I have created my first kdf i want to know if theres a good fleet for new klingons please any help at all
There are quite a few good fleets on the KDF side. The good fleets will be looking for members who excel in combat so my advice would be to participate in PvP or PvE where they can get a look at your skillls. If they like what they see then you'll get an invite. If you're looking for any old fleet to join then go to Qo'nos and put it out over zone chat you're look for a fleet for new players. There are quite a few out there looking for quantity and not quality of players.
There are quite a few good fleets on the KDF side. The good fleets will be looking for members who excel in combat so my advice would be to participate in PvP or PvE where they can get a look at your skillls. If they like what they see then you'll get an invite. If you're looking for any old fleet to join then go to Qo'nos and put it out over zone chat you're look for a fleet for new players. There are quite a few out there looking for quantity and not quality of players.