What I am hoping is that F2P actually benefits us and brings more KDF players back into the game ... both returning and new.
Although, we might need to draw the line at the "Sith Lord" wannabes,
I'm have friends I want to try and persuade to join the fight, but will hold off until we actually get F2P live and are close to at least the featured episode. (More so friends who went dark during the drought.)
As am I, As am I.
I hope we get record KDF numbers playing after F2P (and the 25 level grind to open the KDF option)
of course you then count more to the grsnd total of the KDF population possibly then we have to start doing things like 18.1% or 18.92% or 18.002% and such which just leads to confusion and decimal point or order of magnitude envy.
and those kinds forum fights never end well.
One could make it a title one could display. Though it would be.. achievable for new players...
If one has a General Klingonside (51+) one could get an account unlockable Title "Battle-Hardened" or "Warrior-Spirit" or something similar to display on ones Fed and Klingon characters. This would also be an incentive for Fed players to make a Klingon. Its not so much a badge as something floating over your head. One could proudly proclaim "I am Klingon!" wether one fly a USS or IKS. Then imagine one could do this for any further race, be it Romulan or even Cardassian (should they ever come). It would be a universal incentive for trying out other races.
One could of course make it an account unlockable badge instead of title, or one could do both?
I had an idea for a Raptor reward as a *FREE* ship for all the KDF players who enjoyed the KDF and stuck with it while we wanted our full faction and patiently waited. Possibly a new type of raptor retrofit like the brel except the bridge/forward saucer or what have you has enhanced battle cloak and the rest of ship works like a multi vector when it cloaks . It's mostly wishful thinking but I'm sure there would be a way to balance it out possibly like it having a normal raptor weapons layout when its not using its special powers. When it does use its special power that it only has 2 weapon slots front and 1 rear that have to be projectiles and the rest are disabled during the cloaked/vector mode Possibly with pylons that extend too so it looks like a mini raptor or bop when it does it... I think it would be really awesome if we had something super cool to show our patience with this
+1 to this. Having started orginally as a Fed when I originally purchased the game I can honestly say going KDF was the best decision I've made in-game. Even with the current lack of PVE stuff for us to do it seems like a stronger community when compared to the Fed side.
Smaller communities breed stronger communities. Especially when its members perceive themselves as underdogs, giving them all the more reason to stick together. That's the positive thing about such developments, and why I keep thinking that it isn't so bad. If I had to choose between the two, I'd rather have a friendly and social community rather than more PvE content. The latter I can get in singleplayer games, too, after all.
I use FireFox and right click select "view image." Right click it again and select "save image." Then I open the image with InfranView select "image" at the top then hit "resize/resample." Then pick the field with the highest value and punch 100, save and there you go.
Wait you wanna put it on your avatar? Resize to 005 maybe? Then use paint to copy and paste it onto your avatar.
I use FireFox and right click select "view image." Right click it again and select "save image." Then I open the image with InfranView select "image" at the top then hit "resize/resample." Then pick the field with the highest value and punch 100, save and there you go.
Wait you wanna put it on your avatar? Resize to 005 maybe? Then use paint to copy and paste it onto your avatar.
I was never the copy paste photoshop savy type, sadly.
I will play around with it though. Thanks.
Missed you in Ker'rat yesterday, btw. It was a blast!
No promises on either but I will see what I can do.
Just a proof of concept here. I am not too savy with the Paint myself but with some tweaking I could drop the opacity on the black background so that less of Yellowbeard is hidden. This might let me increase the size of the patch so a bit more detail can be seen but still at that size the "18%" part is gonna be difficult to see.
No promises on either but I will see what I can do.
Just a proof of concept here. I am not too savy with the Paint myself but with some tweaking I could drop the opacity on the black background so that less of Yellowbeard is hidden. This might let me increase the size of the patch so a bit more detail can be seen but still at that size the "18%" part is gonna be difficult to see.
