Caught your attention, didn't I?
Here is my case in a nutshell:
1. Carriers are still broken...and the skill tree does nothing for carrier fact, I don't think any of the skills in the skill tree buffs or adds abilities to deployables. The deployable commands still do not work right. I took my Sci out of a Vo'Qov...because unfortunately, after the last round of nerfs, and the new skill tree, the Vo'Qov is no longer the powerhouse it used to be. Karfis still seem to be viable...but they are more of a direct combat vessel than the Vo'Qov is.
2. The changes proposed to the Klingon Honor Guard set completely and utterly neuters it, while the OMEGA and MACO sets are getting moderate to extensive buffs. How do these changes neuter it? Here is how (taken from another post I put in on the subject...):
Comparitively speaking, the MACO and OMEGA shield got modifications/buffs/stuff added...while the KHG shield had TWO abilities completely removed (Stealth and the Defense buff), and one addition that is "under review."
What it looks like is the MACO and OMEGA sets got buffs...the KHG set got nerfed.
Secondly...come on -- let's use some logic here. The proposed changes to the set for KHG emphasizes ON EARTH WOULD YOU HAVE AN ABILITY BUILT INTO THIS SET THAT PREVENTS THE ONE EQUIPPED FROM IT FROM DOING ANY DAMAGE FOR ABOUT 15 SECONDS??????!!!!!!!!!
For those not familiar with this set...the proposal is to remove the stealth and defense buffs from the shield..and replace it with a "trigger" that has a 5% proc. The proc is to placate an enemy for 2 seconds while adding a -10% accuracy debuff to them...likely the debuff will last the as long as 2 seconds...which is when they can't fire at you anyway LOL! The other issue is in regards to the three-set ability that adds Mask Energy Signature as an ability for the KDF player (once again, LOL! Don't we have a cloak already???!!!!). When the player activates it...all of the team-mates get a 30% defensive buff, along with the masking effect...and they can CONTINUE TO ATTACK...but the KDF player activating the ability CAN'T FIRE -- HIS WEAPONS ARE OFFLINE AND HE/SHE IS OUT OF COMBAT! It makes little to no sense to me. Sigh.
Lastly...some feedback on the "5% Trigger issue..."
1. It is still "under review." Given the history of such things, that means it will likely never be implemented in-game, or it will be so heavily nerfed it will be useless (example -- Plasomic Leech...which was nerfed, and which now appears to be completely broken/not working at all now....)
2. Feedback -- on the face of it, you are taking away two abilities that are "constant" -- Stealth and the Defense bonus. Both of these abilities are solid, reliable buffs...and you are replacing it with a proc, with a proposed cooldown that stops an enemy from firing at you for all of 2 seconds...and how much do you want to bet that even THAT can be resisted, based on skills???!!!!!!!
So -- NO, not a good thing. I know you are trying...but the truth is that you are taking away two of the most valuable aspects of the KHG set, and replacing it with a PROC that can likely be resisted, and which, to add insult to injury, has a build on my last post, building in an ability that may buff team-mates, but which take the player out of the fight completely for over 10 seconds.
For those not familiar with the set -- this is in regards to the "Trigger" effect that replaces Stealth and Defense. Sigh.
3. The Plasmonic Leech -- a console you can only get on the KDF side and which is a C-Store item, appears to be completely broken. It has already been nerfed once..and after the last two patches, it apparently has stopped working completely.
4. KDF Flagship? more like a pipe dream. How much you want to bet that the new Enterprise F will be deployed...while the KDF Flagship will be "delayed for more testing....". Want proof? Been to STO's front page lately? The Odyssey class is already being showcased on the front page...there is a picture, mention or hint of the KDF Flagship. Even if the Flagship is brought into the will likely be nerfed from the outset...and it will definitely be no match for the Enterprise F. Example? We STILL do not have on the KDF side anything like the BOFF layout in a cruiser that the Excelsior does!!!! Just saying...
Bottom line...once again the KDF is in a downward spiral -- or so it appears to me. Consoles not working, proposed nerfs to sets that are in the first place -- broken anyway. KDF Flagship....promises, but absolutely zero information on bridge officer layout, or even what it looks like, while the Enterprise F is being showcased already...KDF-only consoles -- one of the more complained-about consoles from the Federation side -- now not working at it a bug, or a stealth nerf that makes it completely useless? A KHG set that actually takes the owner out of battle completely when a particular ability is activated...and two rock-solid buffs taken away and replaced by a PROC ability that can likely be resisted...and which is mostly useless anyway.
And don't get me started about Duty Officers! Were you aware that the duty officer that has the space ability to freeze opponents when eject warp plasma is used by a player ACTUALLY APPLIES THAT EFFECT TO THE PLAYER, NOT THE ENEMY SHIP????!!!!!!
How much you want to bet that this might be, once again, a KDF-only type of bug. At least a few of us have posted about this...I wonder if it is only KDF players that this is happening to, after all, in these mixed teams...I suspect that the faction (KDF) is considered adversarial...remember when mixed teams started and you would summon fleet support and instead of a Vor'cha or Nehg' got a Soveriegn or Enterprize Galaxy class as your "fleet support" vessel???!!!!!
Except now it may be said to an empty room and recieve only cricket noises in response. I fully agree that the level of OPness has been flipped and the Maco and other set hase been buffed up to the level that the KDF set used to be at becuase of the complainst of the masses.
That seems to always be the route the Devs take, nueter the strong instead of build up the weak...
Very Star fleet of them.
and very sad to have not just brought the Maco and the other set up to a parity of the KDF set.
Of course parity seems to be an issue when it inviolves the KDF, or at least its one big running joke on us.
At least we got some nice ships and consoles to go with them, a good looking if not somewhat lifeless Academy (it needs a social function), new First City and a Flagship on the way.
Still would like that PVE level of parity though.
/ end rant of an embittered Klingon player.
The Plasmodic Leach console was most likely over nerfed due to cries of dissent among the feds. It doesn;t need to be as bad as it was but right now its as useless as I first called on during testing on tribble.
That DOff officer seems to work just fine against me when I encounter fed EWP. Are you saying the KDF use is when it back fires on us? Of course EWP in general is borked as I only have to look at it sideways and suddenly I'm caught- wether in its AoE or not.
The EWP issue is as you stated above -- instead of being applied to the enemy ship, it is being applied to the ship that uses it - a self-applied debuff.
In relation to the whole faction issue on this -- my point is that in mixed teams...Federation rules likely apply in terms of combat...which means when a KDF player uses EWP in conjunction with the DOFF special will self-apply to the KDF player instead of being applied to the PvE opponent ships. I have not seen any Federation vessels affected in this way from using EWP...but it is possible that they do not have this particular DOFF assigned to space, or it could be happening to them as well, and I am simply missing it because it is only for three seconds...
Some of that is speculation...but I would not be surprised at all if this "bug" only applies to Klingon vessels.
Neither do any other non-Klingon KDF ships.
Depends on wether the teammates have to stay in range in order to keep the buff.
If they don't have to do that, the skill is a nice way to full impulse away from a tac cube hell bent on oneshotting you.
the point is that the player that DARES to use this ability essentialy disables him or herself!
All weapons offline...that is worse that the Fed Intrepid Ablabitive armor -- at least the Intrepid can still fire torps!
I think you missed the point entirely. There is no upside to this at all...and to be frank, I also fly a Garumba...and one of the Bug ships as well. Neither have cloak...but tell me why on earth you would activate this piece of TRIBBLE in any combat situation where you need to lay down some DPS. Let me clue you in -- that Borg cube is STILL going to one-shot you. It is all about resistances...and buffing up your shields ...rather than attempting to "cloak" without a cloak.
Don't worry. Perfect world will send in it's pro-klingon police force to force Cryptic employees to actually create Klingon content. Fast forward to :33 seconds
On a more serious note, I, too, do not understand why there are no Carrier skill specializations for improving carrier-only attacks like skills for hanger fighters. This new F2P space/ground skills change seems to be making every ship the same except for maybe 3-4 skills, whereas before there were a lot more skills that you put points into that made you more unique than the next guy/gal. (like cruiser, carrier, retrofit cruiser).
If want my honest to Stovokor opinion, I think the new space/ground skills consolidation and name changes came about because Cryptic couldn't put together a good enough tutorial that actually shows noobs what the different skills mean. The new interface looks great, but they could have kept the old skills with the new interface and instead of taking away the older skills, they could have made a much better tutorial. Now, they must contend with annoyed ex-subscribers returning to an unfamiliar system with very little options for differentiating your combat type from anybody else's.
As for the MACO and Omega shield set modifications, what did you expect? The Fed players always get their way on these things, and there isn't much we can do about it.
Fed are only popular because they are the 'main faction' by cryptic. We will win out in the end because of the community spirit and general awesomeness of being klingon.
"Oh ****"- Buttons are never about doing dps.
I agree that the new skill system does nothing to help you boost the Carrier in any way.
Cryptic has also stated that they'll be balancing the old Borg space set so that it's more in line with the new sets that we have. (Meaning that the Old Borg set is working to good so we're going to make it weaker so that you guys have to grind out the new junk that we've made if you want halfway decent equipment)
I knew that they were going to nerf the heck out of the leach console the second that KDF players started runing power drain builds for BOP speced for power drain that could drop targets power levels down by almost 50% :eek:
The 4 Piece Borg set for the Power Draining Tractor Beam + leach console + Tykens Rift 3 = very weak Federation vessels
Add another BOP using a fully speced Gravity Well 3 and you have weak targets that are now stuck together because some don't have enough power to break away from the combined Gravity Well 3 + Tykens Rift 3 that are getting hammered by Cannon scatter vollies and torp spreads.
A boosted GW3 last for just about 15 seconds which is the same about of time that the shared cooldown that it has with the Isomatric Charge Console last.
