Most characters will get their full balance in Refined Dilithium, but characters with a large balance (less than 1% of characters) will receive some of it in Dilithium Ore
I think im going to have to call BS on this one. After the conversion of one character to tribble I ended up with :
576,748 refined dilithium and 384000 dilithium ore which is equal to 48 days worth of refinement.
Currently I have 10 more toons that will have the same or more.
Pretty sure we are getting hard done by on the merrits as well, this toon had 465k worth alone.
So how many others are in the 1% of the game? as it would appear most of our fleet are going to be aswell.
Does it matter? if you have that much you obviously have nothing to spend it on and nothing new is coming out for you to spend it on. All the new gear is just the STF stuff which uses a different currency anyway.
After the conversion of one character to tribble I ended up with :
576,748 refined dilithium and 384000 dilithium ore which is equal to 48 days worth of refinement.
So what did the conversion rate between EC and Dilithium turn out to be?
Just because some of us will get a boat load of dilithium when f2p goes live, doesn't mean after so much, some of it has to go into dilithium ore.
We earned those badges, emblems, marks, and medals before the new changes, we should get the full amount as refined dilithium; or more preferably, gold members should not have a refining limit so low, or any limit at all.
I can guarantee you that I for one, won't be getting a tenth of that.
99% for the win!
They're not going to give you a million refined dilithium in case you break their precious economy (yes, they do in fact care more about their new economy than their paying subscribers)
well I transfered one of my chars that had only 20k merit, 300 emblems, and basically nothing else, and I still got about 25k DO on top of the 200k RD... [CORRECTION: about 130k RD]
but I guess 99% of the playerbase still haven't leveled beyond LtCmdr...
I had the following:
1,034 Emblems
245,494 Merits
81 Mk Valor
261 Mk Honor
200 Mk Explo
5,387 Medal Excellence
2,751 Badge Explo 5th
300 Badge Explo 4th
150 Badge Explo 3rd
148 Badge Explo 2nd
1,423 Badge Explo 1st
I got:
349,358 Refined Dilithium
189,358 Dilithium Ore (c.24 days worth of refining)
So not sure on this. First i will assume that all the ore is refined (and pray they fix it). So 538k dilithium.
Taking only the Emblems into account it works out at around 520 dil per emblem, which is not bad given the 480 earning conversion that is curently there.
My main issue is still how expensive everything is in the stores. If the ratio of cost in ebmlems on live against cost in dilithium on tribble were closer then i would be less upset about this.
I speculated in the Blog thread, that teh amount of time needed to get your emblems and whatnot is taken into account and retroactively jammed through the refinement cap to determine how much of your new dilithium could possibly be already refined.
Meaning: Grinders are screwed.
Well I dont know yet if I'm among the 1 % since I couldnt decide wich char to transfer yet.
But honestly I have no Issue with getting a part (even a major part) of my stuff transfered into ore instead of refined dillithium as long as I get an amount that actually reflects the value of the resoucres I already have.
That doesnt seem to be the case considering the numbers I've seen so far.
so.. right now I have 288 emblems, and can buy 8-9 purple MKXI weapons...
I have 50 Explo marks and can buy 10 purple MKX weapons...
I have enough EC to buy the whole shipyard...
and all this is changed into 150k RD... Enough to buy 2 MKXI and one MKX weapon... OR one ship
So I go from enough to outfit 3 ships to being able to outfit 1/2 ship... suckiest exchange rate ever!!!
I had the following:
1,034 Emblems
245,494 Merits
81 Mk Valor
261 Mk Honor
200 Mk Explo
5,387 Medal Excellence
2,751 Badge Explo 5th
300 Badge Explo 4th
150 Badge Explo 3rd
148 Badge Explo 2nd
1,423 Badge Explo 1st
I got:
349,358 Refined Dilithium
189,358 Dilithium Ore (c.24 days worth of refining)
So not sure on this. First i will assume that all the ore is refined (and pray they fix it). So 538k dilithium.
Taking only the Emblems into account it works out at around 520 dil per emblem, which is not bad given the 480 earning conversion that is curently there.
My main issue is still how expensive everything is in the stores. If the ratio of cost in ebmlems on live against cost in dilithium on tribble were closer then i would be less upset about this.
WTF? You have several other currencies and you're ONLY doing a conversion with emblems? You are not getting, or telling us, a realistic emblem to dilitium exchange rate.
What we need is a dev post of what we will get for each currency to dilithium.
What we need is a dev post of what we will get for each currency to dilithium.
It would be nice, but something tells me they won't do this because folks would start a hard grind to max it out. Its silly but they will avoid it even though most of us could just do a ton of dailies and flood the economy making the new currency as valueless as EC is currently.
I had the following:
1,034 Emblems
245,494 Merits
81 Mk Valor
261 Mk Honor
200 Mk Explo
5,387 Medal Excellence
2,751 Badge Explo 5th
300 Badge Explo 4th
150 Badge Explo 3rd
148 Badge Explo 2nd
1,423 Badge Explo 1st
I got:
349,358 Refined Dilithium
189,358 Dilithium Ore (c.24 days worth of refining)
So not sure on this. First i will assume that all the ore is refined (and pray they fix it). So 538k dilithium.
Taking only the Emblems into account it works out at around 520 dil per emblem, which is not bad given the 480 earning conversion that is curently there.
My main issue is still how expensive everything is in the stores. If the ratio of cost in ebmlems on live against cost in dilithium on tribble were closer then i would be less upset about this.
I fully agree with this. The prices in the stores do not match even remotely with Holodeck. The emblems/merits whatever you earned on holodeck are worth only a fraction of Dilithium when it comes to purchasing an item on tribble. They need to fix those prices so the existing and proposed currencies are comparable in cost
so.. right now I have 288 emblems, and can buy 8-9 purple MKXI weapons...