Thanks for the effort but do not put yourself into too much trouble over it and I like very much what your have done so far.
I wear it proudly.
It can be tweaked later, there are feds left to kill.
Sign me up for that 18% patch... seeing as my KDF character has been around since release and I remember the AGONIZING grind to level while I watched Fedrat players that started the same day I did get there in like half the time.....
not only do they not show the KDF anything cool coming to the kdf has ALWAYS been a c-store thing
I have a suggestion. When F2P comes, the actual numbers of players will fluctuate, skewing the actual Klingon player percentage. I recommend going to a new badge:
" ~18% "
This alleviates the problem when the percentage of Klingon players fluctuates
Wow! I would have never thought this post would've gotten this much attention. I really appreciate the support people have thrown behind this Idea. Hopefully Cryptic will take notice and give us our 18% patch so we can put them on our characters. I like the Idea of importing art to decorate ships and toons and as far as the copyright issues they can be dealt with as the do over on the Champions side. If your character over there infringes copyright then you either have to delete it or rename it, same rules could be applied here.
As am I, As am I.
I hope we get record KDF numbers playing after F2P (and the 25 level grind to open the KDF option)
Anyway, grinding up a new klingon now so I can get the FE boffs.
of course you then count more to the grsnd total of the KDF population possibly then we have to start doing things like 18.1% or 18.92% or 18.002% and such which just leads to confusion and decimal point or order of magnitude envy.
and those kinds forum fights never end well.
One could make it a title one could display. Though it would be.. achievable for new players...
If one has a General Klingonside (51+) one could get an account unlockable Title "Battle-Hardened" or "Warrior-Spirit" or something similar to display on ones Fed and Klingon characters. This would also be an incentive for Fed players to make a Klingon. Its not so much a badge as something floating over your head. One could proudly proclaim "I am Klingon!" wether one fly a USS or IKS. Then imagine one could do this for any further race, be it Romulan or even Cardassian (should they ever come). It would be a universal incentive for trying out other races.
One could of course make it an account unlockable badge instead of title, or one could do both?
Also, 18% ftw!
Looks good to me, now how do I import it into STO, so I can proudly display it on my BoP's wings?
Awesome, How do I shrink it down to fit in my Avatar?
Wait you wanna put it on your avatar? Resize to 005 maybe? Then use paint to copy and paste it onto your avatar.
I was never the copy paste photoshop savy type, sadly.
I will play around with it though. Thanks.
Missed you in Ker'rat yesterday, btw.
Just a proof of concept here. I am not too savy with the Paint myself but with some tweaking I could drop the opacity on the black background so that less of Yellowbeard is hidden. This might let me increase the size of the patch so a bit more detail can be seen but still at that size the "18%" part is gonna be difficult to see.
Thanks for the effort but do not put yourself into too much trouble over it and I like very much what your have done so far.
I wear it proudly.
It can be tweaked later, there are feds left to kill.
no idea how to import ingame
I would love the ability to create and import our own Vessel art.
This they will not allow (importing that is) because it would become hard to stop copyright infringements from happening.
not only do they not show the KDF anything cool coming to the kdf has ALWAYS been a c-store thing
" ~18% "
This alleviates the problem when the percentage of Klingon players fluctuates
Oh yea, new avatar and tag line.. the gal in the picture is pretty much my main toon these days.. wave to the boys Kui...
*Kui waves, blows a kiss, and executes an errent crewman for spilling her Rak't'gino*
Ist it not wonderful to see a vibrant faction in use?
KInda figured that would be the answer but we can dream. I'll just have to use it as my forum avatar then, assuming Ankah doesn't mind.
Maybe you can use the "invisible bicycle" cat picutre???
I prefer the piano playing kitty. It makes me laugh.
... or can we just shoot those who try to count too closely?
but I has no idea whut this post is about.
also, I don't like maths.
We were told by the chieftain we were so low priority because we only make up 18% of the server's population.