2x disruptor turrets, beam array and quantum torpedo launcher. someone's gonna get hurt with this thing:D
fwiw, I'm running 2xDHC, dual beam disruptor bank and quantum torpedo launcher forward. aft, 2x disruptor turrets, beam array and quantum torpedo launcher. someone's gonna get hurt with this thing:D
Let us hope it is not you.
Seriously .. Let us know how it works for you.
For me, it seems you either want almost all fore firing or a setup that goes for broadsides.
Wow, thanks for all the feedback. So it seems like the community is divided? I bought a bunch of dilithium mk XI weapons and I did very well with the negh'var using 8 single arrays. The only endgame gear I have right now is the Borg set, so I swap between my Negh'var and Vor'Kang with the same core ship build. I have one more question, does anyone have any pvp tips for a Vor'Kang? I've been getting destroyed in pvp using my cannon and turret build, but that may jsut be that I keep getting teams that don't heal and can't break the Fed ball.
It can be used in this manner but it takes a lot of piloting practice. Recommended skills for learning the manuevars of this ship are Inertial Dampners 1 and 2 which also help against disableing skills/abilities. Another thing you'll need is emr power to engines which you can do with the ensign level one easily. The dampners are not actually needed but they help with anti-disabling and also make the learning of this simpler. Basically since the negh var has majority of its weight in the back creating its large inertia properties/stats what you want to do is pilot this ship like its a drift racing car. WIth the boost of flight speed (evasive manuevars also increases this effect dramatically) what you can then do is build up the flight speed for a few seconds then at the same time hit R or whatever button does a full stop and turn towards your intended target at the same time. It will spin that puppy(negh var) around so quick it will make your head spin. While your head is spinning you will notice you are moving backwards even tho you are at a full stop which sometimes comes in handle if the target is coming straight at you. In the case that this is not what you want since this is just like a police manuevar you then stomp the gas pedal to spin those negh varish tires to get after your bandit (Also another ship that it works wonders on is the garumba but its much much much faster so its easy to spin around in circle if not careful with that little spider thing).
Also for weapons layouts a decent one to use if you just want to coast around is 2 DHC's 2 Single cannons and 4 turrets which is pretty much a more powerful version of an all beam boat. Which for a lil more kinetic damage you could throw in a torpedo instead of a single cannon or turret or both.
I am also hoping that our new KDF flagship shares these same stats in turning strength and inertia so this fun battle cruiser turning strategy can keep being used.
Agreed. Team play allows your ship to act more as a field artillary piece moved about the field.
In general play, mixing it up gives more movement. Although putting in single cannons on the front sides can help with this as well. ... much like Destraa suggests.
Then if you get really good, you can always go back to the DHCs.
Although i do sometimes throw in cannons when doing STF's.
In STFs this works perfectly fine because you can generally move around enough to line up your shots perfectly well.
For PvP, well it is a bit more messy so I dont use my Neg for that any more. When I did I used dual beams. The dps lost by selecting a wider arc of fire option is considerable.
Furthermore, an argument for using beams is often made about sustained or steady dps... I don;t quite follow that line at all. Doing less dps per shot but having a wider arc is about having less sustained dps. The only circumstance in when that will out-perform DHC and the like is when target are moving wildly or constantly changing. If you swap targets that quickly then 5they are too easy and it doesnt matter, the only fights I care about and build around are the hard ones, and for those I have plenty of time to move into position and line up my cannon.
Let us hope it is not you.
Seriously .. Let us know how it works for you.
For me, it seems you either want almost all fore firing or a setup that goes for broadsides.
works fine, in pve. swapped out the beams for a 3rd DHC forward and turret aft. I've yet to get back into pvp