Im working my way through the last few levels of captain at the moment and am seriously considering taking up the opportunity to fly a carrier!
Im an Engineer Gorn at the moment but was wondering if they are viable. I currently use the Vor'Cha Cruiser and enjoy it alot but really like the idea of the carrier. If anyone has any advice and would like to help out with their input I would really appreciate it.
Im working my way through the last few levels of captain at the moment and am seriously considering taking up the opportunity to fly a carrier!
Im an Engineer Gorn at the moment but was wondering if they are viable. I currently use the Vor'Cha Cruiser and enjoy it alot but really like the idea of the carrier. If anyone has any advice and would like to help out with their input I would really appreciate it.
Many Thanks:D
The VoQ is nice and tanky and may offer only a slight change in your BC experience. Mainly becuase its so slow that universe turns around it instead. Its quicker.
The Kar'fi is more tactical oriented in Design.
Being an Engineer, you will bring toughness and good power level controls regardless which way you decide to go.
I have an eng in a VoQ carrier and I love it. Doesn't hand out the greatest DPS in the world with my weapons set up, but it can take a beating, which helps me to survive and wear an enemy down. Plus all the different things you can potentially launch are lots of fun.
Carrers are the Klingon Sci ships but most people do not use them becouse they do not have a lot of DPS
that is not correct.
The Karfi, with the current configuration I run, outdamages most escorts that I run with. Add to that its much tougher and can launch explosive fighters, makes it a dangerous ship.
Very few Escorts, on both sides, can outdamage me in a STF or instance. just a fact.
Do your reserch on the different pets and the ones you can use and cannot..
Last I heard there ere some issues with the Bird of Prey pets not attacking. If you take the Battle carrier while not having any sci abilities it does have laand excellent TAC and ENG BOFF layout but there are issues if you use the Frigates.. mostly because of the Tr-Cobalt mines they drop.. which while they cause massive damage can also knock the target out of arc for your team mates.. which means the target is going to take longer to kill while the other ships reposition/reorientate on the target.. My fleet has a standing rule that use of tricobalt devices of any kind is frowned apon in team play do to the knock back.
Most players seem to use knock back not even considering the effect it has on the team effort..
"But gosh its so cool and I caused massive damage!"
"Idiot! Yoou knocked the target out of range of the rest of the team! And thats why you got killed.. because you chased the target down out of support from the rest of the team.."
The Karfi, with the current configuration I run, outdamages most escorts that I run with. Add to that its much tougher and can launch explosive fighters, makes it a dangerous ship.
Very few Escorts, on both sides, can outdamage me in a STF or instance. just a fact.
Care to share how you manage to do that? It seems like ANYONE who posts about damage output always say that they 'absolutely crush' everyone and everything they are with, yet they don't bother to explain how or why. Is it that none of you guys are ever teamed up or just over exaggerating?
Forgive me, Khemaraa, but I've never seen a tricobalt mine from one of my frigates send a ship flying halfway across an instance map, or even anywhere close to that...
The Karfi, with the current configuration I run, outdamages most escorts that I run with. Add to that its much tougher and can launch explosive fighters, makes it a dangerous ship.
Very few Escorts, on both sides, can outdamage me in a STF or instance. just a fact.
When you say Escort do you actually mean "shuttle"? Because I'm having a difficult time making your post factual without changing the meaning of a few words. Possibly even phrases. Maybe I can help!
" I like my Karfi. Sometimes I play in an STF and other players are using Escorts. I like my Karfi because it is super tough and rugged! It launches tiny ships that explode! BOOM! This is dangerous. Especially if you happen to be on one of the tiny ships when I launch it. Just a fact. "
There you go! A nice tidy heartfelt and much more factual post! And dare I say it? It has more STYLE.
Allow me to help interpret instead, Thissler. He's basically speaking the truth, with one exception. Quite frankly the Kar'fi is certainly NOT super tough/rugged without gimping it's offensive abilities to the point that the other part of the statement would no longer be true (unless the escorts just SUCKED-which does happen sometimes anyways). It's not quite as fragile as it was the first time I was playing the game, but, I do still have a copy of Jam Sensors 1 slotted in case I get the unwanted attention from a Cube.
The Kar'fi certainly is an exceptionally capable damage dealer-I don't know if I'd say THE best, but, if not above a pure escort, it is at least very close. 7 weapon slots-as many as an escort. The turn rate to actually be able to utilize torpedoes and cannons. 2 launcher bays, and those kamikaze fighters do appreciable damage on their suicides (and at least something on the way in). 5 tactical BOff skills. 3 tactical consoles. The ability to have 2 copies of GW, and 4 science consoles that can be stuffed with particle generators to enhance those GWs...
That's a very "gistlike" sense of how to make the Kar'fi a damage dealer. Granted, you have to run high weapons & auxiliary power (123, 86 respectively on my boat), and you sacrifice a lot of survivability to turn yourself into this glass cannon, but it is certainly within the realm of reason that a Kar'fi can match an escort in terms of damage dealt.
