Just a couple event ideas I had. I love the event system as it makes it a little easier for me to decide what I want to do at any given moment.
1. Explore Star Cluster "X". Cycles every 30 minutes. Rewards dilithium for completing in-time. Also would help to spread the population among the clusters a bit. Right now I think most of the Feds do Delta Volanis for the daily and Klinks do D'Kel since they are the closest to the homeworld.
2. Craft "X" items (none that require dilithium) and deliver to K-7,SB-39, or DS9. Rewards dilithium. 1 Hour window, Pops couple of times a day.
3. Integrate mission replay with events system. This would be basically a fusion of the featured episode reruns from a few months ago with the new events system. I don't think I need to explain any further.
4. Play featured Foundry mission event. Featured mission changes weekly to devs time to pick them. Single mission rewards dilithium.
5. Integrate the older fleet actions into events system.