To be honest you should have expected that as a new influx of tooled-up toons with acres of EC, and no Doff's then proceeded to buy everything in sight.
Give it a week or so and it'll die down back to where it was before.
It's a bloody test server. All of the EC people are trying to hoard are worth nothing. Make everything cheap so more people can properly test this build out. Not be greedy Ferengi (I use this word in place of foul language I am actually thinking).;)
To be honest you should have expected that as a new influx of tooled-up toons with acres of EC, and no Doff's then proceeded to buy everything in sight.
Give it a week or so and it'll die down back to where it was before.
Have ya really shopped on the Holodeck Exchange lately...??
And I don't know about anybody else, but I got a TRIBBLE-load of DOff's when my RA-U loaded.
There are a number of things in the pipeline for this, and I expect the Tribble economy is not terribly representative of what the Holodeck economy will be.
For the first couple of weeks the duty officer system is live, I expect the prices will be very high, but after people have had time to hit the 100 duty officer reserve roster cap and begun to cycle unwanted duty officers out onto the Exchange, I think the prices will drop dramatically.
In the long run, I strongly suspect white duty officers will be extremely cheap; I suspect purples and blues will stay very high, however.
I will be watching this very closely, and I expect we will have to adjust things multiple times until it hits the point it needs to, both while the system is on Tribble and once it goes onto Holodeck.
There are a number of things in the pipeline for this, and I expect the Tribble economy is not terribly representative of what the Holodeck economy will be.
For the first couple of weeks the duty officer system is live, I expect the prices will be very high, but after people have had time to hit the 100 duty officer reserve roster cap and begun to cycle unwanted duty officers out onto the Exchange, I think the prices will drop dramatically.
In the long run, I strongly suspect white duty officers will be extremely cheap; I suspect purples and blues will stay very high, however.
I will be watching this very closely, and I expect we will have to adjust things multiple times until it hits the point it needs to, both while the system is on Tribble and once it goes onto Holodeck.
I wish I had the same confidence for the future of this particualr game aspect that you have Sir...
But in this game, 94% of the players are Ferengi at heart...
I don't see it being much better, without some kind of Cryptic-Exchange Overlord swooping in and slapping down the horders.
unless you camp around SFA and First City your not getting alot of doffs white or otherwise, so I imagine unless white becomes actually common and easier to get for all not just Campers, it'll still be fairly expensive.
You need to keep checking, last night I got a few for less then 200000 each. at least 1 of them was 55000. So it depends on when you look and who is selling at that time .....
unless you camp around SFA and First City your not getting alot of doffs white or otherwise, so I imagine unless white becomes actually common and easier to get for all not just Campers, it'll still be fairly expensive.
Not realy cause all you gotta do is check each sector your in you get plenty of chances to get free doffs plus u get them as you level, i have 65 now and only bought 1 pack off cstore , amd i am sure if i realy hunted i could prob be getting close to 100 by now, so they arent that far behind, plus there some realy nice players i needed a doff to do the pltform thing and they where nice enough to just give me the doff i needed, so its all how you want to look at it , your glass is easther half full or half empty
Not realy cause all you gotta do is check each sector your in you get plenty of chances to get free doffs plus u get them as you level, i have 65 now and only bought 1 pack off cstore , amd i am sure if i realy hunted i could prob be getting close to 100 by now, so they arent that far behind, plus there some realy nice players i needed a doff to do the pltform thing and they where nice enough to just give me the doff i needed, so its all how you want to look at it , your glass is easther half full or half empty
No one I know has alot of doffs, they find it as hard as i do to get unless SFA is camped. Also I might be bugged I never got free doffs granted to me while i leveled on tribble. I didnt realize it was probably a bug, so I'll bug that one. I do get them granted when i transferred my VA however.
Still Your mileage seems to vary greatly when it comes to doff recruitment, as I said most people i know dont see recruitment missions unless they hang around SFA or First City and thats been my experience too.
I just have to scratch my head at this. Getting bothered by the non-existent, virgin economy on Tribble?
Come on guys, the Tribble economy is utterly irrelevant, and completely new since everyone started from scratch. Nothing is representative of what it would be on holodeck.
There are several reasons for this. Number one is the fact that DOFFs are brand new, and immature. This means their value is definitely going to fluctuate wildly because A) people don't seem to know how easy it is to recruit DOFFs, the supply of DOFFs is still small, and once it gets large, that is when people can afford to dump their spares onto the exchange, C) the demand is quite high as everyone wants to test the system.
Add to this an infinite EC exploit, factor in people who seriously don't care if anyone buys what they put on the exchange, the lack of any sale history for exchange items, the inability to even guess at a fair market price, and everyone who doesn't have a supply of EC to begin with since everyone started fresh (until today), and there is no way anyone can peg what a DOFF should even be sold for, much less expect it to reasonably resemble what it will it will look like 3 months from now on Holodeck.