I would say, i depends highly on your own playstyle.
I personally work with my pets. For example, at the start of Khitomer space, i use siphons to make the tac cube teethless, and than start def 1 side, using fighters. Since BoPs dont accept your order (well see, when this will be fixed...maybe) and the Skul fighter dps are ****, the standart fighters go for best results. (dealing 300 DC dmg/8-12k torp dmg all 8 sec, multiplied by 12 fighters, this is a neat initial attack)
)For Weapons i use 4 beams (dmg between 800-1400dmg) and 2 tricobalt ( the knockback/disable is pretty handy in denying a nanite to reach its target).
all in all, the dps of my carrier isen't the best, but this isn't my focus. I focus on stying alive and suporrt the best i can.
Btw. with siphons i can even tank a tac cube in elite alone, once i got his energy down, i trade 1 bay for fighters for extra dmg. The only thing i need to do, is staying alive, since i die, my pets will also, and the cube will be back online.
The VoQ is nice and tanky and may offer only a slight change in your BC experience. Mainly becuase its so slow that universe turns around it instead. Its quicker.
The Kar'fi is more tactical oriented in Design.
Being an Engineer, you will bring toughness and good power level controls regardless which way you decide to go.
that is not correct.
The Karfi, with the current configuration I run, outdamages most escorts that I run with. Add to that its much tougher and can launch explosive fighters, makes it a dangerous ship.
Very few Escorts, on both sides, can outdamage me in a STF or instance. just a fact.
Last I heard there ere some issues with the Bird of Prey pets not attacking. If you take the Battle carrier while not having any sci abilities it does have laand excellent TAC and ENG BOFF layout but there are issues if you use the Frigates.. mostly because of the Tr-Cobalt mines they drop.. which while they cause massive damage can also knock the target out of arc for your team mates.. which means the target is going to take longer to kill while the other ships reposition/reorientate on the target.. My fleet has a standing rule that use of tricobalt devices of any kind is frowned apon in team play do to the knock back.
Most players seem to use knock back not even considering the effect it has on the team effort..
"But gosh its so cool and I caused massive damage!"
"Idiot! Yoou knocked the target out of range of the rest of the team! And thats why you got killed.. because you chased the target down out of support from the rest of the team.."
Care to share how you manage to do that? It seems like ANYONE who posts about damage output always say that they 'absolutely crush' everyone and everything they are with, yet they don't bother to explain how or why. Is it that none of you guys are ever teamed up or just over exaggerating?
When you say Escort do you actually mean "shuttle"? Because I'm having a difficult time making your post factual without changing the meaning of a few words. Possibly even phrases. Maybe I can help!
" I like my Karfi. Sometimes I play in an STF and other players are using Escorts. I like my Karfi because it is super tough and rugged! It launches tiny ships that explode! BOOM! This is dangerous. Especially if you happen to be on one of the tiny ships when I launch it. Just a fact. "
There you go! A nice tidy heartfelt and much more factual post! And dare I say it? It has more STYLE.
Just a fact.
The Kar'fi certainly is an exceptionally capable damage dealer-I don't know if I'd say THE best, but, if not above a pure escort, it is at least very close. 7 weapon slots-as many as an escort. The turn rate to actually be able to utilize torpedoes and cannons. 2 launcher bays, and those kamikaze fighters do appreciable damage on their suicides (and at least something on the way in). 5 tactical BOff skills. 3 tactical consoles. The ability to have 2 copies of GW, and 4 science consoles that can be stuffed with particle generators to enhance those GWs...
That's a very "gistlike" sense of how to make the Kar'fi a damage dealer. Granted, you have to run high weapons & auxiliary power (123, 86 respectively on my boat), and you sacrifice a lot of survivability to turn yourself into this glass cannon, but it is certainly within the realm of reason that a Kar'fi can match an escort in terms of damage dealt.
I personally work with my pets. For example, at the start of Khitomer space, i use siphons to make the tac cube teethless, and than start def 1 side, using fighters. Since BoPs dont accept your order (well see, when this will be fixed...maybe) and the Skul fighter dps are ****, the standart fighters go for best results. (dealing 300 DC dmg/8-12k torp dmg all 8 sec, multiplied by 12 fighters, this is a neat initial attack)
)For Weapons i use 4 beams (dmg between 800-1400dmg) and 2 tricobalt ( the knockback/disable is pretty handy in denying a nanite to reach its target).
all in all, the dps of my carrier isen't the best, but this isn't my focus. I focus on stying alive and suporrt the best i can.
Btw. with siphons i can even tank a tac cube in elite alone, once i got his energy down, i trade 1 bay for fighters for extra dmg. The only thing i need to do, is staying alive, since i die, my pets will also, and the cube will be back online.