You could fire of the ICC whlie the tragets were still weak and clusterd and wipe out at least 3 of them in one shot.
Now lets add some fear to the equation by noting the fact that KDF players could pull this combo off comming out of cloak at about 5k off from a Fed ball by running with maxed Aux.
The better your Aux power setting the better GW and TR work.
I the ICC can hit up to 5 targets and I've seen damage numbers has high has 20,000 from it has it jumps from target to target.
Now Imagine A KDF pre-made running 2 power drain BOP, 1 Gravity well BOP and 1 High DPS Death Eater and 1 Curiser or Carreir that has the ICC that knows how to work has a unit and you can see why the Feds are crying our ships and consloes are overpowered :rolleyes:
The new skill system plays right into the strength of the above premade because no one is going to want to waste skill points by taking any resistance boosting skills.
I suppect that all of the KDF consoles with see balancing in the near future.
It's funny how the main parts that make that combo deadly are now being re-blanced :rolleyes:
Excellent post!
It does occur to me though..the Fed force can avoid all that by not forming the Fed Ball in the first place LOL.
Of course...then they would be fighting like Klingons...can't have that, can we
First of can do that ANYWAY -- this new "ability" does absolutely zero for your speed.
Secondly, as you are zipping do want to leave a gift or two for the pursuer...and with this "ability"
activated, you can't do that...
Lastly...consider this - if this MES version is used, the individual using it just nerfed the entire team by willfully withdrawing 20% -- actually probably more than that since Klingon vessels in general do tend to do more damage than their Federation counterparts -- from the team effort. In an STF -- all three of which have time requirements built into them -- constantly taking 20% of the damage capability offline periodically throughout the engagement lowers the team's overall DPS tremendously...and when you do that, it is less likely that you are going to meet the STF time requirement if you want to have a prayer at the optional.
I have completed Infected Elite Space with just four people -- it can be done -- but it is not easy, and with four people, you can complete, but you have very, very little chance of getting the optional...with this new a four-person setup, you are periodically reducing the engagement envelop to just three combatants....and that means failure if the ability is used repeatedly during the engagement.
So, to wrap up...this is not only a self-disabling also nerfs and affects the entire team negatively ffrom the DPS perspective...
Hmmm ... .This might be a reason why Klingon players hunting Feds in Kerrat is so tempting.
a. way faster than Evasive Maneuvers
b. doesn't have a timer
and c: doesn't have a cooldown
I never disagreed with you on that. You were asking for a possible use for this ability, I gave you one.
becuase I had nothing nice to say.
Go shoot something and you'll feel better.
1. The ships that would use any type of new stealth would be the ships that do not have any which are therefore broken ships since the pets either only attack certain targets are none at all (plus carrier commands being so buggy and unreliable).
2. When you are in red alert you cannot use this stealth mode that comes with the set. Plus it is for only 18 seconds and if it were to be able to be used like that you got a whole slew of tactical and science skills to decloak or prevent the cloaking so QQ some more about nothing.
3. Plus to really break it down for you those of us who do have KDF characters also have federation characters we play so think about that one for awhile.
4. The last thing is don't go out trying to ruin our gaming enjoyment just because you are worried about getting hammered by feds or hammered by kdf in kerrat. You gain NOTHING from pvp there is no pvp rank system, pvp rewards equal or greater to those of pvp so its not a big deal because honestly pvp does not exist in this game. Also why I do not pvp much because the playerbase is decades behind me in gaming experience and I don't want them to feel any grief over it. If STO had such incentives to do pvp then I could see where this is an issue but pvp extent is waiting 20 hours for a match in que or just going at it with a friend. The rage in the cage kerrat is not pvp its just a free for all so get over yourselves.
My grumbling is 90% illness and 10% being upset at the game, besides being at work - they frown on me running around shooting people. It upsets the employeees and raises the insurance rates.
Much like hunting for turkey in the local grocery store, its fun and easy but overall frowned upon.:p
I don't. I got my fed to lvl 6 and created two kdf's, after that there was no need for my fed char.
On topic: I think this was a crappy move by cryptic, but I am not surprised. I don't really care about stealth, just give me a few seconds longer to live so that I can fire off one salvo more and I'm good. I would like to see, rather than a stealth buff, a 1% chance of regenerating my shield when hit or something like that.
The ewp I guess could be usable if I want to get away, pop it, go out of combat, full impulse, cloak(I run a raptor), then strike the enemy again or just run away. 15 secs is a bit too long though if it is meant to be used in this fashion. 7 secs would be better.
They even have some of the inherent science ship bonuses like Subsystem targeting and sensor analysis.
Varanus Fleet Support Vessel .... In fact, all the Gorn ships are science vessels.
And she works quite well in that role.
Except that it doesn't get the shield boost that the Fed science ships get. But I guess that is correct seeing as how the Carrier is -10%. At least this one breaks even. Who could ask for more?