Ok .... With all those new ships going in, I want to start procuring new KDF ship classes for the consoles ... specifically those with consoles usable on either / or Raptors or BoP Raiders.
What success or experiences do you have? What would you recommend as an order of procurement?
This will help me with figuring out what to get and when as funding comes available.
Plasmonic Leech console from the Vandal Destroyer, hands down. It's passive, always on, every single one of my power levels go up by something like +25 to +29, oh and it drains the targets power levels by even more than you receive according to the tool-tip. Lasts 15 seconds and applys again after only a couple seconds.
The thing is insane, not even borderline OP, it is OP. I can see nothing but nerfs for it in future tbh, use it while you can, it's about time KDF got something uber out of Cryptics lack of internal testing . I'd also love to know if multiple BoPs and Raptors using this could stack the effect on a single target, could be utterly game breaking in PvP for sure if that's the case.
the picard consul is like oooo if done it correctly you can take down two shield facing in one pass with this consul, yes i tested this baby and it is really good.:D:cool:
Aside from the fact it's currently free is it worth slotting it?
I'm loving it on my Torp boat!! Just another type of Tricobalt torp and it will put your regular Trics on a short cooldown. Infact its a gimmick really as a Purple mk11 Tricobalt gives the same damage output when properly buffed, though itsa great to see the BIOmissile shooting its way towards a target.
The extreme launch range is fun but hardly ever gets there before I do. the 2.5 k range is fun too but deadly to oneself as much as the foe.
The Jumper Console is fun and helps to break line of sight or block a runner sometimes. All effects on your will follow you BTW so it can't be used to break Siphon, TB or DoT plasma.
The Gravity Pulse is great for stopping runners and disabling Escorts, but has little effect of Cruisers and the slow movers in play.
I would use the Siphon pod as well but had no room for it on my build.
Plasmonic Leech + Theta Radiation Vent + Aceton Assimilator = No Crew for Opponent, No Shields for Opponent, No Power for Opponent, Little Movement for Opponent, + Power to you, Opponent can't see or target anything....generally a "sit tight while I obliterate you" set-up................Oh yeah...polaron weapons for the proc.....:D
(Common, what else would you expect from the Merc with a Mouth? He would use a $100,00 24k gold letter-opener encrusted diamonds if he thought he could kill you quicker with it!)
The thing is insane, not even borderline OP, it is OP. I can see nothing but nerfs for it in future tbh, use it while you can, it's about time KDF got something uber out of Cryptics lack of internal testing
Thanks, my friends!
Aside from the fact it's currently free is it worth slotting it?
I'm loving it on my Torp boat!! Just another type of Tricobalt torp and it will put your regular Trics on a short cooldown. Infact its a gimmick really as a Purple mk11 Tricobalt gives the same damage output when properly buffed, though itsa great to see the BIOmissile shooting its way towards a target.
The extreme launch range is fun but hardly ever gets there before I do. the 2.5 k range is fun too but deadly to oneself as much as the foe.
The Jumper Console is fun and helps to break line of sight or block a runner sometimes. All effects on your will follow you BTW so it can't be used to break Siphon, TB or DoT plasma.
The Gravity Pulse is great for stopping runners and disabling Escorts, but has little effect of Cruisers and the slow movers in play.
I would use the Siphon pod as well but had no room for it on my build.
(Common, what else would you expect from the Merc with a Mouth? He would use a $100,00 24k gold letter-opener encrusted diamonds if he thought he could kill you quicker with it!)
PROOF: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Y4YvZ4lQipg/TaA-ygZXknI/AAAAAAAADY4/cQVUAkpYLOE/s1600/X-Man+Deadpool.jpg
What is seen can not be unseen.........:eek:
I thought the G.P. console was a cruiser only???
I believe you may be thinking of the Magnetometri Generator
MG = Battle cruiser, Cruiser, carrier
GP = Raptor, raider, escort