My prediction is that 3-6 months from now DOFFs will likely be as cheap as BOFFs on the exchange. You'll have trouble giving away white doffs like green boffs. But right now? It's silly to get worked up over it.
Every time somebody puts up a White/Common DOff at a reasonable price (IMO under 100K) it gets snatched up and a few minutes later it's back on the Exchange...
Above 3.5 Million.
In fact, since about 8pm my time (EST), the lowest price White/Common DOff has been Four Million.
They are just stacking up, it appears that perhaps 4 or 5 have been bought in that time period.
The only thing this is testing is Peoples Greed.
(and I'm sure most of us already know quite well, how horrible that is in ST.)
aw my poor doffs, 4.5 million... poor poor serfs. You lot are always welcome to come back... I'd be more interested in m issions that take days but targets certain specialized doffs... Security Officers, Hazard System Engineers, and Damage Control Engineers... those I'd be tempted to pay such extreme ec for. Pretty sure or under the impression, that Dilithium isn't coming into the regular exchange, but could be wrong.
I just checked the exchange, and didn't see any really interesting officers even at 999,999,999 EC. This won't be a problem, they are too easy to come by for their prices to be very high.
I've reached the 100 DOff cap some days ago and dumped bad ones via airlock or exchange (<100k EC). I don't care about Tribble ECs at all.
Let's face it, most of us level chars on Tribble to get the rewards. Some may like to test new sets or possible exploits to use later on when this goes live, but actually there's no point in investing too much time in it. Reach level 51 and Tier 3 in diplomacy and that's it.
I'd guess Cryptic will wipe the server when P2W err. F2P goes live. So what's the point in investing too much time or complaining about a virtual currency?
Thing is, this kinda behavior is not going to be exclusive to Tribble...
What They should do is make it so that when somebody buys a DOff from the Exchange, they can't re-list it for 72 hours...
Folks could still work the system... but it would not be as advantageous as it is now.
They'd be stuck with DOffs filling their 100 slots and wouldn't be able to pick up any new ones.
Course, I have no idea how complicated it would be to program the system to be able to do this, but it would be interesting to see if it were possible.
heh... I just put two on the exchange for under 150K... they both disappeared in minutes and magically reappeared almost immediately, one at 500K and the other at One Million.
Thing is, this kinda behavior is not going to be exclusive to Tribble...
What They should do is make it so that when somebody buys a DOff from the Exchange, they can't re-list it for 72 hours...
Folks could still work the system... but it would not be as advantageous as it is now.
They'd be stuck with DOffs filling their 100 slots and wouldn't be able to pick up any new ones.
Course, I have no idea how complicated it would be to program the system to be able to do this, but it would be interesting to see if it were possible.
heh... I just put two on the exchange for under 150K... they both disappeared in minutes and magically reappeared almost immediately, one at 500K and the other at One Million.
Silly rabbits, Test EC's are for naught. LoL.
Its called supply and demand. Welcome to life.
There's plenty of ways to get new Doff's, they just require patience, paying attention, and a bit of effort. If a player is relying solely on the exchange to acquire Doff's, then yes they're not going to see very many. I suspect, once it goes live, there will be Doff guides, and more written about it so the players new to STO or the Doff system will better understand how it works, and how to get them.
If you put it on the exchange at a price that seemed fair to you, and you received your asking price, why on earth do you care what the purchaser does with it? Its not like it's yours anymore. If they opt to resell it, and can get a greater asking price, then great for them. You got your fair price, what more do you want? To dictate what everyone else thinks their fair price should be?
There are a number of things in the pipeline for this, and I expect the Tribble economy is not terribly representative of what the Holodeck economy will be.
For the first couple of weeks the duty officer system is live, I expect the prices will be very high, but after people have had time to hit the 100 duty officer reserve roster cap and begun to cycle unwanted duty officers out onto the Exchange, I think the prices will drop dramatically.
In the long run, I strongly suspect white duty officers will be extremely cheap; I suspect purples and blues will stay very high, however.
I will be watching this very closely, and I expect we will have to adjust things multiple times until it hits the point it needs to, both while the system is on Tribble and once it goes onto Holodeck.
DaveyNY, above, is correct. Some people seem to be trying to become the Don Trump of Star Trek Online. (Paraphrased)
I recall a couple of ST Movies where there was talk about the Economy Base, but I do not recall what the reference called Money Concept in those discussions. I do recall though that the Base of the Economy they lived with took ALL forms of Greed out of the process. The process of the Exchange in this game does NOT do that, it DEVELOPS MORE GREED! In my opinion, that is not Star Trek.
Give it a week or so and it'll die down back to where it was before.
Have ya really shopped on the Holodeck Exchange lately...??
And I don't know about anybody else, but I got a TRIBBLE-load of DOff's when my RA-U loaded.
Enough to keep him busy for the next week.
It's my poor starter-toon that was shopping.