I have 50 Explo marks and can buy 10 purple MKX weapons...
I have enough EC to buy the whole shipyard...
and all this is changed into 150k RD... Enough to buy 2 MKXI and one MKX weapon... OR one ship
So I go from enough to outfit 3 ships to being able to outfit 1/2 ship... suckiest exchange rate ever!!!
Haha and people in the TTS channeld wonder why I'm being negative. Its TRIBBLE like this! My 3 week old tribble character has more dilithium than my toon i've been playing for 630+ days on holodeck.
At least give us a reach around while you're TRIBBLE us cryptic.
Most characters will get their full balance in Refined Dilithium, but characters with a large balance (less than 1% of characters) will receive some of it in Dilithium Ore
I think im going to have to call BS on this one. After the conversion of one character to tribble I ended up with :
576,748 refined dilithium and 384000 dilithium ore which is equal to 48 days worth of refinement.
Currently I have 10 more toons that will have the same or more.
Pretty sure we are getting hard done by on the merrits as well, this toon had 465k worth alone.
So how many others are in the 1% of the game? as it would appear most of our fleet are going to be aswell.
actually i haven't met anyone who's not in the 1% (myself included) .. well, i whish i would get exactly this 1% on my savings bank account
Let's say the Organized PvP Community has 100 members and you know all of them. This sets the lower limit 1 % of all characters. If every player only has ever 1 character, that means there are at least 10,000 players in STO. If PvP players have exceptionally more, say, we have 3 on average and everyone else has only 1 character, that suggest about 30,000 players for STO.
I wonder how many of those characters are from "dead" accounts?
hmm... didn't stormshade once hint that less than 1% of the active players post in the forum? So even if everyone in the forum gets ORE they are still right!
There is no coversion for EC, EC is still the same and is completely seperate to dilthium.
I wonder will we be able to auction ore seperatley?
We earned those badges, emblems, marks, and medals before the new changes, we should get the full amount as refined dilithium; or more preferably, gold members should not have a refining limit so low, or any limit at all.
99% for the win!
They're not going to give you a million refined dilithium in case you break their precious economy (yes, they do in fact care more about their new economy than their paying subscribers)
but I guess 99% of the playerbase still haven't leveled beyond LtCmdr...
1,034 Emblems
245,494 Merits
81 Mk Valor
261 Mk Honor
200 Mk Explo
5,387 Medal Excellence
2,751 Badge Explo 5th
300 Badge Explo 4th
150 Badge Explo 3rd
148 Badge Explo 2nd
1,423 Badge Explo 1st
I got:
349,358 Refined Dilithium
189,358 Dilithium Ore (c.24 days worth of refining)
So not sure on this. First i will assume that all the ore is refined (and pray they fix it). So 538k dilithium.
Taking only the Emblems into account it works out at around 520 dil per emblem, which is not bad given the 480 earning conversion that is curently there.
My main issue is still how expensive everything is in the stores. If the ratio of cost in ebmlems on live against cost in dilithium on tribble were closer then i would be less upset about this.
Meaning: Grinders are screwed.
But honestly I have no Issue with getting a part (even a major part) of my stuff transfered into ore instead of refined dillithium as long as I get an amount that actually reflects the value of the resoucres I already have.
That doesnt seem to be the case considering the numbers I've seen so far.
I have 50 Explo marks and can buy 10 purple MKX weapons...
I have enough EC to buy the whole shipyard...
and all this is changed into 150k RD... Enough to buy 2 MKXI and one MKX weapon... OR one ship
So I go from enough to outfit 3 ships to being able to outfit 1/2 ship... suckiest exchange rate ever!!!
WTF? You have several other currencies and you're ONLY doing a conversion with emblems? You are not getting, or telling us, a realistic emblem to dilitium exchange rate.
What we need is a dev post of what we will get for each currency to dilithium.
It would be nice, but something tells me they won't do this because folks would start a hard grind to max it out. Its silly but they will avoid it even though most of us could just do a ton of dailies and flood the economy making the new currency as valueless as EC is currently.
Giving Ore, a time-gated currency, in exchange for an old currency that we've already paid to play for is wrong to me (Rant).
I fully agree with this. The prices in the stores do not match even remotely with Holodeck. The emblems/merits whatever you earned on holodeck are worth only a fraction of Dilithium when it comes to purchasing an item on tribble. They need to fix those prices so the existing and proposed currencies are comparable in cost
Haha and people in the TTS channeld wonder why I'm being negative. Its TRIBBLE like this! My 3 week old tribble character has more dilithium than my toon i've been playing for 630+ days on holodeck.
At least give us a reach around while you're TRIBBLE us cryptic.
Merits: 66434
Mark of Honor: 17
Mark of Exploration: 10
Mark of Valor: 15
Medal of Excellence: 8403
Medal of Distinction: 0
Medal of Commendation: 0
Medal of Bravery: 28
Medal of Achievement: 0
Badge of Exploration, 5th Order: 250
Badge of Exploration, 4th Order: 77
Badge of Exploration, 3r d Order: 30
Badge of Exploration, 2nd Order: 69
Badge of Exploration, 2nd Order: 69
Badge of Exploration, 1st Order: 144
Emblems: 241
REsulted in:
Dilithium ORE: 24,630
REfined Dilithium: 184,630
So yes, I am member of the 1 % club!
Maybe everyone that got the 500 day Veteran reward is one already?
I think we can agree that the current exchange rate proposal is proposterous! 1% gets almost nothing, and the rest get nothing at all
Get a job hippie.
I wonder how many of those characters are from "dead" accounts?
true. just remeber all the ppl who bought the game when sto launched, called it TRIBBLE and left :rolleyes: