So I've been running the Pi Canis missions lately and notice in the Kern system, sometimes the fed ship orbiting the satellite shoots and blows it up before I even target it. Surely my Hegh'ta isn't
that scary that they start randomly hitting phaser banks in a panic
On a serious note, it seems there is a problem with the beam fire at will mechanism here. While it does kind of make the repetative missions somewhat more humorous, I'd rather destroy the communications satellites with my own final volley.
Anyone else noticing this?
Those sats are actually Klingon sats (just look at them).
They were recycled from Federation patrols specifically the "Kern System Patrol"
and since we Klingons can't even get an actual polished mission, they put in
Federation ships that consider their own recycled Klingon sats as hostile and
therfore shoot them when they activate FAW.
Had they put in Federation sats it would have
1. not looked recycled
2. not looked dumb because Klingons have to shoot Klingon sats
3. the Federation ships would not shoot what are supposedly their own sats