For the first couple of weeks the duty officer system is live, I expect the prices will be very high, but after people have had time to hit the 100 duty officer reserve roster cap and begun to cycle unwanted duty officers out onto the Exchange, I think the prices will drop dramatically.
In the long run, I strongly suspect white duty officers will be extremely cheap; I suspect purples and blues will stay very high, however.
I will be watching this very closely, and I expect we will have to adjust things multiple times until it hits the point it needs to, both while the system is on Tribble and once it goes onto Holodeck.
I wish I had the same confidence for the future of this particualr game aspect that you have Sir...
But in this game, 94% of the players are Ferengi at heart...
I don't see it being much better, without some kind of Cryptic-Exchange Overlord swooping in and slapping down the horders.
Not realy cause all you gotta do is check each sector your in you get plenty of chances to get free doffs plus u get them as you level, i have 65 now and only bought 1 pack off cstore , amd i am sure if i realy hunted i could prob be getting close to 100 by now, so they arent that far behind, plus there some realy nice players i needed a doff to do the pltform thing and they where nice enough to just give me the doff i needed, so its all how you want to look at it , your glass is easther half full or half empty
No one I know has alot of doffs, they find it as hard as i do to get unless SFA is camped. Also I might be bugged I never got free doffs granted to me while i leveled on tribble. I didnt realize it was probably a bug, so I'll bug that one. I do get them granted when i transferred my VA however.
Still Your mileage seems to vary greatly when it comes to doff recruitment, as I said most people i know dont see recruitment missions unless they hang around SFA or First City and thats been my experience too.
Come on guys, the Tribble economy is utterly irrelevant, and completely new since everyone started from scratch. Nothing is representative of what it would be on holodeck.
There are several reasons for this. Number one is the fact that DOFFs are brand new, and immature. This means their value is definitely going to fluctuate wildly because A) people don't seem to know how easy it is to recruit DOFFs,
Add to this an infinite EC exploit, factor in people who seriously don't care if anyone buys what they put on the exchange, the lack of any sale history for exchange items, the inability to even guess at a fair market price, and everyone who doesn't have a supply of EC to begin with since everyone started fresh (until today), and there is no way anyone can peg what a DOFF should even be sold for, much less expect it to reasonably resemble what it will it will look like 3 months from now on Holodeck.
My prediction is that 3-6 months from now DOFFs will likely be as cheap as BOFFs on the exchange. You'll have trouble giving away white doffs like green boffs. But right now? It's silly to get worked up over it.
Not three to six months from now.
I've been watching the Exchange all day...
Every time somebody puts up a White/Common DOff at a reasonable price (IMO under 100K) it gets snatched up and a few minutes later it's back on the Exchange...
Above 3.5 Million.
In fact, since about 8pm my time (EST), the lowest price White/Common DOff has been Four Million.
They are just stacking up, it appears that perhaps 4 or 5 have been bought in that time period.
The only thing this is testing is Peoples Greed.
(and I'm sure most of us already know quite well, how horrible that is in ST.)
<shakes head>
Let's face it, most of us level chars on Tribble to get the rewards. Some may like to test new sets or possible exploits to use later on when this goes live, but actually there's no point in investing too much time in it. Reach level 51 and Tier 3 in diplomacy and that's it.
I'd guess Cryptic will wipe the server when P2W err. F2P goes live. So what's the point in investing too much time or complaining about a virtual currency?
What They should do is make it so that when somebody buys a DOff from the Exchange, they can't re-list it for 72 hours...
Folks could still work the system... but it would not be as advantageous as it is now.
They'd be stuck with DOffs filling their 100 slots and wouldn't be able to pick up any new ones.
Course, I have no idea how complicated it would be to program the system to be able to do this, but it would be interesting to see if it were possible.
heh... I just put two on the exchange for under 150K... they both disappeared in minutes and magically reappeared almost immediately, one at 500K and the other at One Million.
Silly rabbits, Test EC's are for naught. LoL.
Its called supply and demand. Welcome to life.
There's plenty of ways to get new Doff's, they just require patience, paying attention, and a bit of effort. If a player is relying solely on the exchange to acquire Doff's, then yes they're not going to see very many. I suspect, once it goes live, there will be Doff guides, and more written about it so the players new to STO or the Doff system will better understand how it works, and how to get them.
If you put it on the exchange at a price that seemed fair to you, and you received your asking price, why on earth do you care what the purchaser does with it? Its not like it's yours anymore. If they opt to resell it, and can get a greater asking price, then great for them. You got your fair price, what more do you want? To dictate what everyone else thinks their fair price should be?
DaveyNY, above, is correct. Some people seem to be trying to become the Don Trump of Star Trek Online. (Paraphrased)
I recall a couple of ST Movies where there was talk about the Economy Base, but I do not recall what the reference called Money Concept in those discussions. I do recall though that the Base of the Economy they lived with took ALL forms of Greed out of the process. The process of the Exchange in this game does NOT do that, it DEVELOPS MORE GREED! In my opinion, that is not Star Trek.