Hi Guys, having been with the game since release i have tried several times to level Klingon characters without much success (lack of content, lack of diversity, lack of well pretty much enaything)! But having read through the Klingon Gameplay Forums extenmsively over the last couple of weeks i decided to have another go!
I must say im impressed, ok the content is still lacking somewhat and the uniform cutomisation options are absolutely useless, but with the way the first city looks and the fantastically awesome designs of the ships (Cheers CaptLogan) im really looking forward to forging a career with The KDF.
The KDF players i have come across so far have been extremely helpful and polite and i feel like their is a real sense of comraderie within the KDF. The federation may have more content and more numbers but those that have not tried the KDF are missing out immensely! There is so much fun to be had and i sure for one look forward to leveling my Gorn Enginner all the way to the top.
If anyone does have any advice they would like to share or can offer an insight into the best way/Most effective way for me to level i would greatly appreciate it!

Mant Thanks for taking the time to read this
With you on the content, although the Fek'lir or whatever episode chain is the best in the game as far as I'm concerned, which always made the lack of content a teensy bit easier to handle for me.
As for uniforms... KDF doesn't get all of the C-Store uniform options of Feds, nor do they get a Lieutenant General coat (with miffs me), but you can put together some awesome looking uniforms with just the basic stuff. Aside from the plethora of unoriginal slave girls running amok, there's a lot of really awesome KDF toons out there.
Most effective way is doing the missions and hitting up the KDF Mirror Event. Hit all of the other dailies for more xp or to crank out some dilithium. Don't underestimate the utility of Duty Officers in getting XP. A while back I had a new KDF toon and didn't really have time to play so I just logged on 2-3 times a day to manage Duty Officers... doing that I went from BG1 to LG in about a week.
Assuming you don't run into any serious bugs (the "Empire Defense Missions" don't seem to always work properly so you might want to avoid them when possible) leveling to max should be going rather smoothly now.
And of course: "Welcome to the KDF".
Welcome to the Klingon Empire.
Welcome to the KDF!
Welcome to the KDF!*
also roach. New missions? I love Perfect world already
So have any of you guys run carriers before and if so whats your experience/Opinion of them?
Many Thanks